+static uint8_t encode4Bits(const uint8_t b)
+ uint8_t c = b & 0xF;
+ // OTA, the least significant bits first
+ // The columns are
+ // 1 - Bit value to send
+ // 2 - Reversed (big-endian)
+ // 3 - Encoded
+ // 4 - Hex values
+ switch(c){
+ // 1 2 3 4
+ case 15: return 0x55; // 1111 -> 1111 -> 01010101 -> 0x55
+ case 14: return 0x95; // 1110 -> 0111 -> 10010101 -> 0x95
+ case 13: return 0x65; // 1101 -> 1011 -> 01100101 -> 0x65
+ case 12: return 0xa5; // 1100 -> 0011 -> 10100101 -> 0xa5
+ case 11: return 0x59; // 1011 -> 1101 -> 01011001 -> 0x59
+ case 10: return 0x99; // 1010 -> 0101 -> 10011001 -> 0x99
+ case 9: return 0x69; // 1001 -> 1001 -> 01101001 -> 0x69
+ case 8: return 0xa9; // 1000 -> 0001 -> 10101001 -> 0xa9
+ case 7: return 0x56; // 0111 -> 1110 -> 01010110 -> 0x56
+ case 6: return 0x96; // 0110 -> 0110 -> 10010110 -> 0x96
+ case 5: return 0x66; // 0101 -> 1010 -> 01100110 -> 0x66
+ case 4: return 0xa6; // 0100 -> 0010 -> 10100110 -> 0xa6
+ case 3: return 0x5a; // 0011 -> 1100 -> 01011010 -> 0x5a
+ case 2: return 0x9a; // 0010 -> 0100 -> 10011010 -> 0x9a
+ case 1: return 0x6a; // 0001 -> 1000 -> 01101010 -> 0x6a
+ default: return 0xaa; // 0000 -> 0000 -> 10101010 -> 0xaa
+ }
// Prepare tag messages
static void CodeIClassTagAnswer(const uint8_t *cmd, int len)
- //So far a dummy implementation, not used
- //int lastProxToAirDuration =0;
+ /*
+ * SOF comprises 3 parts;
+ * * An unmodulated time of 56.64 us
+ * * 24 pulses of 423.75 KHz (fc/32)
+ * * A logic 1, which starts with an unmodulated time of 18.88us
+ * followed by 8 pulses of 423.75kHz (fc/32)
+ *
+ *
+ * EOF comprises 3 parts:
+ * - A logic 0 (which starts with 8 pulses of fc/32 followed by an unmodulated
+ * time of 18.88us.
+ * - 24 pulses of fc/32
+ * - An unmodulated time of 56.64 us
+ *
+ *
+ * A logic 0 starts with 8 pulses of fc/32
+ * followed by an unmodulated time of 256/fc (~18,88us).
+ *
+ * A logic 0 starts with unmodulated time of 256/fc (~18,88us) followed by
+ * 8 pulses of fc/32 (also 18.88us)
+ *
+ * The mode FPGA_HF_SIMULATOR_MODULATE_424K_8BIT which we use to simulate tag,
+ * works like this.
+ * - A 1-bit input to the FPGA becomes 8 pulses on 423.5kHz (fc/32) (18.88us).
+ * - A 0-bit inptu to the FPGA becomes an unmodulated time of 18.88us
+ *
+ * In thist mode the SOF can be written as 00011101 = 0x1D
+ * The EOF can be written as 10111000 = 0xb8
+ * A logic 1 is 01
+ * A logic 0 is 10
+ *
+ * */
int i;
// Send SOF
- ToSend[++ToSendMax] = 0x00;
- ToSend[++ToSendMax] = 0x00;
- ToSend[++ToSendMax] = 0x00;
- ToSend[++ToSendMax] = 0xff;//Proxtoair duration starts here
- ToSend[++ToSendMax] = 0xff;
- ToSend[++ToSendMax] = 0xff;
- ToSend[++ToSendMax] = 0x00;
- ToSend[++ToSendMax] = 0xff;
+ ToSend[++ToSendMax] = 0x1D;
for(i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- int j;
uint8_t b = cmd[i];
- // Data bits
- for(j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
- if(b & 1) {
- ToSend[++ToSendMax] = 0x00;
- ToSend[++ToSendMax] = 0xff;
- } else {
- ToSend[++ToSendMax] = 0xff;
- ToSend[++ToSendMax] = 0x00;
- }
- b >>= 1;
- }
+ ToSend[++ToSendMax] = encode4Bits(b & 0xF); //Least significant half
+ ToSend[++ToSendMax] = encode4Bits((b >>4) & 0xF);//Most significant half
// Send EOF
- ToSend[++ToSendMax] = 0xff;
- ToSend[++ToSendMax] = 0x00;
- ToSend[++ToSendMax] = 0xff;
- ToSend[++ToSendMax] = 0xff;
- ToSend[++ToSendMax] = 0xff;
- ToSend[++ToSendMax] = 0x00;
- ToSend[++ToSendMax] = 0x00;
- ToSend[++ToSendMax] = 0x00;
+ ToSend[++ToSendMax] = 0xB8;
//lastProxToAirDuration = 8*ToSendMax - 3*8 - 3*8;//Not counting zeroes in the beginning or end
// Convert from last byte pos to length
// Send SOF
- ToSend[++ToSendMax] = 0x00;
- ToSend[++ToSendMax] = 0x00;
- ToSend[++ToSendMax] = 0x00;
- ToSend[++ToSendMax] = 0xff;
- ToSend[++ToSendMax] = 0xff;
- ToSend[++ToSendMax] = 0xff;
- ToSend[++ToSendMax] = 0x00;
- ToSend[++ToSendMax] = 0xff;
