-- J.STELZNER -- INFORMATIK-3 LABOR -- 23.08.2006 -- File: PARITY_OUT.VHD library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity PARITY_OUT is port( PCI_CLOCK :in std_logic; PCI_RSTn :in std_logic; PAR_IN :in std_logic_vector ( 2 downto 0); PAR_REG :in std_logic; SERR_CHECK :in std_logic; PERR_CHECK :in std_logic; OE_PCI_PAR :in std_logic; OE_PCI_PERR :in std_logic; PA_ER_RE :in std_logic; SERR_ENA :in std_logic; PCI_PAR_IN :in std_logic; PERR :out std_logic; SERR :out std_logic; PCI_PERRn :out std_logic; -- s/t/s PCI_SERRn :out std_logic; -- o/d PCI_PAR :out std_logic -- t/s ); end entity PARITY_OUT; architecture PARITY_OUT_DESIGN of PARITY_OUT is signal PAR :std_logic; signal PAR_FF :std_logic; signal SERR_FF :std_logic; signal PERR_FF :std_logic; begin PAR <= ( PAR_IN(2) xor PAR_IN(1) xor PAR_IN(0) ); process (PCI_CLOCK, PCI_RSTn) begin if PCI_RSTn = '0' then PAR_FF <= '0'; PERR_FF <= '0'; SERR_FF <= '0'; elsif (rising_edge(PCI_CLOCK)) then SERR_FF <= ((PCI_PAR_IN xor PAR) and SERR_CHECK) and PA_ER_RE and SERR_ENA and (not SERR_FF); PERR_FF <= ((PCI_PAR_IN xor PAR) and PERR_CHECK) and (not PERR_FF); end if; end process; SERR <= SERR_FF; PERR <= PERR_FF; PCI_PAR <= PAR_FF when OE_PCI_PAR = '1' else 'Z'; PCI_SERRn <= '0' when SERR_FF = '1' else 'Z'; PCI_PERRn <= not PERR_FF when OE_PCI_PERR = '1' and PA_ER_RE = '1' else 'Z'; end architecture PARITY_OUT_DESIGN;