Merged Addhelp -h / Markdown help -m, it now does not crash on windows (
{"help", CmdHelp, 1, "This help"},
{"amp", CmdAmp, 1, "Amplify peaks"},
- {"askdemod", Cmdaskdemod, 1, "<0|1> -- Attempt to demodulate simple ASK tags"},
+ {"askdemod", Cmdaskdemod, 1, "<0 or 1> -- Attempt to demodulate simple ASK tags"},
{"autocorr", CmdAutoCorr, 1, "<window length> -- Autocorrelation over window"},
{"bitsamples", CmdBitsamples, 0, "Get raw samples as bitstring"},
{"bitstream", CmdBitstream, 1, "[clock rate] -- Convert waveform into a bitstream"},
#ifndef CMDDATA_H__
#define CMDDATA_H__
+command_t * CmdDataCommands();
int CmdData(const char *Cmd);
int CmdAmp(const char *Cmd);
{"io", CmdLFIO, 1, "{ ioProx tags... }"},
{"indalademod", CmdIndalaDemod, 1, "['224'] -- Demodulate samples for Indala 64 bit UID (option '224' for 224 bit)"},
{"indalaclone", CmdIndalaClone, 1, "<UID> ['l']-- Clone Indala to T55x7 (tag must be in antenna)(UID in HEX)(option 'l' for 224 UID"},
- {"read", CmdLFRead, 0, "['h'|<divisor>] -- Read 125/134 kHz LF ID-only tag (option 'h' for 134, alternatively: f=12MHz/(divisor+1))"},
+ {"read", CmdLFRead, 0, "['h' or <divisor>] -- Read 125/134 kHz LF ID-only tag (option 'h' for 134, alternatively: f=12MHz/(divisor+1))"},
{"sim", CmdLFSim, 0, "[GAP] -- Simulate LF tag from buffer with optional GAP (in microseconds)"},
{"simbidir", CmdLFSimBidir, 0, "Simulate LF tag (with bidirectional data transmission between reader and tag)"},
{"simman", CmdLFSimManchester, 0, "<Clock> <Bitstream> [GAP] Simulate arbitrary Manchester LF tag"},
static command_t CommandTable[] =
- {"help", CmdHelp, 1, "This help. Use '<command> help' for details of the following commands:\n"},
+ {"help", CmdHelp, 1, "This help. Use '<command> help' for details of a particular command."},
{"data", CmdData, 1, "{ Plot window / data buffer manipulation... }"},
- {"exit", CmdQuit, 1, "Exit program"},
{"hf", CmdHF, 1, "{ HF commands... }"},
{"hw", CmdHW, 1, "{ Hardware commands... }"},
{"lf", CmdLF, 1, "{ LF commands... }"},
- {"quit", CmdQuit, 1, "Quit program"},
- {"script", CmdScript, 1,"Run script"},
+ {"script", CmdScript, 1,"{ Scripting commands }"},
+ {"quit", CmdQuit, 1, "Exit program"},
+ {"exit", CmdQuit, 1, "Exit program"},
+command_t* getTopLevelCommandTable()
+ return CommandTable;
int CmdHelp(const char *Cmd)
#define CMDMAIN_H__
#include "usb_cmd.h"
+#include "cmdparser.h"
void UsbCommandReceived(UsbCommand *UC);
void CommandReceived(char *Cmd);
bool WaitForResponseTimeout(uint32_t cmd, UsbCommand* response, size_t ms_timeout);
bool WaitForResponse(uint32_t cmd, UsbCommand* response);
void clearCommandBuffer();
+command_t* getTopLevelCommandTable();
#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "ui.h"
#include "cmdparser.h"
while (Commands[i].Name)
if (!offline || Commands[i].Offline)
- PrintAndLog("%-16s %s", Commands[i].Name, Commands[i].Help);
+ PrintAndLog("%-16s %s", Commands[i].Name, Commands[i].Help);
void CmdsParse(const command_t Commands[], const char *Cmd)
+ if(strcmp( Cmd, "XX_internal_command_dump_XX") == 0)
+ {// Help dump children
+ dumpCommandsRecursive(Commands, 0);
+ return;
+ }
+ if(strcmp( Cmd, "XX_internal_command_dump_markdown_XX") == 0)
+ {// Markdown help dump children
+ dumpCommandsRecursive(Commands, 1);
+ return;
+ }
char cmd_name[32];
int len = 0;
memset(cmd_name, 0, 32);
+char pparent[512] = {0};
+char *parent = pparent;
+void dumpCommandsRecursive(const command_t cmds[], int markdown)
