{"load", CmdLoad, 1, "<filename> -- Load trace (to graph window"},
{"ltrim", CmdLtrim, 1, "<samples> -- Trim samples from left of trace"},
{"mandemod", CmdManchesterDemod, 1, "[i] [clock rate] -- Manchester demodulate binary stream (option 'i' to invert output)"},
{"manmod", CmdManchesterMod, 1, "[clock rate] -- Manchester modulate a binary stream"},
{"norm", CmdNorm, 1, "Normalize max/min to +/-500"},
{"plot", CmdPlot, 1, "Show graph window"},
{"load", CmdLoad, 1, "<filename> -- Load trace (to graph window"},
{"ltrim", CmdLtrim, 1, "<samples> -- Trim samples from left of trace"},
{"mandemod", CmdManchesterDemod, 1, "[i] [clock rate] -- Manchester demodulate binary stream (option 'i' to invert output)"},
{"manmod", CmdManchesterMod, 1, "[clock rate] -- Manchester modulate a binary stream"},
{"norm", CmdNorm, 1, "Normalize max/min to +/-500"},
{"plot", CmdPlot, 1, "Show graph window"},