return 1;
+//-c || -v
+int RunModel(char *inModel, char *inHexStr, bool reverse, char *result){
+ /* default values */
+ static model_t model = {
+ PZERO, // no CRC polynomial, user must specify
+ PZERO, // Init = 0
+ P_BE, // RefIn = false, RefOut = false, plus P_RTJUST setting in reveng.h
+ PZERO, // XorOut = 0
+ PZERO, // check value unused
+ NULL // no model name
+ };
+ int ibperhx = 8, obperhx = 8;
+ int rflags = 0; // search flags
+ int c;
+ unsigned long width = 0UL;
+ poly_t apoly, crc;
+ char *string;
+ // stdin must be binary
+ #ifdef _WIN32
+ _setmode(STDIN_FILENO, _O_BINARY);
+ #endif /* _WIN32 */
+ //set model
+ if(!(c = mbynam(&model, inModel))) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"error: preset model '%s' not found. Use reveng -D to list presets.\n", inModel);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if(c < 0)
+ return uerr("no preset models available");
+ // must set width so that parameter to -ipx is not zeroed
+ width = plen(model.spoly);
+ mcanon(&model);
+ if (reverse) {
+ // v calculate reversed CRC
+ /* Distinct from the -V switch as this causes
+ * the arguments and output to be reversed as well.
+ */
+ // reciprocate Poly
+ prcp(&model.spoly);
+ /* mrev() does:
+ * if(refout) prev(init); else prev(xorout);
+ * but here the entire argument polynomial is
+ * reflected, not just the characters, so RefIn
+ * and RefOut are not inverted as with -V.
+ * Consequently Init is the mirror image of the
+ * one resulting from -V, and so we have:
+ */
+ if(~model.flags & P_REFOUT) {
+ prev(&model.init);
+ prev(&model.xorout);
+ }
+ // swap init and xorout
+ apoly = model.init;
+ model.init = model.xorout;
+ model.xorout = apoly;
+ }
+ // c calculate CRC
+ // validate inputs
+ /* if(plen(model.spoly) == 0) {
+ * fprintf(stderr,"%s: no polynomial specified for -%c (add -w WIDTH -p POLY)\n", myname, mode);
+ * exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
+ * }
+ */
+ /* in the Williams model, xorout is applied after the refout stage.
+ * as refout is part of ptostr(), we reverse xorout here.
+ */
+ if(model.flags & P_REFOUT)
+ prev(&model.xorout);
+ apoly = strtop(inHexStr, model.flags, ibperhx);
+ if(reverse)
+ prev(&apoly);
+ crc = pcrc(apoly, model.spoly, model.init, model.xorout, model.flags);
+ if(reverse)
+ prev(&crc);
+ string = ptostr(crc, model.flags, obperhx);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++){
+ result[i] = string[i];
+ if (result[i]==0) break;
+ }
+ free(string);
+ pfree(&crc);
+ pfree(&apoly);
+ return 1;
+//test call to RunModel
+int CmdrevengTestC(const char *Cmd){
+ int cmdp = 0;
+ char inModel[30] = {0x00};
+ char inHexStr[30] = {0x00};
+ char result[30];
+ int dataLen;
+ dataLen = param_getstr(Cmd, cmdp++, inModel);
+ if (dataLen < 4) return 0;
+ dataLen = param_getstr(Cmd, cmdp++, inHexStr);
+ if (dataLen < 4) return 0;
+ bool reverse = (param_get8(Cmd, cmdp)) ? true : false;
+ //PrintAndLog("mod: %s, hex: %s, rev %d", inModel, inHexStr, reverse);
+ int ans = RunModel(inModel, inHexStr, reverse, result);
+ if (!ans) return 0;
+ PrintAndLog("Result: %s",result);
+ return 1;
static int CmdHelp(const char *Cmd);
static int CmdQuit(const char *Cmd);
static int CmdRev(const char *Cmd);
+/* // for testing reveng api - cmdcrc.c
static int CmdrevengT(const char *Cmd);
+static int CmdrevengC(const char *Cmd);
//For storing command that are received from the device
static UsbCommand cmdBuffer[CMD_BUFFER_SIZE];
{"hw", CmdHW, 1, "{ Hardware commands... }"},
{"lf", CmdLF, 1, "{ Low Frequency commands... }"},
{"reveng",CmdRev, 1, "Crc calculations from the software reveng1-30"},
+ /* // for testing reveng api - cmdcrc.c
{"revengt",CmdrevengT,1, "TEST Crc calculations from the software reveng1-30"},
+ {"revengc",CmdrevengC,1, "TEST Crc calculations from the software reveng1-30"},
+ */
{"script",CmdScript,1, "{ Scripting commands }"},
{"quit", CmdQuit, 1, "Exit program"},
{"exit", CmdQuit, 1, "Exit program"},
return 0;
+/* // for testing reveng api - cmdcrc.c
int CmdrevengT(const char *Cmd)
return CmdrevengTest(Cmd);
+int CmdrevengC(const char *Cmd)
+ return CmdrevengTestC(Cmd);
* @brief This method should be called when sending a new command to the pm3. In case any old
* responses from previous commands are stored in the buffer, a call to this method should clear them.