--- /dev/null
+# Andrei Costin <zveriu@gmail.com>, 2011
+# eml2UPPER.sh
+# Converts PM3 Mifare Classic emulator EML file to UPPER case (for easier comparison in some text-comparison tools)
+# http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/programming-9/bash-script-parsing-optional-parameters-621728/
+# show program usage
+ echo
+ echo "Usage:"
+ echo "${0##/} input.eml output.eml"
+ exit
+# Minimum number of arguments needed by this program
+# get the number of command-line arguments given
+# check to make sure enough arguments were given or exit
+if [[ $ARGC -lt $MINARGS ]] ; then
+ echo "Too few arguments given (Minimum:$MINARGS)"
+ echo
+ show_usage
+tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' < $1 > $2
--- /dev/null
+# Andrei Costin <zveriu@gmail.com>, 2011
+# eml2lower.sh
+# Converts PM3 Mifare Classic emulator EML file to lower case (for easier comparison in some text-comparison tools)
+# http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/programming-9/bash-script-parsing-optional-parameters-621728/
+# show program usage
+ echo
+ echo "Usage:"
+ echo "${0##/} input.eml output.eml"
+ exit
+# Minimum number of arguments needed by this program
+# get the number of command-line arguments given
+# check to make sure enough arguments were given or exit
+if [[ $ARGC -lt $MINARGS ]] ; then
+ echo "Too few arguments given (Minimum:$MINARGS)"
+ echo
+ show_usage
+tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' < $1 > $2
--- /dev/null
+# Andrei Costin <zveriu@gmail.com>, 2011
+# gen_pm3mfsim_script.sh
+# Generates Mifare Classic emulation script file that will load a given EML dump into PM3 and start emulation automagically
+# http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/programming-9/bash-script-parsing-optional-parameters-621728/
+# show program usage
+ echo
+ echo "Usage:"
+ echo "${0##/} input_eml_without_extension output.pm3scr"
+ exit
+# Minimum number of arguments needed by this program
+# get the number of command-line arguments given
+# check to make sure enough arguments were given or exit
+if [[ $ARGC -lt $MINARGS ]] ; then
+ echo "Too few arguments given (Minimum:$MINARGS)"
+ echo
+ show_usage
+rm $2
+echo "hf mf eclr" >> $2
+echo "hf mf eload" $1 >> $2
+echo "hf mf ekeyprn" >> $2
+echo "hf mf sim" `cat $1.eml | (read -n 8 uid; echo $uid)` >> $2
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+# Andrei Costin <zveriu@gmail.com>, 2011
+# pm3_eml2mfd.py
+# Converts PM3 Mifare Classic emulator EML text file to MFD binary dump file
+import sys
+import binascii
+def main(argv):
+ argc = len(argv)
+ if argc < 3:
+ print 'Usage:', argv[0], 'input.eml output.mfd'
+ sys.exit(1)
+ try:
+ file_inp = open(argv[1], "r")
+ file_out = open(argv[2], "wb")
+ line = file_inp.readline()
+ while line:
+ line = line.rstrip('\n')
+ line = line.rstrip('\r')
+ print line
+ data = binascii.unhexlify(line)
+ file_out.write(data)
+ line = file_inp.readline()
+ finally:
+ file_inp.close()
+ file_out.close()
--- /dev/null
+# Andrei Costin <zveriu@gmail.com>, 2011
+# pm3_eml2mfd.py
+# Converts PM3 Mifare Classic MFD binary dump file to emulator EML text file
+import sys
+import binascii
+def main(argv):
+ argc = len(argv)
+ if argc < 3:
+ print 'Usage:', argv[0], 'input.mfd output.eml'
+ sys.exit(1)
+ try:
+ file_inp = open(argv[1], "rb")
+ file_out = open(argv[2], "w")
+ while 1:
+ # TODO: need to use defines instead of hardcoded 16, 64, etc.
+ byte_s = file_inp.read(16)
+ if not byte_s:
+ break
+ hex_char_repr = binascii.hexlify(byte_s)
+ file_out.write(hex_char_repr)
+ file_out.write("\n")
+ finally:
+ file_inp.close()
+ file_out.close()
struct main_loop_arg
int usb_present;
+ char *script_cmds_file;
static void *usb_receiver(void *targ)
static void *main_loop(void *targ)
- struct main_loop_arg *arg = (struct main_loop_arg*)targ;
- struct usb_receiver_arg rarg;
- char *cmd = NULL;
- pthread_t reader_thread;
- if (arg->usb_present == 1) {
- rarg.run=1;
- pthread_create(&reader_thread, NULL, &usb_receiver, &rarg);
- }
+ struct main_loop_arg *arg = (struct main_loop_arg*)targ;
+ struct usb_receiver_arg rarg;
+ char *cmd = NULL;
+ pthread_t reader_thread;
+ if (arg->usb_present == 1) {
+ rarg.run=1;
+ pthread_create(&reader_thread, NULL, &usb_receiver, &rarg);
+ }
+ FILE *script_file = NULL;
+ char script_cmd_buf[256];
+ if (arg->script_cmds_file)
+ {
+ script_file = fopen(arg->script_cmds_file, "r");
+ if (script_file)
+ {
+ printf("using 'scripting' commands file %s\n", arg->script_cmds_file);
+ }
+ }
- while(1) {
- cmd = readline(PROXPROMPT);
+ while(1)
+ {
+ // If there is a script file
+ if (script_file)
+ {
+ if (!fgets(script_cmd_buf, sizeof(script_cmd_buf), script_file))
+ {
+ fclose(script_file);
+ script_file = NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ char *nl;
+ nl = strrchr(script_cmd_buf, '\r');
+ if (nl) *nl = '\0';
+ nl = strrchr(script_cmd_buf, '\n');
+ if (nl) *nl = '\0';
+ if ((cmd = (char*) malloc(strlen(script_cmd_buf))) != NULL)
+ {
+ memset(cmd, 0, strlen(script_cmd_buf));
+ strcpy(cmd, script_cmd_buf);
+ printf("%s\n", cmd);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!script_file)
+ {
+ cmd = readline(PROXPROMPT);
+ }
if (cmd) {
while(cmd[strlen(cmd) - 1] == ' ')
cmd[strlen(cmd) - 1] = 0x00;
- if (arg->usb_present == 1) {
- rarg.run = 0;
- pthread_join(reader_thread, NULL);
- }
+ if (arg->usb_present == 1) {
+ rarg.run = 0;
+ pthread_join(reader_thread, NULL);
+ }
+ if (script_file)
+ {
+ fclose(script_file);
+ script_file = NULL;
+ }
- ExitGraphics();
- pthread_exit(NULL);
- return NULL;
+ ExitGraphics();
+ pthread_exit(NULL);
+ return NULL;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
- struct main_loop_arg marg;
+ // Make sure to initialize
+ struct main_loop_arg marg = {
+ .usb_present = 0,
+ .script_cmds_file = NULL
+ };
pthread_t main_loop_t;
+ // If the user passed the filename of the 'script' to execute, get it
+ if (argc > 1 && argv[1])
+ {
+ marg.script_cmds_file = argv[1];
+ }
if (!OpenProxmark(1)) {
fprintf(stderr,"PROXMARK3: NOT FOUND!\n");
marg.usb_present = 0;