+ ToSend[++ToSendMax] = 0x1D;
// lastProxToAirDuration = 8*ToSendMax - 3*8;//Not counting zeroes in the beginning
// Convert from last byte pos to length
memcpy(csn_crc, datain+(i*8), 8);
+ cmd_send(CMD_ACK,CMD_SIMULATE_TAG_ICLASS,i,0,mac_responses,i*8);
return; // Button pressed
int trace_data_size = 0;
//uint8_t sof = 0x0f;
- // Respond SOF -- takes 8 bytes
+ // Respond SOF -- takes 1 bytes
uint8_t *resp1 = (((uint8_t *)BigBuf) + FREE_BUFFER_OFFSET);
int resp1Len;
// Anticollision CSN (rotated CSN)
- // 176: Takes 16 bytes for SOF/EOF and 10 * 16 = 160 bytes (2 bytes/bit)
- uint8_t *resp2 = (((uint8_t *)BigBuf) + FREE_BUFFER_OFFSET + 10);
+ // 22: Takes 2 bytes for SOF/EOF and 10 * 2 = 20 bytes (2 bytes/byte)
+ uint8_t *resp2 = (((uint8_t *)BigBuf) + FREE_BUFFER_OFFSET + 2);
int resp2Len;
// CSN
- // 176: Takes 16 bytes for SOF/EOF and 10 * 16 = 160 bytes (2 bytes/bit)
- uint8_t *resp3 = (((uint8_t *)BigBuf) + FREE_BUFFER_OFFSET + 190);
+ // 22: Takes 2 bytes for SOF/EOF and 10 * 2 = 20 bytes (2 bytes/byte)
+ uint8_t *resp3 = (((uint8_t *)BigBuf) + FREE_BUFFER_OFFSET + 30);
int resp3Len;
// e-Purse
- // 144: Takes 16 bytes for SOF/EOF and 8 * 16 = 128 bytes (2 bytes/bit)
- uint8_t *resp4 = (((uint8_t *)BigBuf) + FREE_BUFFER_OFFSET + 370);
+ // 18: Takes 2 bytes for SOF/EOF and 8 * 2 = 16 bytes (2 bytes/byte)
+ uint8_t *resp4 = (((uint8_t *)BigBuf) + FREE_BUFFER_OFFSET + 60);
int resp4Len;
// + 1720..
A legit tag has about 380us.
if(modulated_response_size > 0) {
- SendIClassAnswer(modulated_response, modulated_response_size, timeout);
+ SendIClassAnswer(modulated_response, modulated_response_size, 1);
t2r_time = GetCountSspClk();
int i = 0, d=0;//, u = 0, d = 0;
uint8_t b = 0;
- if (i > respLen +4) break;
+// if (i > respLen +4) break;
+ if (i > respLen +1) break;
return 0;
else if(~(| adc_d[7:5])) after_hysteresis = 1'b0;
// Divide 13.56 MHz by 32 to produce the SSP_CLK
// The register is bigger to allow higher division factors of up to /128
-reg [6:0] ssp_clk_divider;
+reg [10:0] ssp_clk_divider;
always @(posedge adc_clk)
ssp_clk_divider <= (ssp_clk_divider + 1);
-assign ssp_clk = ssp_clk_divider[4];
+reg ssp_clk;
+reg ssp_frame;
+always @(negedge adc_clk)
+ //If we're in 101, we only need a new bit every 8th carrier bit (53Hz). Otherwise, get next bit at 424Khz
+ if(mod_type == 3'b101)
+ begin
+ if(ssp_clk_divider[7:0] == 8'b00000000)
+ ssp_clk <= 1'b0;
+ if(ssp_clk_divider[7:0] == 8'b10000000)
+ ssp_clk <= 1'b1;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if(ssp_clk_divider[4:0] == 5'd0)//[4:0] == 5'b00000)
+ ssp_clk <= 1'b1;
+ if(ssp_clk_divider[4:0] == 5'd16) //[4:0] == 5'b10000)
+ ssp_clk <= 1'b0;
+ end
+//assign ssp_clk = ssp_clk_divider[4];
// Divide SSP_CLK by 8 to produce the byte framing signal; the phase of
// this is arbitrary, because it's just a bitstream.
always @(negedge ssp_clk)
ssp_frame_divider_from_arm <= (ssp_frame_divider_from_arm + 1);
-reg ssp_frame;
always @(ssp_frame_divider_to_arm or ssp_frame_divider_from_arm or mod_type)
if(mod_type == 3'b000) // not modulating, so listening, to ARM
ssp_frame = (ssp_frame_divider_to_arm == 3'b000);
- ssp_frame = (ssp_frame_divider_from_arm == 3'b000);
+ ssp_frame = (ssp_frame_divider_from_arm == 3'b000);
// Synchronize up the after-hysteresis signal, to produce DIN.
reg ssp_din;
modulating_carrier <= ssp_dout ^ ssp_clk_divider[3]; // XOR means BPSK
else if(mod_type == 3'b010)
modulating_carrier <= ssp_dout & ssp_clk_divider[5]; // switch 212kHz subcarrier on/off
- else if(mod_type == 3'b100)
+ else if(mod_type == 3'b100 || mod_type == 3'b101)
modulating_carrier <= ssp_dout & ssp_clk_divider[4]; // switch 424kHz modulation on/off
modulating_carrier <= 1'b0; // yet unused
// This one is always on, so that we can watch the carrier.
assign pwr_oe3 = 1'b0;
-assign dbg = after_hysteresis;
+assign dbg = modulating_carrier;
//reg dbg;
//always @(ssp_dout)
// dbg <= ssp_dout;