+ if (cmds[0].Name == NULL)
+ return;
+ int i = 0;
+ int w_cmd=25;
+ int w_off=8;
+ // First, dump all single commands, which are not a container for
+ // other commands
+ if (markdown) {
+ printf("|%-*s|%-*s|%s\n",w_cmd,"command",w_off,"offline","description");
+ printf("|%-*s|%-*s|%s\n",w_cmd,"-------",w_off,"-------","-----------");
+ } else {
+ printf("%-*s|%-*s|%s\n",w_cmd,"command",w_off,"offline","description");
+ printf("%-*s|%-*s|%s\n",w_cmd,"-------",w_off,"-------","-----------");
+ }
+ while (cmds[i].Name)
+ {
+ char* cmd_offline = "N";
+ if(cmds[i].Help[0] == '{' && ++i) continue;
+ if ( cmds[i].Offline) cmd_offline = "Y";
+ if (markdown)
+ printf("|`%s%-*s`|%-*s|`%s`\n", parent, w_cmd-(int)strlen(parent)-2, cmds[i].Name, w_off, cmd_offline, cmds[i].Help);
+ else
+ printf("%s%-*s|%-*s|%s\n", parent, w_cmd-(int)strlen(parent), cmds[i].Name, w_off, cmd_offline, cmds[i].Help);
+ ++i;
+ }
+ printf("\n\n");
+ i=0;
+ // Then, print the categories. These will go into subsections with their own tables
+ while (cmds[i].Name)
+ {
+ if(cmds[i].Help[0] != '{' && ++i) continue;
+ printf("### %s%s\n\n %s\n\n", parent, cmds[i].Name, cmds[i].Help);
+ char currentparent[512] = {0};
+ snprintf(currentparent, sizeof currentparent, "%s%s ", parent, cmds[i].Name);
+ char *old_parent = parent;
+ parent = currentparent;
+ // This is what causes the recursion, since commands Parse-implementation
+ // in turn calls the CmdsParse above.
+ if (markdown)
+ cmds[i].Parse("XX_internal_command_dump_markdown_XX");
+ else
+ cmds[i].Parse("XX_internal_command_dump_XX");
+ parent = old_parent;
+ ++i;
+ }
void CmdsHelp(const command_t Commands[]);
// Parse a command line
void CmdsParse(const command_t Commands[], const char *Cmd);
+void dumpCommandsRecursive(const command_t cmds[], int markdown);
#include "uart.h"
#include "ui.h"
#include "sleep.h"
+#include "cmdparser.h"
+#include "cmdmain.h"
// a global mutex to prevent interlaced printing from different threads
pthread_mutex_t print_lock;
static UsbCommand txcmd;
volatile static bool txcmd_pending = false;
void SendCommand(UsbCommand *c) {
#if 0
printf("Sending %d bytes\n", sizeof(UsbCommand));
return NULL;
+//static void dumpHelp(char *parent, ...)
+// printf("## %s\n\n", parent);
+// CommandReceived(parent);
+// printf("\n");
+static void dumpAllHelp(int markdown)
+ printf("\n%sProxmark3 command dump%s\n\n",markdown?"# ":"",markdown?"":"\n======================");
+ printf("Some commands are available only if a Proxmark is actually connected.%s\n",markdown?" ":"");
+ printf("Check column \"offline\" for their availability.\n");
+ printf("\n");
+ command_t *cmds = getTopLevelCommandTable();
+ dumpCommandsRecursive(cmds, markdown);
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
if (argc < 2) {
printf("syntax: %s <port>\n\n",argv[0]);
printf("\tLinux example:'%s /dev/ttyACM0'\n\n", argv[0]);
+ printf("help: %s -h\n\n", argv[0]);
+ printf("\tDump all interactive help at once\n");
+ printf("markdown: %s -m\n\n", argv[0]);
+ printf("\tDump all interactive help at once in markdown syntax\n");
return 1;
+ if (strcmp(argv[1], "-h") == 0) {
+ printf("syntax: %s <port>\n\n",argv[0]);
+ printf("\tLinux example:'%s /dev/ttyACM0'\n\n", argv[0]);
+ dumpAllHelp(0);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (strcmp(argv[1], "-m") == 0) {
+ dumpAllHelp(1);
+ return 0;
+ }
// Make sure to initialize
struct main_loop_arg marg = {
.usb_present = 0,