]> git.zerfleddert.de Git - m1-debian/blob - bootstrap.sh
[m1-debian] / bootstrap.sh
1 #!/bin/bash
3 # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
5 set -x
6 set -e
8 unset LC_CTYPE
9 unset LANG
11 export DEBOOTSTRAP=debootstrap
13 handle_crosscompile()
14 {
15 if [ "`uname -m`" != 'aarch64' ]; then
16 export ARCH=arm64
17 export CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu-
18 export DEBOOTSTRAP=qemu-debootstrap
19 fi
20 }
22 build_linux()
23 {
24 (
25 handle_crosscompile
26 test -d linux || git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/AsahiLinux/linux -b asahi
27 cd linux
28 git fetch
29 git reset --hard origin/asahi; git clean -f -x -d &> /dev/null
30 curl -s https://tg.st/u/40c9642c7569c52189f84621316fc9149979ee65.patch | git am -
31 curl -s https://tg.st/u/0001-4k-iommu-patch-2022-03-11.patch | git am -
32 curl -s https://tg.st/u/config-2022-03-17-distro-sven-jannau.txt > .config
33 make olddefconfig
34 make -j `nproc` V=0 bindeb-pkg > /dev/null
35 )
36 }
38 build_m1n1()
39 {
40 (
41 test -d m1n1 || git clone --recursive https://github.com/AsahiLinux/m1n1.git
42 cd m1n1
43 git fetch
44 git reset --hard origin/main; git clean -f -x -d &> /dev/null
45 make -j `nproc`
46 )
47 }
49 build_uboot()
50 {
51 (
52 handle_crosscompile
53 test -d u-boot || git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/AsahiLinux/u-boot
54 cd u-boot
55 git fetch
56 git reset --hard origin/asahi; git clean -f -x -d &> /dev/null
57 make apple_m1_defconfig
58 make -j `nproc`
59 )
61 cat m1n1/build/m1n1.bin `find linux/arch/arm64/boot/dts/apple/ -name \*.dtb` <(gzip -c u-boot/u-boot-nodtb.bin) > u-boot.bin
62 cat m1n1/build/m1n1.macho `find linux/arch/arm64/boot/dts/apple/ -name \*.dtb` <(gzip -c u-boot/u-boot-nodtb.bin) > u-boot.macho
63 }
65 build_rootfs()
66 {
67 (
68 handle_crosscompile
69 sudo rm -rf testing
70 mkdir -p cache
71 sudo eatmydata ${DEBOOTSTRAP} --cache-dir=`pwd`/cache --arch=arm64 --include initramfs-tools,pciutils,wpasupplicant,tcpdump,vim,tmux,vlan,ntpdate,parted,curl,wget,grub-efi-arm64,mtr-tiny,dbus,ca-certificates,sudo,openssh-client,mtools,gdisk testing testing http://ftp.fau.de/debian
73 export KERNEL=`ls -1rt linux-image*.deb | grep -v dbg | tail -1`
75 cd testing
77 sudo mkdir -p boot/efi
79 sudo bash -c 'echo debian > etc/hostname'
81 sudo bash -c 'echo > etc/motd'
83 sudo cp ../../files/sources.list etc/apt/sources.list
84 sudo cp ../../files/hosts etc/hosts
85 sudo cp ../../files/resolv.conf etc/resolv.conf
86 sudo cp ../../files/quickstart.txt root/
87 sudo cp ../../files/interfaces etc/network/interfaces
88 sudo cp ../../files/wpa.conf etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
89 sudo cp ../../files/rc.local etc/rc.local
91 sudo bash -c 'chroot . apt update'
92 sudo bash -c 'chroot . apt install -y firmware-linux'
94 sudo -- perl -p -i -e 's/root:x:/root::/' etc/passwd
96 sudo -- ln -s lib/systemd/systemd init
98 sudo cp ../${KERNEL} .
99 sudo chroot . dpkg -i ${KERNEL}
100 sudo rm ${KERNEL}
102 sudo bash -c 'chroot . apt-get clean'
103 )
104 }
106 build_live_stick()
107 {
108 (
109 rm -rf live-stick
110 mkdir -p live-stick/efi/boot live-stick/efi/debian/
111 sudo cp ../files/wifi.pl testing/etc/rc.local
112 sudo bash -c 'cd testing; find . | cpio --quiet -H newc -o | pigz -9 > ../live-stick/initrd.gz'
113 cp testing/usr/lib/grub/arm64-efi/monolithic/grubaa64.efi live-stick/efi/boot/bootaa64.efi
114 cp testing/boot/vmlinuz* live-stick/vmlinuz
115 cp ../files/grub.cfg live-stick/efi/debian/grub.cfg
116 (cd live-stick; tar cf ../asahi-debian-live.tar .)
