all: $(OBJS)
-$(OBJDIR)/fpga.o: fpga.bit
- $(OBJCOPY) -O elf32-littlearm -I binary -B arm --redefine-sym _binary____fpga_fpga_bit_start=_binary_fpga_bit_start --redefine-sym _binary____fpga_fpga_bit_end=_binary_fpga_bit_end --prefix-sections=fpga_bit $^ $@
+$(OBJDIR)/fpga_lf.o: fpga_lf.bit
+ $(OBJCOPY) -O elf32-littlearm -I binary -B arm --redefine-sym _binary____fpga_fpga_lf_bit_start=_binary_fpga_lf_bit_start --redefine-sym _binary____fpga_fpga_lf_bit_end=_binary_fpga_lf_bit_end --prefix-sections=fpga_lf_bit $^ $@
-$(OBJDIR)/fullimage.elf: $(VERSIONOBJ) $(OBJDIR)/fpga.o $(THUMBOBJ) $(ARMOBJ)
+$(OBJDIR)/fpga_hf.o: fpga_hf.bit
+ $(OBJCOPY) -O elf32-littlearm -I binary -B arm --redefine-sym _binary____fpga_fpga_hf_bit_start=_binary_fpga_hf_bit_start --redefine-sym _binary____fpga_fpga_hf_bit_end=_binary_fpga_hf_bit_end --prefix-sections=fpga_hf_bit $^ $@
+$(OBJDIR)/fullimage.elf: $(VERSIONOBJ) $(OBJDIR)/fpga_lf.o $(OBJDIR)/fpga_hf.o $(THUMBOBJ) $(ARMOBJ)
$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -Wl,-T,ldscript,-Map,$(patsubst %.elf,,$@) -o $@ $^ $(LIBS)
$(OBJDIR)/fpgaimage.elf: $(OBJDIR)/fullimage.elf
* ( hopefully around 95 if it is tuned to 125kHz!)
+ FpgaDownloadAndGo(FPGA_BITSTREAM_LF);
for (i=255; i>19; i--) {
// Let the FPGA drive the high-frequency antenna around 13.56 MHz.
+ FpgaDownloadAndGo(FPGA_BITSTREAM_HF);
// Vref = 3300mV, and an 10:1 voltage divider on the input
for (;;) {
// Let the FPGA drive the high-frequency antenna around 13.56 MHz.
+ FpgaDownloadAndGo(FPGA_BITSTREAM_HF);
// Vref = 3300mV, and an 10:1 voltage divider on the input
// We're using this mode just so that I can test it out; the simulated
// tag mode would work just as well and be simpler.
+ FpgaDownloadAndGo(FPGA_BITSTREAM_HF);
// We need to listen to the high-frequency, peak-detected path.
void SamyRun()
DbpString("Stand-alone mode! No PC necessary.");
+ FpgaDownloadAndGo(FPGA_BITSTREAM_LF);
// 3 possible options? no just 2 for now
#define OPTS 2
+ FpgaDownloadAndGo(FPGA_BITSTREAM_LF);
FpgaSendCommand(FPGA_CMD_SET_DIVISOR, c->arg[0]);
// Load the FPGA image, which we have stored in our flash.
- FpgaDownloadAndGo();
+ // (the HF version by default)
+ FpgaDownloadAndGo(FPGA_BITSTREAM_HF);
/// fpga.h
void FpgaSendCommand(uint16_t cmd, uint16_t v);
void FpgaWriteConfWord(uint8_t v);
-void FpgaDownloadAndGo(void);
+void FpgaDownloadAndGo(int bitstream_version);
+int FpgaGatherBitstreamVersion();
void FpgaGatherVersion(char *dst, int len);
void FpgaSetupSsc(void);
void SetupSpi(int mode);
void SetAdcMuxFor(uint32_t whichGpio);
// Definitions for the FPGA commands.
-#define FPGA_CMD_SET_CONFREG (1<<12)
-#define FPGA_CMD_SET_DIVISOR (2<<12)
+#define FPGA_CMD_SET_CONFREG (1<<12)
+#define FPGA_CMD_SET_DIVISOR (2<<12)
// Definitions for the FPGA configuration word.
+// LF
-#define FPGA_MAJOR_MODE_HF_ISO14443A (5<<5)
-#define FPGA_MAJOR_MODE_OFF (7<<5)
+// HF
+#define FPGA_MAJOR_MODE_HF_ISO14443A (3<<5)
+// BOTH
+#define FPGA_MAJOR_MODE_OFF (7<<5)
// Options for LF_EDGE_DETECT
// Options for the HF reader, tx to tag
// Options for the HF reader, correlating against rx from tag
#define FPGA_HF_READER_RX_XCORR_848_KHZ (1<<0)
// Options for the HF simulated tag, how to modulate
// Options for ISO14443A
-#define FPGA_HF_ISO14443A_SNIFFER (0<<0)
+#define FPGA_HF_ISO14443A_SNIFFER (0<<0)
#define FPGA_HF_ISO14443A_TAGSIM_LISTEN (1<<0)
#define FPGA_HF_ISO14443A_TAGSIM_MOD (2<<0)
#define FPGA_HF_ISO14443A_READER_LISTEN (3<<0)
static char *bitparse_headers_start;
static char *bitparse_bitstream_end;
-static int bitparse_initialized;
+static int bitparse_initialized = 0;
/* Simple Xilinx .bit parser. The file starts with the fixed opaque byte sequence
* 00 09 0f f0 0f f0 0f f0 0f f0 00 00 01
* After that the format is 1 byte section type (ASCII character), 2 byte length
// Find out which FPGA image format is stored in flash, then call DownloadFPGA
// with the right parameters to download the image
-extern char _binary_fpga_bit_start, _binary_fpga_bit_end;
-void FpgaDownloadAndGo(void)
+extern char _binary_fpga_lf_bit_start, _binary_fpga_lf_bit_end;
+extern char _binary_fpga_hf_bit_start, _binary_fpga_hf_bit_end;
+void FpgaDownloadAndGo(int bitstream_version)
+ void *bit_start;
+ void *bit_end;
+ // check whether or not the bitstream is already loaded
+ if (FpgaGatherBitstreamVersion() == bitstream_version)
+ return;
+ if (bitstream_version == FPGA_BITSTREAM_LF) {
+ bit_start = &_binary_fpga_lf_bit_start;
+ bit_end = &_binary_fpga_lf_bit_end;
+ } else if (bitstream_version == FPGA_BITSTREAM_HF) {
+ bit_start = &_binary_fpga_hf_bit_start;
+ bit_end = &_binary_fpga_hf_bit_end;
+ } else
+ return;
/* Check for the new flash image format: Should have the .bit file at &_binary_fpga_bit_start
- if(bitparse_init(&_binary_fpga_bit_start, &_binary_fpga_bit_end)) {
+ if(bitparse_init(bit_start, bit_end)) {
/* Successfully initialized the .bit parser. Find the 'e' section and
* send its contents to the FPGA.
DownloadFPGA((char*)0x102000, 10524*4, 1);
+int FpgaGatherBitstreamVersion()
+ char temp[256];
+ FpgaGatherVersion(temp, sizeof (temp));
+ if (!memcmp("LF", temp, 2))
+ else if (!memcmp("HF", temp, 2))
void FpgaGatherVersion(char *dst, int len)
char *fpga_info;
if(!bitparse_find_section('e', &fpga_info, &fpga_info_len)) {
strncat(dst, "FPGA image: legacy image without version information", len-1);
} else {
- strncat(dst, "FPGA image built", len-1);
/* USB packets only have 48 bytes data payload, so be terse */
-#if 0
if(bitparse_find_section('a', &fpga_info, &fpga_info_len) && fpga_info[fpga_info_len-1] == 0 ) {
- strncat(dst, " from ", len-1);
- strncat(dst, fpga_info, len-1);
+ if (!memcmp("fpga_lf", fpga_info, 7))
+ strncat(dst, "LF ", len-1);
+ else if (!memcmp("fpga_hf", fpga_info, 7))
+ strncat(dst, "HF ", len-1);
+ strncat(dst, "FPGA image built", len-1);
+#if 0
if(bitparse_find_section('b', &fpga_info, &fpga_info_len) && fpga_info[fpga_info_len-1] == 0 ) {
strncat(dst, " for ", len-1);
strncat(dst, fpga_info, len-1);
// Set up eavesdropping mode, frequency divisor which will drive the FPGA
// and analog mux selection.
+ FpgaDownloadAndGo(FPGA_BITSTREAM_LF);
FpgaSendCommand(FPGA_CMD_SET_DIVISOR, 95); //125Khz
// Set up simulator mode, frequency divisor which will drive the FPGA
// and analog mux selection.
+ FpgaDownloadAndGo(FPGA_BITSTREAM_LF);
FpgaSendCommand(FPGA_CMD_SET_DIVISOR, 95); //125Khz
bool bStop;
bool bQuitTraceFull = false;
+ FpgaDownloadAndGo(FPGA_BITSTREAM_LF);
// Reset the return status
bSuccessful = false;
// into trace, along with its length and other annotations.
