+-- ****
+-- T80(b) core. In an effort to merge and maintain bug fixes ....
+-- Ver 301 parity flag is just parity for 8080, also overflow for Z80, by Sean Riddle
+-- Ver 300 started tidyup
+-- MikeJ March 2005
+-- Latest version from www.fpgaarcade.com (original www.opencores.org)
+-- ****
-- Z80 compatible microprocessor core
-- you have the latest version of this file.
-- The latest version of this file can be found at:
--- http://www.opencores.org/cvsweb.shtml/t80/
+-- http://www.opencores.org/cvsweb.shtml/t80/
-- Limitations :
-- File history :
--- 0214 : Fixed mostly flags, only the block instructions now fail the zex regression test
+-- 0214 : Fixed mostly flags, only the block instructions now fail the zex regression test
--- 0238 : Fixed zero flag for 16 bit SBC and ADC
+-- 0238 : Fixed zero flag for 16 bit SBC and ADC
--- 0240 : Added GB operations
+-- 0240 : Added GB operations
--- 0242 : Cleanup
+-- 0242 : Cleanup
--- 0247 : Cleanup
+-- 0247 : Cleanup
library IEEE;
Flag_S : integer := 7
- Arith16 : in std_logic;
- Z16 : in std_logic;
- ALU_Op : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
- IR : in std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
- ISet : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
- BusA : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
- BusB : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
- F_In : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
- Q : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
- F_Out : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)
+ Arith16 : in std_logic;
+ Z16 : in std_logic;
+ ALU_Op : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+ IR : in std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
+ ISet : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
+ BusA : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+ BusB : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+ F_In : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+ Q : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+ F_Out : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)
end T80_ALU;
architecture rtl of T80_ALU is
- procedure AddSub(A : std_logic_vector;
- B : std_logic_vector;
- Sub : std_logic;
- Carry_In : std_logic;
- signal Res : out std_logic_vector;
- signal Carry : out std_logic) is
- variable B_i : unsigned(A'length - 1 downto 0);
- variable Res_i : unsigned(A'length + 1 downto 0);
+ procedure AddSub(A : std_logic_vector;
+ B : std_logic_vector;
+ Sub : std_logic;
+ Carry_In : std_logic;
+ signal Res : out std_logic_vector;
+ signal Carry : out std_logic) is
+ variable B_i : unsigned(A'length - 1 downto 0);
+ variable Res_i : unsigned(A'length + 1 downto 0);
if Sub = '1' then
B_i := not unsigned(B);
- B_i := unsigned(B);
+ B_i := unsigned(B);
end if;
Res_i := unsigned("0" & A & Carry_In) + unsigned("0" & B_i & "1");
Carry <= Res_i(A'length + 1);
Res <= std_logic_vector(Res_i(A'length downto 1));
-- AddSub variables (temporary signals)
- signal UseCarry : std_logic;
- signal Carry7_v : std_logic;
- signal Overflow_v : std_logic;
- signal HalfCarry_v : std_logic;
- signal Carry_v : std_logic;
- signal Q_v : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+ signal UseCarry : std_logic;
+ signal Carry7_v : std_logic;
+ signal Overflow_v : std_logic;
+ signal HalfCarry_v : std_logic;
+ signal Carry_v : std_logic;
+ signal Q_v : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
- signal BitMask : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+ signal BitMask : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
with IR(5 downto 3) select BitMask <= "00000001" when "000",
- "00000010" when "001",
- "00000100" when "010",
- "00001000" when "011",
- "00010000" when "100",
- "00100000" when "101",
- "01000000" when "110",
- "10000000" when others;
+ "00000010" when "001",
+ "00000100" when "010",
+ "00001000" when "011",
+ "00010000" when "100",
+ "00100000" when "101",
+ "01000000" when "110",
+ "10000000" when others;
UseCarry <= not ALU_Op(2) and ALU_Op(0);
AddSub(BusA(3 downto 0), BusB(3 downto 0), ALU_Op(1), ALU_Op(1) xor (UseCarry and F_In(Flag_C)), Q_v(3 downto 0), HalfCarry_v);
AddSub(BusA(6 downto 4), BusB(6 downto 4), ALU_Op(1), HalfCarry_v, Q_v(6 downto 4), Carry7_v);
AddSub(BusA(7 downto 7), BusB(7 downto 7), ALU_Op(1), Carry7_v, Q_v(7 downto 7), Carry_v);
- OverFlow_v <= Carry_v xor Carry7_v;
+ -- bug fix - parity flag is just parity for 8080, also overflow for Z80
+ process (Carry_v, Carry7_v, Q_v)
+ begin
+ if(Mode=2) then
+ OverFlow_v <= not (Q_v(0) xor Q_v(1) xor Q_v(2) xor Q_v(3) xor
+ Q_v(4) xor Q_v(5) xor Q_v(6) xor Q_v(7)); else
+ OverFlow_v <= Carry_v xor Carry7_v;
+ end if;
+ end process;
process (Arith16, ALU_OP, F_In, BusA, BusB, IR, Q_v, Carry_v, HalfCarry_v, OverFlow_v, BitMask, ISet, Z16)
variable Q_t : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
if Q_t(7 downto 0) = "00000000" then
F_Out(Flag_Z) <= '1';
if Z16 = '1' then
- F_Out(Flag_Z) <= F_In(Flag_Z); -- 16 bit ADC,SBC
+ F_Out(Flag_Z) <= F_In(Flag_Z); -- 16 bit ADC,SBC
end if;
F_Out(Flag_Z) <= '0';
end case;
Q <= Q_t;
end process;