From: michael Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2007 21:23:22 +0000 (+0000) Subject: remove build fifo, ila and icon X-Git-Url: remove build fifo, ila and icon add rules to build fifo, ila and icon --- diff --git a/common/Makefile.common b/common/Makefile.common index 5bea6cc..534fe6d 100644 --- a/common/Makefile.common +++ b/common/Makefile.common @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ flash: $(PROJECT)-xcf02s.mcs $(PROJECT)-xcf04s.mcs @rm xcf.batch.tmp clean: - @rm -rf *.bit *.bgn *.mcs *.prm *.bld *.drc *.mcs *.ncd *.ngc *.ngd \ + @rm -rf *.bit *.bgn *.mcs *.prm *.bld *.drc *.mcs *.ncd *.ngc *.ngd *.edn \ *.ngr *.pad *.par *.pcf *.prm *.syr *.twr *.twx *.xpi *.lso *.prm *.mcs _impact* \ *.vm6 *.jed *.gyd *.mfd *.pnx *.rpt *.err \ $(PROJECT)_map.* $(PROJECT)_pad.* \ diff --git a/dhwk/Makefile b/dhwk/Makefile index b3cd515..063973d 100644 --- a/dhwk/Makefile +++ b/dhwk/Makefile @@ -1,3 +1,16 @@ PROJECT := dhwk +dhwk_all: ip all + +ip: icon.edn ila.edn fifo_generator_v3_2.ngc + +icon.edn: icon.arg + $(CHIPSCOPE)/bin/lin/ icon -f=$< + +ila.edn: ila.arg + $(CHIPSCOPE)/bin/lin/ ila -f=$< + +fifo_generator_v3_2.ngc: fifo_generator_v3_2.xco + coregen -b $< + include ../common/Makefile.common diff --git a/dhwk/fifo.xco b/dhwk/fifo.xco new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8dde1a2 --- /dev/null +++ b/dhwk/fifo.xco @@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ +############################################################## +# +# Xilinx Core Generator version J.30 +# Date: Sat Mar 10 21:20:43 2007 +# +############################################################## +# +# This file contains the customisation parameters for a +# Xilinx CORE Generator IP GUI. It is strongly recommended +# that you do not manually alter this file as it may cause +# unexpected and unsupported behavior. +# +############################################################## +# +# BEGIN Project Options +SET addpads = False +SET asysymbol = False +SET busformat = BusFormatAngleBracketNotRipped +SET createndf = False +SET designentry = VHDL +SET device = xc3s1500 +SET devicefamily = spartan3 +SET flowvendor = Other +SET formalverification = False +SET foundationsym = False +SET implementationfiletype = Ngc +SET package = fg456 +SET removerpms = False +SET simulationfiles = Behavioral +SET speedgrade = -4 +SET verilogsim = False +SET vhdlsim = True +# END Project Options +# BEGIN Select +SELECT Fifo_Generator family Xilinx,_Inc. 3.2 +# END Select +# BEGIN Parameters +CSET almost_empty_flag=true +CSET almost_full_flag=true +CSET component_name=fifo_generator_v3_2 +CSET data_count=false +CSET data_count_width=12 +CSET dout_reset_value=0 +CSET empty_threshold_assert_value=2 +CSET empty_threshold_negate_value=3 +CSET fifo_implementation=Common_Clock_Block_RAM +CSET full_threshold_assert_value=2048 +CSET full_threshold_negate_value=2047 +CSET input_data_width=8 +CSET input_depth=4096 +CSET output_data_width=8 +CSET output_depth=4096 +CSET overflow_flag=false +CSET overflow_sense=Active_High +CSET performance_options=Standard_FIFO +CSET programmable_empty_type=No_Programmable_Empty_Threshold +CSET programmable_full_type=Single_Programmable_Full_Threshold_Constant +CSET read_clock_frequency=100 +CSET read_data_count=false +CSET read_data_count_width=12 +CSET reset_pin=true +CSET reset_type=Asynchronous_Reset +CSET underflow_flag=false +CSET underflow_sense=Active_High +CSET use_extra_logic=false +CSET valid_flag=false +CSET valid_sense=Active_High +CSET write_acknowledge_flag=false +CSET write_acknowledge_sense=Active_High +CSET write_clock_frequency=100 +CSET write_data_count=false +CSET write_data_count_width=12 +# END Parameters +GENERATE +# CRC: c795162c +