//uint8_t *trace = (uint8_t *)BigBuf;
+ FpgaDownloadAndGo(FPGA_BITSTREAM_HF);
// reset traceLen to 0
uint8_t simType = arg0;
+ FpgaDownloadAndGo(FPGA_BITSTREAM_HF);
// Enable and clear the trace
tracing = TRUE;
traceLen = 0;
uint8_t* resp = (((uint8_t *)BigBuf) + 3560); // was 3560 - tied to other size changes
+ FpgaDownloadAndGo(FPGA_BITSTREAM_HF);
// Reset trace buffer
memset(trace, 0x44, RECV_CMD_OFFSET);
traceLen = 0;
int cmdsRecvd = 0;
+ FpgaDownloadAndGo(FPGA_BITSTREAM_HF);
memset(receivedCmd, 0x44, 400);
CodeIso14443bAsTag(response1, sizeof(response1));
uint8_t i = 0x00;
+ FpgaDownloadAndGo(FPGA_BITSTREAM_HF);
// Make sure that we start from off, since the tags are stateful;
// confusing things will happen if we don't reset them between reads.
// response from the tag.
int triggered = TRUE;
+ FpgaDownloadAndGo(FPGA_BITSTREAM_HF);
// The command (reader -> tag) that we're working on receiving.
uint8_t *receivedCmd = (uint8_t *)(BigBuf) + DEMOD_TRACE_SIZE;
// The response (tag -> reader) that we're working on receiving.
void SendRawCommand14443B(uint32_t datalen, uint32_t recv,uint8_t powerfield, uint8_t data[])
+ FpgaDownloadAndGo(FPGA_BITSTREAM_HF);
// Make sure that we start from off, since the tags are stateful;
void iso14443a_setup(uint8_t fpga_minor_mode) {
+ FpgaDownloadAndGo(FPGA_BITSTREAM_HF);
// Set up the synchronous serial port
// connect Demodulated Signal to ADC:
int8_t prev = 0;
+ FpgaDownloadAndGo(FPGA_BITSTREAM_HF);
int8_t prev = 0;
+ FpgaDownloadAndGo(FPGA_BITSTREAM_HF);
// Setup SSC
+ FpgaDownloadAndGo(FPGA_BITSTREAM_HF);
// Setup SSC
// FpgaSetupSsc();
// Blank arrays
memset(BigBuf + 3660, 0, 300);
+ FpgaDownloadAndGo(FPGA_BITSTREAM_HF);
// Setup SSC
// Blank arrays
memset(answer1, 0, 100);
+ FpgaDownloadAndGo(FPGA_BITSTREAM_HF);
// Setup SSC
.fpgaimage : {
- *(
+ *(
+ *(
} >fpgaimage :fpgaimage
.start : {
static void LegicCommonInit(void) {
+ FpgaDownloadAndGo(FPGA_BITSTREAM_HF);
legic_frame_drift = frame;
legic_reqresp_drift = reqresp;
+ FpgaDownloadAndGo(FPGA_BITSTREAM_HF);
void AcquireRawAdcSamples125k(int divisor)
+ FpgaDownloadAndGo(FPGA_BITSTREAM_LF);
if ( (divisor == 1) || (divisor < 0) || (divisor > 255) )
FpgaSendCommand(FPGA_CMD_SET_DIVISOR, 88); //134.8Khz
else if (divisor == 0)
int at134khz;
/* Make sure the tag is reset */
+ FpgaDownloadAndGo(FPGA_BITSTREAM_LF);
uint32_t threshold = (sampleslo - sampleshi + 1)>>1;
// TI tags charge at 134.2Khz
+ FpgaDownloadAndGo(FPGA_BITSTREAM_LF);
FpgaSendCommand(FPGA_CMD_SET_DIVISOR, 88); //134.8Khz
// Place FPGA in passthrough mode, in this mode the CROSS_LO line
// if not provided a valid crc will be computed from the data and written.
void WriteTItag(uint32_t idhi, uint32_t idlo, uint16_t crc)
+ FpgaDownloadAndGo(FPGA_BITSTREAM_LF);
if(crc == 0) {
crc = update_crc16(crc, (idlo)&0xff);
crc = update_crc16(crc, (idlo>>8)&0xff);
int i;
uint8_t *tab = (uint8_t *)BigBuf;
+ FpgaDownloadAndGo(FPGA_BITSTREAM_LF);
int m=0, n=0, i=0, idx=0, found=0, lastval=0;
uint32_t hi2=0, hi=0, lo=0;
+ FpgaDownloadAndGo(FPGA_BITSTREAM_LF);
FpgaSendCommand(FPGA_CMD_SET_DIVISOR, 95); //125Khz
uint32_t code=0, code2=0;
//uint32_t hi2=0, hi=0, lo=0;
+ FpgaDownloadAndGo(FPGA_BITSTREAM_LF);
FpgaSendCommand(FPGA_CMD_SET_DIVISOR, 95); //125Khz
// Write one bit to card
void T55xxWriteBit(int bit)
+ FpgaDownloadAndGo(FPGA_BITSTREAM_LF);
FpgaSendCommand(FPGA_CMD_SET_DIVISOR, 95); //125Khz
if (bit == 0)
unsigned int i;
+ FpgaDownloadAndGo(FPGA_BITSTREAM_LF);
FpgaSendCommand(FPGA_CMD_SET_DIVISOR, 95); //125Khz
uint8_t *dest = (uint8_t *)BigBuf;
int m=0, i=0;
+ FpgaDownloadAndGo(FPGA_BITSTREAM_LF);
m = sizeof(BigBuf);
// Clear destination buffer before sending the command
memset(dest, 128, m);
uint8_t *dest = (uint8_t *)BigBuf;
int m=0, i=0;
+ FpgaDownloadAndGo(FPGA_BITSTREAM_LF);
m = sizeof(BigBuf);
// Clear destination buffer before sending the command
memset(dest, 128, m);
//Field on
+ FpgaDownloadAndGo(FPGA_BITSTREAM_LF);
FpgaSendCommand(FPGA_CMD_SET_DIVISOR, 95); //125Khz
// iso14a_set_tracing(TRUE);\r
-void MifareUReadBlock(uint8_t arg0,uint8_t *datain)
- // params
- uint8_t blockNo = arg0;
- // variables
- byte_t isOK = 0;
- byte_t dataoutbuf[16];
- uint8_t uid[10];
- uint32_t cuid;
- // clear trace
- iso14a_clear_trace();
+void MifareUReadBlock(uint8_t arg0,uint8_t *datain)\r
+ // params\r
+ uint8_t blockNo = arg0;\r
+ \r
+ // variables\r
+ byte_t isOK = 0;\r
+ byte_t dataoutbuf[16];\r
+ uint8_t uid[10];\r
+ uint32_t cuid;\r
+ \r
+ // clear trace\r
+ iso14a_clear_trace();\r
- LED_A_ON();
- LED_B_OFF();
- LED_C_OFF();
- while (true) {
- if(!iso14443a_select_card(uid, NULL, &cuid)) {
- if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= 1) Dbprintf("Can't select card");
- break;
- };
- if(mifare_ultra_readblock(cuid, blockNo, dataoutbuf)) {
- if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= 1) Dbprintf("Read block error");
- break;
- };
- if(mifare_ultra_halt(cuid)) {
- if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= 1) Dbprintf("Halt error");
- break;
- };
- isOK = 1;
- break;
- }
- // add trace trailer
- memset(uid, 0x44, 4);
- LogTrace(uid, 4, 0, 0, TRUE);
- LED_B_ON();
- cmd_send(CMD_ACK,isOK,0,0,dataoutbuf,16);
- LED_B_OFF();
- // Thats it...
- FpgaWriteConfWord(FPGA_MAJOR_MODE_OFF);
- LEDsoff();
-// Select, Authenticaate, Read an MIFARE tag.
