17:49 < j`ey> marcan: I learnt a new git command just now: git range-diff asahi/asahi-soc/prev..asahi asahi/asahi-soc/next..asahi/asahi good way to compare the
new/old branches even after a rebase
17:49 < j`ey> (where 'asahi' is my local not-yet-updated branch)
17:49 < j`ey> marcan: I learnt a new git command just now: git range-diff asahi/asahi-soc/prev..asahi asahi/asahi-soc/next..asahi/asahi good way to compare the
new/old branches even after a rebase
17:49 < j`ey> (where 'asahi' is my local not-yet-updated branch)
+21:44 < kov> Glanzmann, trying to use the debian installer from your artefacts and getting a blank screen after the boot, any thoughts? (the consoles on tty2 etc come up)
+21:55 < kov> Glanzmann, hrm adding vga=normal fb=false to the kernel cmdline made it work