{"hisamplest", CmdHi14readt, 0, "Get samples HF, for testing"},\r
{"hisimlisten", CmdHisimlisten, 0, "Get HF samples as fake tag"},\r
{"hpf", CmdHpf, 1, "Remove DC offset from trace"},\r
- {"indalademod", CmdIndalademod, 0, "['224'] -- Demodulate samples for Indala 64 bit UID (option '224' for 224 bit)"},\r
+ {"indalademod", CmdIndalademod, 1, "['224'] -- Demodulate samples for Indala 64 bit UID (option '224' for 224 bit)"},\r
{"lcd", CmdLcd, 0, "<HEX command> <count> -- Send command/data to LCD"},\r
{"lcdreset", CmdLcdReset, 0, "Hardware reset LCD"},\r
{"legicrfread", CmdLegicRfRead, 0, "Start the LEGIC RF reader"},\r
{"tiwrite", CmdTIWrite, 0, "Write new data to a r/w TI 134 kHz tag"},\r
{"threshold", CmdThreshold, 1, "Maximize/minimize every value in the graph window depending on threshold"},\r
{"tune", CmdTune, 0, "Measure antenna tuning"},\r
- {"vchdemod", CmdVchdemod, 0, "['clone'] -- Demodulate samples for VeriChip"},\r
+ {"vchdemod", CmdVchdemod, 1, "['clone'] -- Demodulate samples for VeriChip"},\r
{"version", CmdVersion, 0, "Show version inforation about the connected Proxmark"},\r
{"zerocrossings", CmdZerocrossings, 1, "Count time between zero-crossings"},\r