-// read sector (data = 4 x 16 bytes = 64 bytes)
+ \r
+ LED_A_ON();\r
+ LED_B_OFF();\r
+ LED_C_OFF();\r
+ \r
+ while (true) {\r
+ if(!iso14443a_select_card(uid, NULL, &cuid)) {\r
+ if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= 1) Dbprintf("Can't select card");\r
+ break;\r
+ };\r
+ \r
+ if(mifare_ultra_readblock(cuid, blockNo, dataoutbuf)) {\r
+ if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= 1) Dbprintf("Read block error");\r
+ break;\r
+ };\r
+ \r
+ if(mifare_ultra_halt(cuid)) {\r
+ if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= 1) Dbprintf("Halt error");\r
+ break;\r
+ };\r
+ \r
+ isOK = 1;\r
+ break;\r
+ }\r
+ \r
+ if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= 2) DbpString("READ BLOCK FINISHED");\r
+ \r
+ // add trace trailer\r
+ memset(uid, 0x44, 4);\r
+ LogTrace(uid, 4, 0, 0, TRUE);\r
+ LED_B_ON();\r
+ cmd_send(CMD_ACK,isOK,0,0,dataoutbuf,16);\r
+ LED_B_OFF();\r
+ \r
+ \r
+ // Thats it...\r
+ FpgaWriteConfWord(FPGA_MAJOR_MODE_OFF);\r
+ LEDsoff();\r
+// Select, Authenticaate, Read an MIFARE tag. \r
+// read sector (data = 4 x 16 bytes = 64 bytes)\r
void MifareReadSector(uint8_t arg0, uint8_t arg1, uint8_t arg2, uint8_t *datain)\r
// iso14a_set_tracing(TRUE);\r
-void MifareUReadCard(uint8_t arg0, uint8_t *datain)
- // params
- uint8_t sectorNo = arg0;
- // variables
- byte_t isOK = 0;
- byte_t dataoutbuf[16 * 4];
- uint8_t uid[10];
- uint32_t cuid;
- // clear trace
- iso14a_clear_trace();
-// iso14a_set_tracing(false);
+void MifareUReadCard(uint8_t arg0, uint8_t *datain)\r
+ // params\r
+ uint8_t sectorNo = arg0;\r
+ \r
+ // variables\r
+ byte_t isOK = 0;\r
+ byte_t dataoutbuf[16 * 4];\r
+ uint8_t uid[10];\r
+ uint32_t cuid;\r
+ // clear trace\r
+ iso14a_clear_trace();\r
+// iso14a_set_tracing(false);\r
- LED_A_ON();
- LED_B_OFF();
- LED_C_OFF();
- while (true) {
- if(!iso14443a_select_card(uid, NULL, &cuid)) {
- if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= 1) Dbprintf("Can't select card");
- break;
- };
- for(int sec=0;sec<16;sec++){
- if(mifare_ultra_readblock(cuid, sectorNo * 4 + sec, dataoutbuf + 4 * sec)) {
- if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= 1) Dbprintf("Read block %d error",sec);
- break;
- };
- }
- if(mifare_ultra_halt(cuid)) {
- if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= 1) Dbprintf("Halt error");
- break;
- };
- isOK = 1;
- break;
- }
- if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= 2) DbpString("READ CARD FINISHED");
- // add trace trailer
- memset(uid, 0x44, 4);
- LogTrace(uid, 4, 0, 0, TRUE);
- LED_B_ON();
- cmd_send(CMD_ACK,isOK,0,0,dataoutbuf,64);
- //cmd_send(CMD_ACK,isOK,0,0,dataoutbuf+32, 32);
- LED_B_OFF();
- // Thats it...
- FpgaWriteConfWord(FPGA_MAJOR_MODE_OFF);
- LEDsoff();
-// iso14a_set_tracing(TRUE);
-// Select, Authenticaate, Read an MIFARE tag.
-// read block
+ LED_A_ON();\r
+ LED_B_OFF();\r
+ LED_C_OFF();\r
+ while (true) {\r
+ if(!iso14443a_select_card(uid, NULL, &cuid)) {\r
+ if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= 1) Dbprintf("Can't select card");\r
+ break;\r
+ };\r
+ for(int sec=0;sec<16;sec++){\r
+ if(mifare_ultra_readblock(cuid, sectorNo * 4 + sec, dataoutbuf + 4 * sec)) {\r
+ if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= 1) Dbprintf("Read block %d error",sec);\r
+ break;\r
+ };\r
+ }\r
+ if(mifare_ultra_halt(cuid)) {\r
+ if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= 1) Dbprintf("Halt error");\r
+ break;\r
+ };\r
+ isOK = 1;\r
+ break;\r
+ }\r
+ \r
+ if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= 2) DbpString("READ CARD FINISHED");\r
+ // add trace trailer\r
+ memset(uid, 0x44, 4);\r
+ LogTrace(uid, 4, 0, 0, TRUE);\r
+ \r
+ LED_B_ON();\r
+ cmd_send(CMD_ACK,isOK,0,0,dataoutbuf,64);\r
+ //cmd_send(CMD_ACK,isOK,0,0,dataoutbuf+32, 32);\r
+ LED_B_OFF();\r
+ // Thats it...\r
+ FpgaWriteConfWord(FPGA_MAJOR_MODE_OFF);\r
+ LEDsoff();\r
+// iso14a_set_tracing(TRUE);\r
+// Select, Authenticaate, Read an MIFARE tag. \r
+// read block\r
void MifareWriteBlock(uint8_t arg0, uint8_t arg1, uint8_t arg2, uint8_t *datain)\r
// iso14a_set_tracing(TRUE);\r
-void MifareUWriteBlock(uint8_t arg0, uint8_t *datain)
- // params
- uint8_t blockNo = arg0;
- byte_t blockdata[16];
- memset(blockdata,'\0',16);
- memcpy(blockdata, datain,16);
- // variables
- byte_t isOK = 0;
- uint8_t uid[10];
- uint32_t cuid;
- // clear trace
- iso14a_clear_trace();
- // iso14a_set_tracing(false);
+void MifareUWriteBlock(uint8_t arg0, uint8_t *datain)\r
+ // params\r
+ uint8_t blockNo = arg0;\r
+ byte_t blockdata[16];\r
+ memset(blockdata,'\0',16);\r
+ memcpy(blockdata, datain,16);\r
+ \r
+ // variables\r
+ byte_t isOK = 0;\r
+ uint8_t uid[10];\r
+ uint32_t cuid;\r
+ // clear trace\r
+ iso14a_clear_trace();\r
+ // iso14a_set_tracing(false);\r
- LED_A_ON();
- LED_B_OFF();
- LED_C_OFF();
- while (true) {
- if(!iso14443a_select_card(uid, NULL, &cuid)) {
- if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= 1) Dbprintf("Can't select card");
- break;
- };
- if(mifare_ultra_writeblock(cuid, blockNo, blockdata)) {
- if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= 1) Dbprintf("Write block error");
- break;
- };
- if(mifare_ultra_halt(cuid)) {
- if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= 1) Dbprintf("Halt error");
- break;
- };
- isOK = 1;
- break;
- }
- // add trace trailer
- memset(uid, 0x44, 4);
- LogTrace(uid, 4, 0, 0, TRUE);
- LED_B_ON();
- cmd_send(CMD_ACK,isOK,0,0,0,0);
-// UsbSendPacket((uint8_t *)&ack, sizeof(UsbCommand));
- LED_B_OFF();
- // Thats it...
- FpgaWriteConfWord(FPGA_MAJOR_MODE_OFF);
- LEDsoff();
-// iso14a_set_tracing(TRUE);
-void MifareUWriteBlock_Special(uint8_t arg0, uint8_t *datain)
- // params
- uint8_t blockNo = arg0;
- byte_t blockdata[4];
- memcpy(blockdata, datain,4);
- // variables
- byte_t isOK = 0;
- uint8_t uid[10];
- uint32_t cuid;
- // clear trace
- iso14a_clear_trace();
- // iso14a_set_tracing(false);
+ LED_A_ON();\r
+ LED_B_OFF();\r
+ LED_C_OFF();\r
+ while (true) {\r
+ if(!iso14443a_select_card(uid, NULL, &cuid)) {\r
+ if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= 1) Dbprintf("Can't select card");\r
+ break;\r
+ };\r
+ if(mifare_ultra_writeblock(cuid, blockNo, blockdata)) {\r
+ if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= 1) Dbprintf("Write block error");\r
+ break;\r
+ };\r
+ if(mifare_ultra_halt(cuid)) {\r
+ if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= 1) Dbprintf("Halt error");\r
+ break;\r
+ };\r
+ \r
+ isOK = 1;\r
+ break;\r
+ }\r
+ \r
+ if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= 2) DbpString("WRITE BLOCK FINISHED");\r
+ // add trace trailer\r
+ memset(uid, 0x44, 4);\r
+ LogTrace(uid, 4, 0, 0, TRUE);\r
+ LED_B_ON();\r
+ cmd_send(CMD_ACK,isOK,0,0,0,0);\r
+// UsbSendPacket((uint8_t *)&ack, sizeof(UsbCommand));\r
+ LED_B_OFF();\r
+ // Thats it...\r
+ FpgaWriteConfWord(FPGA_MAJOR_MODE_OFF);\r
+ LEDsoff();\r
+// iso14a_set_tracing(TRUE);\r
+void MifareUWriteBlock_Special(uint8_t arg0, uint8_t *datain)\r
+ // params\r
+ uint8_t blockNo = arg0;\r
+ byte_t blockdata[4];\r
+ \r
+ memcpy(blockdata, datain,4);\r
+ // variables\r
+ byte_t isOK = 0;\r
+ uint8_t uid[10];\r
+ uint32_t cuid;\r
+ // clear trace\r
+ iso14a_clear_trace();\r
+ // iso14a_set_tracing(false);\r
- LED_A_ON();
- LED_B_OFF();
- LED_C_OFF();
- while (true) {
- if(!iso14443a_select_card(uid, NULL, &cuid)) {
- if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= 1) Dbprintf("Can't select card");
- break;
- };
- if(mifare_ultra_special_writeblock(cuid, blockNo, blockdata)) {
- if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= 1) Dbprintf("Write block error");
- break;
- };
- if(mifare_ultra_halt(cuid)) {
- if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= 1) Dbprintf("Halt error");
- break;
- };
- isOK = 1;
- break;
- }
- // add trace trailer
- memset(uid, 0x44, 4);
- LogTrace(uid, 4, 0, 0, TRUE);
- LED_B_ON();
- cmd_send(CMD_ACK,isOK,0,0,0,0);
-// UsbSendPacket((uint8_t *)&ack, sizeof(UsbCommand));
- LED_B_OFF();
- // Thats it...
