Write-Host "[ OK ]" -ForegroundColor Green
- Write-Host "Fill msys\etc\fstab file..." -NoNewLine
+ Write-Host "Fill msys2\etc\fstab file..." -NoNewLine
- New-Item c:\ProxSpace\msys\etc\fstab -type file -force -value "#Win32_Path Mount_Point`nc:\ProxSpace\devkitARM /devkitARM`nc:\ProxSpace\Qt\5.6 /qt `nc:\ProxSpace\pm3 /pm3`n"
+ New-Item c:\ProxSpace\msys2\etc\fstab -type file -force -value "# For a description of the file format, see the Users Guide`n# http://cygwin.com/cygwin-ug-net/using.html#mount-table`nnone / cygdrive binary,posix=0,noacl,user 0 0 `nC:\ProxSpace\pm3 /pm3 ntfs noacl 0 0 `nC:\ProxSpace\gcc-arm-none-eabi /gcc-arm-none-eabi ntfs noacl 0 0 `n"
+ Write-Host "[ OK ]" -ForegroundColor Green
+ Write-Host "Update msys2 packages..." -NoNewLine
+ $env:Path = "C:\ProxSpace\msys2\usr\bin;C:\ProxSpace\msys2\mingw32\bin;C:\ProxSpace\gcc-arm-none-eabi\bin;$env:Path"
+ C:\ProxSpace\msys2\msys2_shell.cmd -mingw32 -defterm -no-start /dev/null 1> msys1.txt 2>&1
+ C:\ProxSpace\msys2\msys2_shell.cmd -mingw32 -defterm -no-start /dev/null 1> msys1.txt 2>&1
Write-Host "[ OK ]" -ForegroundColor Green
- ps: >-
- $env:Path = "C:\ProxSpace\msys\bin;$env:Path"
+ "C:\ProxSpace\msys2\usr\bin;C:\ProxSpace\msys2\mingw32\bin;C:\ProxSpace\gcc-arm-none-eabi\bin;$env:Path"
+ $env:MINGW_HOME="C:\ProxSpace\msys2\mingw32"
+ $env:MSYS_HOME="C:\ProxSpace\msys2"
+ $env:MSYSTEM="MINGW32"
+ $env:MINGW_PREFIX="/mingw32"
+ $env:SHELL="/bin/bash"
+ $env:MSYSTEM_CHOST="i686-w64-mingw32"
- bash -lc -i "pwd;make all"
+ bash -c -i 'pwd;make clean;make all'
#some checks
#proxmark logic tests
- ExecTest "proxmark help" "proxmark3 -h" {bash -lc 'cd ~/client;proxmark3 -h | grep -q Execute && echo Passed || echo Failed'}
+ ExecTest "proxmark help" "proxmark3 -h" {bash -lc 'cd ~/client;./proxmark3 -h | grep -q Execute && echo Passed || echo Failed'}
- ExecTest "proxmark help hardnested" "proxmark3 -h" {bash -lc 'cd ~/client;proxmark3 -h | grep -q hardnested && echo Passed || echo Failed'}
+ ExecTest "proxmark help hardnested" "proxmark3 -h" {bash -lc 'cd ~/client;./proxmark3 -h | grep -q hardnested && echo Passed || echo Failed'}
- ExecTest "hf mf offline text" "hf mf" {bash -lc "cd ~/client;proxmark3 comx -c 'hf mf'"} "at_enc"
+ ExecTest "hf mf offline text" "hf mf" {bash -lc "cd ~/client;./proxmark3 comx -c 'hf mf'"} "at_enc"
- ExecTest "hf mf hardnested" "hf mf hardnested" {bash -lc "cd ~/client;proxmark3 comx -c 'hf mf hardnested t 1 000000000000'"} "found:"
+ ExecTest "hf mf hardnested" "hf mf hardnested" {bash -lc "cd ~/client;./proxmark3 comx -c 'hf mf hardnested t 1 000000000000'"} "found:"
#proxmark crypto tests
- ExecTest "hf emv test" "hf emv test" {bash -lc "cd ~/client;proxmark3 comx -c 'hf emv test'"} "Tests ?OK"
+ ExecTest "hf emv test" "hf emv test" {bash -lc "cd ~/client;./proxmark3 comx -c 'hf emv test'"} "Tests ?OK"
if ($global:TestsPassed) {