117 )
118 }
120 build_dd()
121 {
122 (
123 rm -f media
124 dd if=/dev/zero of=media bs=1 count=0 seek=2G
125 mkdir -p mnt
126 mkfs.ext4 media
127 tune2fs -O extents,uninit_bg,dir_index -m 0 -c 0 -i 0 media
128 sudo mount -o loop media mnt
129 sudo cp -a testing/* mnt/
130 sudo rm mnt/init
131 sudo umount mnt
132 tar cf - media | pigz -9 > m1.tgz
133 )
134 }
136 build_efi()
137 {
138 (
139 rm -rf EFI
140 mkdir -p EFI/boot EFI/debian
141 cp testing/usr/lib/grub/arm64-efi/monolithic/grubaa64.efi EFI/boot/bootaa64.efi
143 export INITRD=`ls -1 testing/boot/ | grep initrd`
144 export VMLINUZ=`ls -1 testing/boot/ | grep vmlinuz`
145 export UUID=`blkid media | awk -F\" '{print $2}'`
146 cat > EFI/debian/grub.cfg <<EOF
147 search.fs_uuid ${UUID} root
148 linux (\$root)/boot/${VMLINUZ} root=UUID=${UUID} rw
149 initrd (\$root)/boot/${INITRD}
150 boot
151 EOF
152 tar czf efi.tgz EFI
153 )
154 }
156 build_asahi_installer_image()
157 {
158 (
159 rm -rf aii
160 mkdir -p aii/esp/m1n1
161 cp -a EFI aii/esp/
162 cp u-boot.bin aii/esp/m1n1/boot.bin
163 ln media aii/media
164 cd aii
165 zip -r9 ../debian-base.zip esp media
166 )
167 }
169 build_di_stick()
170 {
171 rm -rf di-stick
172 mkdir -p di-stick/efi/boot di-stick/efi/debian/
173 rm -f initrd.gz
174 wget https://d-i.debian.org/daily-images/arm64/daily/netboot/debian-installer/arm64/initrd.gz
175 sudo rm -rf initrd; mkdir initrd; (cd initrd; gzip -cd ../initrd.gz | sudo cpio -imd --quiet)
176 sudo rm -rf initrd/lib/modules/*
177 sudo cp -a testing/lib/modules/* initrd/lib/modules/
178 sudo cp ../files/wifi.sh initrd/
179 sudo cp ../files/boot.sh initrd/
180 (cd initrd; find . | cpio --quiet -H newc -o | pigz -9 > ../di-stick/initrd.gz)
181 sudo rm -rf initrd
182 cp testing/usr/lib/grub/arm64-efi/monolithic/grubaa64.efi di-stick/efi/boot/bootaa64.efi
183 cp testing/boot/vmlinuz* di-stick/vmlinuz
184 cp ../files/grub.cfg di-stick/efi/debian/grub.cfg
185 export KERNEL=`ls -1rt linux-image*.deb | grep -v dbg | tail -1`
186 cp ${KERNEL} di-stick/
187 (cd di-stick; tar cf ../m1-d-i.tar .)
188 }
190 publish_artefacts()
191 {
192 export KERNEL=`ls -1rt linux-image*.deb | grep -v dbg | tail -1`
193 cp ${KERNEL} k.deb
194 sudo cp m1-d-i.tar m1.tgz efi.tgz asahi-debian-live.tar u-boot.bin u-boot.macho k.deb m1n1/build/m1n1.bin m1n1/build/m1n1.macho testing/usr/lib/grub/arm64-efi/monolithic/grubaa64.efi debian-base.zip /u/
195 }
197 mkdir -p build
198 cd build
200 sudo apt-get install -y build-essential bash git locales gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu libc6-dev-arm64-cross device-tree-compiler imagemagick ccache eatmydata debootstrap pigz libncurses-dev qemu-user-static binfmt-support rsync git flex bison bc kmod cpio libncurses5-dev libelf-dev:native libssl-dev dwarves
202 build_linux
203 build_m1n1
204 build_uboot
205 build_rootfs
206 # build_di_stick - Debian failed to upload the initrd.gz
207 build_dd
208 build_efi
209 build_asahi_installer_image
210 build_live_stick
211 publish_artefacts
Impressum, Datenschutz