- FpgaWriteConfWord(FPGA_MAJOR_MODE_OFF);
- LEDsoff();
-// iso14a_set_tracing(TRUE);
-// Return 1 if the nonce is invalid else return 0
-int valid_nonce(uint32_t Nt, uint32_t NtEnc, uint32_t Ks1, byte_t * parity) {
- return ((oddparity((Nt >> 24) & 0xFF) == ((parity[0]) ^ oddparity((NtEnc >> 24) & 0xFF) ^ BIT(Ks1,16))) & \
+ LED_A_ON();\r
+ LED_B_OFF();\r
+ LED_C_OFF();\r
+ while (true) {\r
+ if(!iso14443a_select_card(uid, NULL, &cuid)) {\r
+ if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= 1) Dbprintf("Can't select card");\r
+ break;\r
+ };\r
+ if(mifare_ultra_special_writeblock(cuid, blockNo, blockdata)) {\r
+ if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= 1) Dbprintf("Write block error");\r
+ break;\r
+ };\r
+ if(mifare_ultra_halt(cuid)) {\r
+ if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= 1) Dbprintf("Halt error");\r
+ break;\r
+ };\r
+ isOK = 1;\r
+ break;\r
+ }\r
+ if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= 2) DbpString("WRITE BLOCK FINISHED");\r
+ // add trace trailer\r
+ memset(uid, 0x44, 4);\r
+ LogTrace(uid, 4, 0, 0, TRUE);\r
+ LED_B_ON();\r
+ cmd_send(CMD_ACK,isOK,0,0,0,0);\r
+// UsbSendPacket((uint8_t *)&ack, sizeof(UsbCommand));\r
+ LED_B_OFF();\r
+ // Thats it...\r
+ FpgaWriteConfWord(FPGA_MAJOR_MODE_OFF);\r
+ LEDsoff();\r
+// iso14a_set_tracing(TRUE);\r
+// Return 1 if the nonce is invalid else return 0\r
+int valid_nonce(uint32_t Nt, uint32_t NtEnc, uint32_t Ks1, byte_t * parity) {\r
+ return ((oddparity((Nt >> 24) & 0xFF) == ((parity[0]) ^ oddparity((NtEnc >> 24) & 0xFF) ^ BIT(Ks1,16))) & \\r
(oddparity((Nt >> 16) & 0xFF) == ((parity[1]) ^ oddparity((NtEnc >> 16) & 0xFF) ^ BIT(Ks1,8))) & \\r
(oddparity((Nt >> 8) & 0xFF) == ((parity[2]) ^ oddparity((NtEnc >> 8) & 0xFF) ^ BIT(Ks1,0)))) ? 1 : 0;\r
MOC = $(QTDIR)/bin/moc
else ifeq ($(platform),Darwin)
-CXXFLAGS = -I/Library/Frameworks/QtGui.framework/Versions/Current/Headers -I/Library/Frameworks/QtCore.framework/Versions/Current/Headers
-QTLDLIBS = -framework QtGui -framework QtCore
+#CXXFLAGS = -I/Library/Frameworks/QtGui.framework/Versions/Current/Headers -I/Library/Frameworks/QtCore.framework/Versions/Current/Headers
+#QTLDLIBS = -framework QtGui -framework QtCore
+CXXFLAGS = -I$(QTDIR)/include -I$(QTDIR)/include/QtCore -I$(QTDIR)/include/QtGui
+QTLDLIBS = -F/opt/local/Library/Frameworks -framework QtGui -framework QtCore
MOC = moc
bootphase1 : ORIGIN = 0x00100000, LENGTH = 0x200 /* Phase 1 bootloader: Copies real bootloader to RAM */
bootphase2 : ORIGIN = 0x00100200, LENGTH = 0x2000 - 0x200 /* Main bootloader code, stored in Flash, executed from RAM */
- fpgaimage : ORIGIN = 0x00102000, LENGTH = 64k - 0x2000 /* Place where the FPGA image will end up */
- osimage : ORIGIN = 0x00110000, LENGTH = 256K - 64k /* Place where the main OS will end up */
+ fpgaimage : ORIGIN = 0x00102000, LENGTH = 96k - 0x2000 /* Place where the FPGA image will end up */
+ osimage : ORIGIN = 0x00118000, LENGTH = 256K - 96k /* Place where the main OS will end up */
ram : ORIGIN = 0x00200000, LENGTH = 64K - 0x20 /* RAM, minus small common area */
commonarea : ORIGIN = 0x00200000 + 64K - 0x20, LENGTH = 0x20 /* Communication between bootloader and main OS */
include ../common/Makefile.common
-all: fpga.ngc fpga.ngd fpga.ncd fpga-placed.ncd fpga.bit
+all: fpga_lf.bit fpga_hf.bit
- $(DELETE) fpga.bgn fpga.drc fpga.ncd fpga.ngd fpga_par.xrpt fpga-placed.pad fpga-placed.par fpga-placed.xpi fpga_usage.xml xlnx_auto_0.ise xst.srp
- $(DELETE) fpga.ngc fpga_ngdbuild.xrpt fpga.pcf fpga-placed_pad.csv fpga-placed.ptwx fpga.rbt xlnx_auto_0_xdb
- $(DELETE) fpga.bld fpga.mrp fpga.ngc_xst.xrpt fpga.ngm fpga-placed.ncd fpga-placed_pad.txt fpga-placed.unroutes fpga_summary.xml netlist.lst xst
+ $(DELETE) *.bgn *.drc *.ncd *.ngd *_par.xrpt *-placed.* *-placed_pad.* *_usage.xml xst_hf.srp xst_lf.srp
+ $(DELETE) *.map *.ngc *.xrpt *.pcf *.rbt *_auto_* *.bld *.mrp *.ngm *.unroutes *_summary.xml netlist.lst xst
-fpga.ngc: fpga.v fpga.ucf xst.scr util.v lo_edge_detect.v lo_read.v lo_passthru.v hi_simulate.v hi_read_tx.v hi_read_rx_xcorr.v hi_iso14443a.v
- $(DELETE) fpga.ngc
- $(XILINX_TOOLS_PREFIX)xst -ifn xst.scr
+fpga_hf.ngc: fpga_hf.v fpga.ucf xst_hf.scr util.v hi_simulate.v hi_read_tx.v hi_read_rx_xcorr.v hi_iso14443a.v
+ $(DELETE) $@
+ $(XILINX_TOOLS_PREFIX)xst -ifn xst_hf.scr
-fpga.ngd: fpga.ngc
- $(DELETE) fpga.ngd
- $(XILINX_TOOLS_PREFIX)ngdbuild -aul -p xc2s30-5-vq100 -nt timestamp -uc fpga.ucf fpga.ngc fpga.ngd
+fpga_lf.ngc: fpga_lf.v fpga.ucf xst_lf.scr util.v clk_divider.v lo_edge_detect.v lo_read.v lo_passthru.v
+ $(DELETE) $@
+ $(XILINX_TOOLS_PREFIX)xst -ifn xst_lf.scr
-fpga.ncd: fpga.ngd
- $(DELETE) fpga.ncd
- $(XILINX_TOOLS_PREFIX)map -p xc2s30-5-vq100 fpga.ngd
+%.ngd: %.ngc
+ $(DELETE) $@
+ $(XILINX_TOOLS_PREFIX)ngdbuild -aul -p xc2s30-5-vq100 -nt timestamp -uc fpga.ucf $< $@
-fpga-placed.ncd: fpga.ncd
- $(DELETE) fpga-placed.ncd
- $(XILINX_TOOLS_PREFIX)par fpga.ncd fpga-placed.ncd
+%.ncd: %.ngd
+ $(DELETE) $@
+ $(XILINX_TOOLS_PREFIX)map -p xc2s30-5-vq100 $<
-fpga.bit: fpga-placed.ncd
- $(DELETE) fpga.bit fpga.drc fpga.rbt
- $(XILINX_TOOLS_PREFIX)bitgen fpga-placed.ncd fpga.bit
+%-placed.ncd: %.ncd
+ $(DELETE) $@
+%.bit: %-placed.ncd
+ $(DELETE) $@ $*.drc $*.rbt
+ $(XILINX_TOOLS_PREFIX)bitgen $< $@
.PHONY: all clean help
--- /dev/null
+// Copyright (C) 2014 iZsh <izsh at>
+// This code is licensed to you under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2 or,
+// at your option, any later version. See the LICENSE.txt file for the text of
+// the license.
+module clk_divider(input clk, input [7:0] divisor, output [7:0] div_cnt, output div_clk);
+ reg [7:0] div_cnt_ = 0;
+ reg div_clk_;
+ assign div_cnt = div_cnt_;
+ assign div_clk = div_clk_;
+ always @(posedge clk)
+ begin
+ if(div_cnt == divisor) begin
+ div_cnt_ <= 8'd0;
+ div_clk_ = !div_clk_;
+ end else
+ div_cnt_ <= div_cnt_ + 1;
+ end
+++ /dev/null
-// The FPGA is responsible for interfacing between the A/D, the coil drivers,
-// and the ARM. In the low-frequency modes it passes the data straight
-// through, so that the ARM gets raw A/D samples over the SSP. In the high-
-// frequency modes, the FPGA might perform some demodulation first, to
-// reduce the amount of data that we must send to the ARM.
-// I am not really an FPGA/ASIC designer, so I am sure that a lot of this
-// could be improved.
-// Jonathan Westhues, March 2006
-// Added ISO14443-A support by Gerhard de Koning Gans, April 2008
-`include "lo_read.v"
-`include "lo_passthru.v"
-`include "lo_edge_detect.v"
-`include "hi_read_tx.v"
-`include "hi_read_rx_xcorr.v"
-`include "hi_simulate.v"
-`include "hi_iso14443a.v"
-`include "util.v"
-module fpga(
- spck, miso, mosi, ncs,
- pck0, ck_1356meg, ck_1356megb,
- pwr_lo, pwr_hi, pwr_oe1, pwr_oe2, pwr_oe3, pwr_oe4,
- adc_d, adc_clk, adc_noe,
- ssp_frame, ssp_din, ssp_dout, ssp_clk,
- cross_hi, cross_lo,
- dbg
- input spck, mosi, ncs;
- output miso;
- input pck0, ck_1356meg, ck_1356megb;
- output pwr_lo, pwr_hi, pwr_oe1, pwr_oe2, pwr_oe3, pwr_oe4;
- input [7:0] adc_d;
- output adc_clk, adc_noe;
- input ssp_dout;
- output ssp_frame, ssp_din, ssp_clk;
- input cross_hi, cross_lo;
- output dbg;
-//assign pck0 = pck0i;
-// .O(pck0),
-// .I(pck0i)
-// );
-//assign spck = spcki;
- // .O(spck),
- // .I(spcki)
-// );
-// The SPI receiver. This sets up the configuration word, which the rest of
-// the logic looks at to determine how to connect the A/D and the coil
-// drivers (i.e., which section gets it). Also assign some symbolic names
-// to the configuration bits, for use below.
-reg [15:0] shift_reg;
-reg [7:0] divisor;
-reg [7:0] conf_word;
-// We switch modes between transmitting to the 13.56 MHz tag and receiving
-// from it, which means that we must make sure that we can do so without
-// glitching, or else we will glitch the transmitted carrier.
-always @(posedge ncs)
- case(shift_reg[15:12])
- 4'b0001: conf_word <= shift_reg[7:0]; // FPGA_CMD_SET_CONFREG
- 4'b0010: divisor <= shift_reg[7:0]; // FPGA_CMD_SET_DIVISOR
- endcase
-always @(posedge spck)
- if(~ncs)
- begin
- shift_reg[15:1] <= shift_reg[14:0];
- shift_reg[0] <= mosi;
- end
-wire [2:0] major_mode;
-assign major_mode = conf_word[7:5];
-// For the low-frequency configuration:
-wire lo_is_125khz;
-assign lo_is_125khz = conf_word[3];
-// For the high-frequency transmit configuration: modulation depth, either
-// 100% (just quite driving antenna, steady LOW), or shallower (tri-state
-// some fraction of the buffers)
-wire hi_read_tx_shallow_modulation;
-assign hi_read_tx_shallow_modulation = conf_word[0];
-// For the high-frequency receive correlator: frequency against which to
-// correlate.
-wire hi_read_rx_xcorr_848;
-assign hi_read_rx_xcorr_848 = conf_word[0];
-// and whether to drive the coil (reader) or just short it (snooper)
-wire hi_read_rx_xcorr_snoop;
-assign hi_read_rx_xcorr_snoop = conf_word[1];
-// Divide the expected subcarrier frequency for hi_read_rx_xcorr by 4
-wire hi_read_rx_xcorr_quarter;
-assign hi_read_rx_xcorr_quarter = conf_word[2];
-// For the high-frequency simulated tag: what kind of modulation to use.
-wire [2:0] hi_simulate_mod_type;
-assign hi_simulate_mod_type = conf_word[2:0];
-// For the high-frequency simulated tag: what kind of modulation to use.
-wire lf_field;
-assign lf_field = conf_word[0];
-// And then we instantiate the modules corresponding to each of the FPGA's
-// major modes, and use muxes to connect the outputs of the active mode to
-// the output pins.
-lo_read lr(
- pck0, ck_1356meg, ck_1356megb,
- lr_pwr_lo, lr_pwr_hi, lr_pwr_oe1, lr_pwr_oe2, lr_pwr_oe3, lr_pwr_oe4,
- adc_d, lr_adc_clk,
- lr_ssp_frame, lr_ssp_din, ssp_dout, lr_ssp_clk,
- cross_hi, cross_lo,
- lr_dbg,
- lo_is_125khz, divisor
-lo_passthru lp(
- pck0, ck_1356meg, ck_1356megb,
- lp_pwr_lo, lp_pwr_hi, lp_pwr_oe1, lp_pwr_oe2, lp_pwr_oe3, lp_pwr_oe4,
- adc_d, lp_adc_clk,
- lp_ssp_frame, lp_ssp_din, ssp_dout, lp_ssp_clk,
- cross_hi, cross_lo,
- lp_dbg, divisor
-lo_edge_detect ls(
- pck0, ck_1356meg, ck_1356megb,
- ls_pwr_lo, ls_pwr_hi, ls_pwr_oe1, ls_pwr_oe2, ls_pwr_oe3, ls_pwr_oe4,
- adc_d, ls_adc_clk,
- ls_ssp_frame, ls_ssp_din, ssp_dout, ls_ssp_clk,
- cross_hi, cross_lo,
- ls_dbg, divisor,
- lf_field
-hi_read_tx ht(
- pck0, ck_1356meg, ck_1356megb,
- ht_pwr_lo, ht_pwr_hi, ht_pwr_oe1, ht_pwr_oe2, ht_pwr_oe3, ht_pwr_oe4,
- adc_d, ht_adc_clk,
- ht_ssp_frame, ht_ssp_din, ssp_dout, ht_ssp_clk,
- cross_hi, cross_lo,
- ht_dbg,
- hi_read_tx_shallow_modulation
-hi_read_rx_xcorr hrxc(
- pck0, ck_1356meg, ck_1356megb,
- hrxc_pwr_lo, hrxc_pwr_hi, hrxc_pwr_oe1, hrxc_pwr_oe2, hrxc_pwr_oe3, hrxc_pwr_oe4,
- adc_d, hrxc_adc_clk,
- hrxc_ssp_frame, hrxc_ssp_din, ssp_dout, hrxc_ssp_clk,
- cross_hi, cross_lo,
- hrxc_dbg,
- hi_read_rx_xcorr_848, hi_read_rx_xcorr_snoop, hi_read_rx_xcorr_quarter
-hi_simulate hs(
- pck0, ck_1356meg, ck_1356megb,
- hs_pwr_lo, hs_pwr_hi, hs_pwr_oe1, hs_pwr_oe2, hs_pwr_oe3, hs_pwr_oe4,
- adc_d, hs_adc_clk,
- hs_ssp_frame, hs_ssp_din, ssp_dout, hs_ssp_clk,
- cross_hi, cross_lo,
- hs_dbg,
- hi_simulate_mod_type
-hi_iso14443a hisn(
- pck0, ck_1356meg, ck_1356megb,
- hisn_pwr_lo, hisn_pwr_hi, hisn_pwr_oe1, hisn_pwr_oe2, hisn_pwr_oe3, hisn_pwr_oe4,
- adc_d, hisn_adc_clk,
- hisn_ssp_frame, hisn_ssp_din, ssp_dout, hisn_ssp_clk,
- cross_hi, cross_lo,
- hisn_dbg,
- hi_simulate_mod_type
-// Major modes:
-// 000 -- LF reader (generic)
-// 001 -- LF simulated tag (generic)
-// 010 -- HF reader, transmitting to tag; modulation depth selectable
-// 011 -- HF reader, receiving from tag, correlating as it goes; frequency selectable
-// 100 -- HF simulated tag
-// 101 -- HF ISO14443-A
-// 110 -- LF passthrough
-// 111 -- everything off
-mux8 mux_ssp_clk (major_mode, ssp_clk, lr_ssp_clk, ls_ssp_clk, ht_ssp_clk, hrxc_ssp_clk, hs_ssp_clk, hisn_ssp_clk, lp_ssp_clk, 1'b0);
-mux8 mux_ssp_din (major_mode, ssp_din, lr_ssp_din, ls_ssp_din, ht_ssp_din, hrxc_ssp_din, hs_ssp_din, hisn_ssp_din, lp_ssp_din, 1'b0);
-mux8 mux_ssp_frame (major_mode, ssp_frame, lr_ssp_frame, ls_ssp_frame, ht_ssp_frame, hrxc_ssp_frame, hs_ssp_frame, hisn_ssp_frame, lp_ssp_frame, 1'b0);
-mux8 mux_pwr_oe1 (major_mode, pwr_oe1, lr_pwr_oe1, ls_pwr_oe1, ht_pwr_oe1, hrxc_pwr_oe1, hs_pwr_oe1, hisn_pwr_oe1, lp_pwr_oe1, 1'b0);
-mux8 mux_pwr_oe2 (major_mode, pwr_oe2, lr_pwr_oe2, ls_pwr_oe2, ht_pwr_oe2, hrxc_pwr_oe2, hs_pwr_oe2, hisn_pwr_oe2, lp_pwr_oe2, 1'b0);
-mux8 mux_pwr_oe3 (major_mode, pwr_oe3, lr_pwr_oe3, ls_pwr_oe3, ht_pwr_oe3, hrxc_pwr_oe3, hs_pwr_oe3, hisn_pwr_oe3, lp_pwr_oe3, 1'b0);
-mux8 mux_pwr_oe4 (major_mode, pwr_oe4, lr_pwr_oe4, ls_pwr_oe4, ht_pwr_oe4, hrxc_pwr_oe4, hs_pwr_oe4, hisn_pwr_oe4, lp_pwr_oe4, 1'b0);
-mux8 mux_pwr_lo (major_mode, pwr_lo, lr_pwr_lo, ls_pwr_lo, ht_pwr_lo, hrxc_pwr_lo, hs_pwr_lo, hisn_pwr_lo, lp_pwr_lo, 1'b0);
-mux8 mux_pwr_hi (major_mode, pwr_hi, lr_pwr_hi, ls_pwr_hi, ht_pwr_hi, hrxc_pwr_hi, hs_pwr_hi, hisn_pwr_hi, lp_pwr_hi, 1'b0);
-mux8 mux_adc_clk (major_mode, adc_clk, lr_adc_clk, ls_adc_clk, ht_adc_clk, hrxc_adc_clk, hs_adc_clk, hisn_adc_clk, lp_adc_clk, 1'b0);
-mux8 mux_dbg (major_mode, dbg, lr_dbg, ls_dbg, ht_dbg, hrxc_dbg, hs_dbg, hisn_dbg, lp_dbg, 1'b0);
-// In all modes, let the ADC's outputs be enabled.
-assign adc_noe = 1'b0;
--- /dev/null
+// The FPGA is responsible for interfacing between the A/D, the coil drivers,
+// and the ARM. In the low-frequency modes it passes the data straight
+// through, so that the ARM gets raw A/D samples over the SSP. In the high-
+// frequency modes, the FPGA might perform some demodulation first, to
+// reduce the amount of data that we must send to the ARM.
+// I am not really an FPGA/ASIC designer, so I am sure that a lot of this
+// could be improved.
+// Jonathan Westhues, March 2006
+// Added ISO14443-A support by Gerhard de Koning Gans, April 2008
+`include "hi_read_tx.v"
+`include "hi_read_rx_xcorr.v"
+`include "hi_simulate.v"
+`include "hi_iso14443a.v"
+`include "util.v"
+module fpga_hf(
+ input spck, output miso, input mosi, input ncs,
+ input pck0, input ck_1356meg, input ck_1356megb,
+ output pwr_lo, output pwr_hi,
+ output pwr_oe1, output pwr_oe2, output pwr_oe3, output pwr_oe4,
+ input [7:0] adc_d, output adc_clk, output adc_noe,
+ output ssp_frame, output ssp_din, input ssp_dout, output ssp_clk,
+ input cross_hi, input cross_lo,
+ output dbg
+// The SPI receiver. This sets up the configuration word, which the rest of
+// the logic looks at to determine how to connect the A/D and the coil
+// drivers (i.e., which section gets it). Also assign some symbolic names
+// to the configuration bits, for use below.
+reg [15:0] shift_reg;
+reg [7:0] conf_word;
+// We switch modes between transmitting to the 13.56 MHz tag and receiving
+// from it, which means that we must make sure that we can do so without
+// glitching, or else we will glitch the transmitted carrier.
+always @(posedge ncs)
+ case(shift_reg[15:12])
+ 4'b0001: conf_word <= shift_reg[7:0]; // FPGA_CMD_SET_CONFREG
+ endcase
+always @(posedge spck)
+ if(~ncs)
+ begin
+ shift_reg[15:1] <= shift_reg[14:0];
+ shift_reg[0] <= mosi;
+ end
+wire [2:0] major_mode;
+assign major_mode = conf_word[7:5];
+// For the high-frequency transmit configuration: modulation depth, either
+// 100% (just quite driving antenna, steady LOW), or shallower (tri-state
+// some fraction of the buffers)
+wire hi_read_tx_shallow_modulation = conf_word[0];
+// For the high-frequency receive correlator: frequency against which to
+// correlate.
+wire hi_read_rx_xcorr_848 = conf_word[0];
+// and whether to drive the coil (reader) or just short it (snooper)
+wire hi_read_rx_xcorr_snoop = conf_word[1];
+// Divide the expected subcarrier frequency for hi_read_rx_xcorr by 4
+wire hi_read_rx_xcorr_quarter = conf_word[2];
+// For the high-frequency simulated tag: what kind of modulation to use.
+wire [2:0] hi_simulate_mod_type = conf_word[2:0];
+// And then we instantiate the modules corresponding to each of the FPGA's
+// major modes, and use muxes to connect the outputs of the active mode to
+// the output pins.
+hi_read_tx ht(
+ pck0, ck_1356meg, ck_1356megb,
+ ht_pwr_lo, ht_pwr_hi, ht_pwr_oe1, ht_pwr_oe2, ht_pwr_oe3, ht_pwr_oe4,
+ adc_d, ht_adc_clk,
+ ht_ssp_frame, ht_ssp_din, ssp_dout, ht_ssp_clk,
+ cross_hi, cross_lo,
+ ht_dbg,
+ hi_read_tx_shallow_modulation
+hi_read_rx_xcorr hrxc(
+ pck0, ck_1356meg, ck_1356megb,
+ hrxc_pwr_lo, hrxc_pwr_hi, hrxc_pwr_oe1, hrxc_pwr_oe2, hrxc_pwr_oe3, hrxc_pwr_oe4,
+ adc_d, hrxc_adc_clk,
+ hrxc_ssp_frame, hrxc_ssp_din, ssp_dout, hrxc_ssp_clk,
+ cross_hi, cross_lo,
+ hrxc_dbg,
+ hi_read_rx_xcorr_848, hi_read_rx_xcorr_snoop, hi_read_rx_xcorr_quarter
+hi_simulate hs(
+ pck0, ck_1356meg, ck_1356megb,
+ hs_pwr_lo, hs_pwr_hi, hs_pwr_oe1, hs_pwr_oe2, hs_pwr_oe3, hs_pwr_oe4,
+ adc_d, hs_adc_clk,
+ hs_ssp_frame, hs_ssp_din, ssp_dout, hs_ssp_clk,
+ cross_hi, cross_lo,
+ hs_dbg,
+ hi_simulate_mod_type
+hi_iso14443a hisn(
+ pck0, ck_1356meg, ck_1356megb,
+ hisn_pwr_lo, hisn_pwr_hi, hisn_pwr_oe1, hisn_pwr_oe2, hisn_pwr_oe3, hisn_pwr_oe4,
+ adc_d, hisn_adc_clk,
+ hisn_ssp_frame, hisn_ssp_din, ssp_dout, hisn_ssp_clk,
+ cross_hi, cross_lo,
+ hisn_dbg,
+ hi_simulate_mod_type
+// Major modes:
+// 000 -- HF reader, transmitting to tag; modulation depth selectable
+// 001 -- HF reader, receiving from tag, correlating as it goes; frequency selectable
+// 010 -- HF simulated tag
+// 011 -- HF ISO14443-A
+// 111 -- everything off
+mux8 mux_ssp_clk (major_mode, ssp_clk, ht_ssp_clk, hrxc_ssp_clk, hs_ssp_clk, hisn_ssp_clk, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0);
+mux8 mux_ssp_din (major_mode, ssp_din, ht_ssp_din, hrxc_ssp_din, hs_ssp_din, hisn_ssp_din, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0);
+mux8 mux_ssp_frame (major_mode, ssp_frame, ht_ssp_frame, hrxc_ssp_frame, hs_ssp_frame, hisn_ssp_frame, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0);
+mux8 mux_pwr_oe1 (major_mode, pwr_oe1, ht_pwr_oe1, hrxc_pwr_oe1, hs_pwr_oe1, hisn_pwr_oe1, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0);
+mux8 mux_pwr_oe2 (major_mode, pwr_oe2, ht_pwr_oe2, hrxc_pwr_oe2, hs_pwr_oe2, hisn_pwr_oe2, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0);
+mux8 mux_pwr_oe3 (major_mode, pwr_oe3, ht_pwr_oe3, hrxc_pwr_oe3, hs_pwr_oe3, hisn_pwr_oe3, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0);
+mux8 mux_pwr_oe4 (major_mode, pwr_oe4, ht_pwr_oe4, hrxc_pwr_oe4, hs_pwr_oe4, hisn_pwr_oe4, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0);
+mux8 mux_pwr_lo (major_mode, pwr_lo, ht_pwr_lo, hrxc_pwr_lo, hs_pwr_lo, hisn_pwr_lo, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0);
+mux8 mux_pwr_hi (major_mode, pwr_hi, ht_pwr_hi, hrxc_pwr_hi, hs_pwr_hi, hisn_pwr_hi, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0);
+mux8 mux_adc_clk (major_mode, adc_clk, ht_adc_clk, hrxc_adc_clk, hs_adc_clk, hisn_adc_clk, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0);
+mux8 mux_dbg (major_mode, dbg, ht_dbg, hrxc_dbg, hs_dbg, hisn_dbg, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0);
+// In all modes, let the ADC's outputs be enabled.
+assign adc_noe = 1'b0;
--- /dev/null
+// The FPGA is responsible for interfacing between the A/D, the coil drivers,
+// and the ARM. In the low-frequency modes it passes the data straight
+// through, so that the ARM gets raw A/D samples over the SSP. In the high-
+// frequency modes, the FPGA might perform some demodulation first, to
+// reduce the amount of data that we must send to the ARM.
+// I am not really an FPGA/ASIC designer, so I am sure that a lot of this
+// could be improved.
+// Jonathan Westhues, March 2006
+// Added ISO14443-A support by Gerhard de Koning Gans, April 2008
+`include "lo_read.v"
+`include "lo_passthru.v"
+`include "lo_edge_detect.v"
+`include "util.v"
+`include "clk_divider.v"
+module fpga_lf(
+ input spck, output miso, input mosi, input ncs,
+ input pck0, input ck_1356meg, input ck_1356megb,
+ output pwr_lo, output pwr_hi,
+ output pwr_oe1, output pwr_oe2, output pwr_oe3, output pwr_oe4,
+ input [7:0] adc_d, output adc_clk, output adc_noe,
+ output ssp_frame, output ssp_din, input ssp_dout, output ssp_clk,
+ input cross_hi, input cross_lo,
+ output dbg
+// The SPI receiver. This sets up the configuration word, which the rest of
+// the logic looks at to determine how to connect the A/D and the coil
+// drivers (i.e., which section gets it). Also assign some symbolic names
+// to the configuration bits, for use below.
+reg [15:0] shift_reg;
+reg [7:0] divisor;
+reg [7:0] conf_word;
+// We switch modes between transmitting to the 13.56 MHz tag and receiving
+// from it, which means that we must make sure that we can do so without
+// glitching, or else we will glitch the transmitted carrier.
+always @(posedge ncs)
+ case(shift_reg[15:12])
+ 4'b0001: conf_word <= shift_reg[7:0]; // FPGA_CMD_SET_CONFREG
+ 4'b0010: divisor <= shift_reg[7:0]; // FPGA_CMD_SET_DIVISOR
+ endcase
+always @(posedge spck)
+ if(~ncs)
+ begin
+ shift_reg[15:1] <= shift_reg[14:0];
+ shift_reg[0] <= mosi;
+ end
+wire [2:0] major_mode;
+assign major_mode = conf_word[7:5];
+// For the low-frequency configuration:
+wire lf_field = conf_word[0];
+// And then we instantiate the modules corresponding to each of the FPGA's
+// major modes, and use muxes to connect the outputs of the active mode to
+// the output pins.
+wire [7:0] pck_cnt;
+wire pck_divclk;
+clk_divider div_clk(pck0, divisor, pck_cnt, pck_divclk);
+lo_read lr(
+ pck0, pck_cnt, pck_divclk,
+ lr_pwr_lo, lr_pwr_hi, lr_pwr_oe1, lr_pwr_oe2, lr_pwr_oe3, lr_pwr_oe4,
+ adc_d, lr_adc_clk,
+ lr_ssp_frame, lr_ssp_din, lr_ssp_clk,
+ lr_dbg
+lo_passthru lp(
+ pck_divclk,
+ lp_pwr_lo, lp_pwr_hi, lp_pwr_oe1, lp_pwr_oe2, lp_pwr_oe3, lp_pwr_oe4,
+ lp_adc_clk,
+ lp_ssp_din, ssp_dout,
+ cross_lo,
+ lp_dbg
+lo_edge_detect le(
+ pck0, pck_cnt, pck_divclk,
+ le_pwr_lo, le_pwr_hi, le_pwr_oe1, le_pwr_oe2, le_pwr_oe3, le_pwr_oe4,
+ adc_d, le_adc_clk,
+ le_ssp_frame, ssp_dout, le_ssp_clk,
+ cross_lo,
+ le_dbg,
+ lf_field
+// Major modes:
+// 000 -- LF reader (generic)
+// 001 -- LF edge detect (generic)
+// 010 -- LF passthrough
+mux8 mux_ssp_clk (major_mode, ssp_clk, lr_ssp_clk, le_ssp_clk, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0);
+mux8 mux_ssp_din (major_mode, ssp_din, lr_ssp_din, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0);
+mux8 mux_ssp_frame (major_mode, ssp_frame, lr_ssp_frame, le_ssp_frame, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0);
+mux8 mux_pwr_oe1 (major_mode, pwr_oe1, lr_pwr_oe1, le_pwr_oe1, lp_pwr_oe1, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0);
+mux8 mux_pwr_oe2 (major_mode, pwr_oe2, lr_pwr_oe2, le_pwr_oe2, lp_pwr_oe2, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0);
+mux8 mux_pwr_oe3 (major_mode, pwr_oe3, lr_pwr_oe3, le_pwr_oe3, lp_pwr_oe3, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0);
+mux8 mux_pwr_oe4 (major_mode, pwr_oe4, lr_pwr_oe4, le_pwr_oe4, lp_pwr_oe4, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0);
+mux8 mux_pwr_lo (major_mode, pwr_lo, lr_pwr_lo, le_pwr_lo, lp_pwr_lo, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0);
+mux8 mux_pwr_hi (major_mode, pwr_hi, lr_pwr_hi, le_pwr_hi, lp_pwr_hi, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0);
+mux8 mux_adc_clk (major_mode, adc_clk, lr_adc_clk, le_adc_clk, lp_adc_clk, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0);
+mux8 mux_dbg (major_mode, dbg, lr_dbg, le_dbg, lp_dbg, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0);
+// In all modes, let the ADC's outputs be enabled.
+assign adc_noe = 1'b0;
rmdir/s/q xst\r
-del fpga.ngc\r
-xst -ifn xst.scr\r
+del fpga_lf.ngc\r
+xst -ifn xst_lf.scr\r
if errorlevel 0 goto ok1\r
goto done\r
-del fpga.ngd\r
-ngdbuild -aul -p xc2s30-6vq100 -nt timestamp -uc fpga.ucf fpga.ngc fpga.ngd\r
+del fpga_lf.ngd\r
+ngdbuild -aul -p xc2s30-6vq100 -nt timestamp -uc fpga.ucf fpga_lf.ngc fpga_lf.ngd\r
if errorlevel 0 goto ok2\r
goto done\r
-del fpga.ncd\r
-map -p xc2s30-6vq100 fpga.ngd\r
+del fpga_lf.ncd\r
+map -p xc2s30-6vq100 fpga_lf.ngd\r
if errorlevel 0 goto ok3\r
goto done\r
-del fpga-placed.ncd\r
-par fpga.ncd fpga-placed.ncd\r
+del fpga_lf-placed.ncd\r
+par fpga_lf.ncd fpga_lf-placed.ncd\r
if errorlevel 0 goto ok4\r
goto done\r
-del fpga.bit fpga.drc fpga.rbt\r
-bitgen -b fpga-placed.ncd fpga.bit\r
+del fpga_lf.bit fpga_lf.drc fpga_lf.rbt\r
+bitgen -b fpga_lf-placed.ncd fpga_lf.bit\r
if errorlevel 0 goto ok5\r
goto done\r
+del fpga_hf.ngc\r
+xst -ifn xst_hf.scr\r
+if errorlevel 0 goto ok6\r
+goto done\r
+del fpga_hf.ngd\r
+ngdbuild -aul -p xc2s30-6vq100 -nt timestamp -uc fpga.ucf fpga_hf.ngc fpga_hf.ngd\r
+if errorlevel 0 goto ok7\r
+goto done\r
+del fpga_hf.ncd\r
+map -p xc2s30-6vq100 fpga_hf.ngd\r
+if errorlevel 0 goto ok8\r
+goto done\r
+del fpga_hf-placed.ncd\r
+par fpga_hf.ncd fpga_hf-placed.ncd\r
+if errorlevel 0 goto ok9\r
+goto done\r
+del fpga_hf.bit fpga_hf.drc fpga_hf.rbt\r
+bitgen -b fpga_hf-placed.ncd fpga_hf.bit\r
+if errorlevel 0 goto ok10\r
+goto done\r
echo okay\r
-perl ..\tools\ fpga.rbt > ..\armsrc\fpgaimg.c\r
+perl ..\tools\ fpga_lf.rbt > ..\armsrc\fpgaimg.c\r
module lo_edge_detect(
- pck0, ck_1356meg, ck_1356megb,
- pwr_lo, pwr_hi, pwr_oe1, pwr_oe2, pwr_oe3, pwr_oe4,
- adc_d, adc_clk,
- ssp_frame, ssp_din, ssp_dout, ssp_clk,
- cross_hi, cross_lo,
- dbg,
- divisor,
- lf_field
+ input pck0, input [7:0] pck_cnt, input pck_divclk,
+ output pwr_lo, output pwr_hi,
+ output pwr_oe1, output pwr_oe2, output pwr_oe3, output pwr_oe4,
+ input [7:0] adc_d, output adc_clk,
+ output ssp_frame, input ssp_dout, output ssp_clk,
+ input cross_lo,
+ output dbg,
+ input lf_field
- input pck0, ck_1356meg, ck_1356megb;
- output pwr_lo, pwr_hi, pwr_oe1, pwr_oe2, pwr_oe3, pwr_oe4;
- input [7:0] adc_d;
- output adc_clk;
- input ssp_dout;
- output ssp_frame, ssp_din, ssp_clk;
- input cross_hi, cross_lo;
- output dbg;
- input [7:0] divisor;
- input lf_field;
-// Divide the clock to be used for the ADC
-reg [7:0] pck_divider;
-reg clk_state;
-wire tag_modulation;
-assign tag_modulation = ssp_dout & !lf_field;
-wire reader_modulation;
-assign reader_modulation = !ssp_dout & lf_field & clk_state;
+wire tag_modulation = ssp_dout & !lf_field;
+wire reader_modulation = !ssp_dout & lf_field & pck_divclk;
// No logic, straight through.
assign pwr_oe1 = 1'b0; // not used in LF mode
assign pwr_hi = 1'b0;
assign dbg = ssp_frame;
-always @(posedge pck0)
- if(pck_divider == divisor[7:0])
- begin
- pck_divider <= 8'd0;
- clk_state = !clk_state;
- end
- else
- begin
- pck_divider <= pck_divider + 1;
- end
-assign adc_clk = ~clk_state;
+assign adc_clk = ~pck_divclk;
// Toggle the output with hysteresis
// Set to high if the ADC value is above 200
always @(posedge pck0)
- if((pck_divider == 8'd7) && !clk_state) begin
+ if((pck_cnt == 8'd7) && !pck_divclk) begin
is_high = (adc_d >= 8'd190);
is_low = (adc_d <= 8'd70);
module lo_passthru(
- pck0, ck_1356meg, ck_1356megb,
- pwr_lo, pwr_hi, pwr_oe1, pwr_oe2, pwr_oe3, pwr_oe4,
- adc_d, adc_clk,
- ssp_frame, ssp_din, ssp_dout, ssp_clk,
- cross_hi, cross_lo,
- dbg, divisor
+ input pck_divclk,
+ output pwr_lo, output pwr_hi,
+ output pwr_oe1, output pwr_oe2, output pwr_oe3, output pwr_oe4,
+ output adc_clk,
+ output ssp_din, input ssp_dout,
+ input cross_lo,
+ output dbg
- input pck0, ck_1356meg, ck_1356megb;
- output pwr_lo, pwr_hi, pwr_oe1, pwr_oe2, pwr_oe3, pwr_oe4;
- input [7:0] adc_d;
- output adc_clk;
- input ssp_dout;
- output ssp_frame, ssp_din, ssp_clk;
- input cross_hi, cross_lo;
- output dbg;
- input [7:0] divisor;
-reg [7:0] pck_divider;
-reg ant_lo;
-// this task runs on the rising egde of pck0 clock (24Mhz) and creates ant_lo
-// which is high for (divisor+1) pck0 cycles and low for the same duration
-// ant_lo is therefore a 50% duty cycle clock signal with a frequency of
-// 12Mhz/(divisor+1) which drives the antenna as well as the ADC clock adc_clk
-always @(posedge pck0)
- if(pck_divider == divisor[7:0])
- begin
- pck_divider <= 8'd0;
- ant_lo = !ant_lo;
- end
- else
- begin
- pck_divider <= pck_divider + 1;
- end
// the antenna is modulated when ssp_dout = 1, when 0 the
// antenna drivers stop modulating and go into listen mode
assign pwr_oe1 = ssp_dout;
assign pwr_oe2 = ssp_dout;
assign pwr_oe4 = ssp_dout;
-assign pwr_lo = ant_lo && ssp_dout;
+assign pwr_lo = pck_divclk && ssp_dout;
assign pwr_hi = 1'b0;
assign adc_clk = 1'b0;
assign ssp_din = cross_lo;
module lo_read(
- pck0, ck_1356meg, ck_1356megb,
- pwr_lo, pwr_hi, pwr_oe1, pwr_oe2, pwr_oe3, pwr_oe4,
- adc_d, adc_clk,
- ssp_frame, ssp_din, ssp_dout, ssp_clk,
- cross_hi, cross_lo,
- dbg,
- lo_is_125khz, divisor
+ input pck0, input [7:0] pck_cnt, input pck_divclk,
+ output pwr_lo, output pwr_hi,
+ output pwr_oe1, output pwr_oe2, output pwr_oe3, output pwr_oe4,
+ input [7:0] adc_d, output adc_clk,
+ output ssp_frame, output ssp_din, output ssp_clk,
+ output dbg
- input pck0, ck_1356meg, ck_1356megb;
- output pwr_lo, pwr_hi, pwr_oe1, pwr_oe2, pwr_oe3, pwr_oe4;
- input [7:0] adc_d;
- output adc_clk;
- input ssp_dout;
- output ssp_frame, ssp_din, ssp_clk;
- input cross_hi, cross_lo;
- output dbg;
- input lo_is_125khz; // redundant signal, no longer used anywhere
- input [7:0] divisor;
reg [7:0] to_arm_shiftreg;
-reg [7:0] pck_divider;
-reg ant_lo;
-// this task runs on the rising egde of pck0 clock (24Mhz) and creates ant_lo
-// which is high for (divisor+1) pck0 cycles and low for the same duration
-// ant_lo is therefore a 50% duty cycle clock signal with a frequency of
-// 12Mhz/(divisor+1) which drives the antenna as well as the ADC clock adc_clk
-always @(posedge pck0)
- if(pck_divider == divisor[7:0])
- begin
- pck_divider <= 8'd0;
- ant_lo = !ant_lo;
- end
- else
- begin
- pck_divider <= pck_divider + 1;
- end
// this task also runs at pck0 frequency (24Mhz) and is used to serialize
// the ADC output which is then clocked into the ARM SSP.
-// because ant_lo always transitions when pck_divider = 0 we use the
-// pck_divider counter to sync our other signals off it
-// we read the ADC value when pck_divider=7 and shift it out on counts 8..15
+// because pck_divclk always transitions when pck_cnt = 0 we use the
+// pck_div counter to sync our other signals off it
+// we read the ADC value when pck_cnt=7 and shift it out on counts 8..15
always @(posedge pck0)
- if((pck_divider == 8'd7) && !ant_lo)
- to_arm_shiftreg <= adc_d;
- else
- begin
- to_arm_shiftreg[7:1] <= to_arm_shiftreg[6:0];
+ if((pck_cnt == 8'd7) && !pck_divclk)
+ to_arm_shiftreg <= adc_d;
+ else begin
+ to_arm_shiftreg[7:1] <= to_arm_shiftreg[6:0];
// simulation showed a glitch occuring due to the LSB of the shifter
// not being set as we shift bits out
// this ensures the ssp_din remains low after a transfer and suppresses
// the glitch that would occur when the last data shifted out ended in
// a 1 bit and the next data shifted out started with a 0 bit
- to_arm_shiftreg[0] <= 1'b0;
+ to_arm_shiftreg[0] <= 1'b0;
// ssp_clk |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_
// serialized SSP data is gated by ant_lo to suppress unwanted signal
-assign ssp_din = to_arm_shiftreg[7] && !ant_lo;
+assign ssp_din = to_arm_shiftreg[7] && !pck_divclk;
// SSP clock always runs at 24Mhz
assign ssp_clk = pck0;
// SSP frame is gated by ant_lo and goes high when pck_divider=8..15
-assign ssp_frame = (pck_divider[7:3] == 5'd1) && !ant_lo;
+assign ssp_frame = (pck_cnt[7:3] == 5'd1) && !pck_divclk;
// unused signals tied low
assign pwr_hi = 1'b0;
assign pwr_oe1 = 1'b0;
assign pwr_oe3 = 1'b0;
assign pwr_oe4 = 1'b0;
// this is the antenna driver signal
-assign pwr_lo = ant_lo;
+assign pwr_lo = pck_divclk;
// ADC clock out of phase with antenna driver
-assign adc_clk = ~ant_lo;
+assign adc_clk = ~pck_divclk;
// ADC clock also routed to debug pin
assign dbg = adc_clk;
+++ /dev/null
-run -ifn fpga.v -ifmt Verilog -ofn fpga.ngc -ofmt NGC -p xc2s30-5-vq100 -opt_mode Speed -opt_level 1 -ent fpga
--- /dev/null
+run -ifn fpga_hf.v -ifmt Verilog -ofn fpga_hf.ngc -ofmt NGC -p xc2s30-5-vq100 -top fpga_hf -opt_mode area -opt_level 2 -resource_sharing yes -fsm_style bram -fsm_encoding compact
--- /dev/null
+run -ifn fpga_lf.v -ifmt Verilog -ofn fpga_lf.ngc -ofmt NGC -p xc2s30-5-vq100 -top fpga_lf -opt_mode area -opt_level 2 -resource_sharing yes -fsm_style bram -fsm_encoding compact
#define SPI_FPGA_MODE 0
#define SPI_LCD_MODE 1
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0