+local bin = require('bin')
+local getopt = require('getopt')
+local utils = require('utils')
+local bxor=bit32.bxor
+example =[[
+ script run calc_ev1_it
+ script run calc_ev1_it -u 11223344556677
+author = "Iceman"
+usage = "script run calc_ev1_it -u <uid> "
+desc =[[
+ -h : this help
+ -u <UID> : UID
+-- A debug printout-function
+function dbg(args)
+ if type(args) == "table" then
+ local i = 1
+ while args[i] do
+ dbg(args[i])
+ i = i+1
+ end
+ else
+ print("###", args)
+ end
+-- This is only meant to be used when errors occur
+function oops(err)
+ print("ERROR: ",err)
+ return nil,err
+-- Usage help
+function help()
+ print(desc)
+ print("Example usage")
+ print(example)
+-- Exit message
+function exitMsg(msg)
+ print( string.rep('--',20) )
+ print( string.rep('--',20) )
+ print(msg)
+ print()
+local _xortable = {
+ --[[ position, 4byte xor
+ --]]
+ {"00","4f2711c1"},
+ {"01","07D7BB83"},
+ {"02","9636EF07"},
+ {"03","B5F4460E"},
+ {"04","F271141C"},
+ {"05","7D7BB038"},
+ {"06","636EF871"},
+ {"07","5F4468E3"},
+ {"08","271149C7"},
+ {"09","D7BB0B8F"},
+ {"0A","36EF8F1E"},
+ {"0B","F446863D"},
+ {"0C","7114947A"},
+ {"0D","7BB0B0F5"},
+ {"0E","6EF8F9EB"},
+ {"0F","44686BD7"},
+ {"10","11494fAF"},
+ {"11","BB0B075F"},
+ {"12","EF8F96BE"},
+ {"13","4686B57C"},
+ {"14","1494F2F9"},
+ {"15","B0B07DF3"},
+ {"16","F8F963E6"},
+ {"17","686B5FCC"},
+ {"18","494F2799"},
+ {"19","0B07D733"},
+ {"1A","8F963667"},
+ {"1B","86B5F4CE"},
+ {"1C","94F2719C"},
+ {"1D","B07D7B38"},
+ {"1E","F9636E70"},
+ {"1F","6B5F44E0"},
+local function findEntryByUid( uid )
+ -- xor UID4,UID5,UID6,UID7
+ -- mod 0x20 (dec 32)
+ local pos = (bxor(bxor(bxor(uid[4],uid[5]), uid[6]),uid[7])) % 32
+ -- convert to hexstring
+ pos = string.format('%02X', pos)
+ for k, v in pairs(_xortable) do
+ if ( v[1] == pos ) then
+ return utils.ConvertHexToBytes(v[2])
+ end
+ end
+ return nil
+local function main(args)
+ print( string.rep('--',20) )
+ print( string.rep('--',20) )
+ print()
+ local i,j, pwd
+ local uid = '04111211121110'
+ -- Arguments for the script
+ for o, a in getopt.getopt(args, 'hu:') do
+ if o == "h" then return help() end
+ if o == "u" then uid = a end
+ end
+ -- uid string checks
+ if uid == nil then return oops('empty uid string') end
+ if #uid == 0 then return oops('empty uid string') end
+ if #uid ~= 14 then return oops('uid wrong length. Should be 7 hex bytes') end
+ local uidbytes = utils.ConvertHexToBytes(uid)
+ local entry = findEntryByUid(uidbytes)
+ if entry == nil then return oops("Can't find a xor entry") end
+ -- PWD0 = T0 xor B xor C xor D
+ -- PWD1 = T1 xor A xor C xor E
+ -- PWD2 = T2 xor A xor B xor F
+ -- PWD3 = T3 xor G
+ local pwd0 = bxor( bxor( bxor( entry[1], uidbytes[2]), uidbytes[3]), uidbytes[4])
+ local pwd1 = bxor( bxor( bxor( entry[2], uidbytes[1]), uidbytes[3]), uidbytes[5])
+ local pwd2 = bxor( bxor( bxor( entry[3], uidbytes[1]), uidbytes[2]), uidbytes[6])
+ local pwd3 = bxor( entry[4], uidbytes[7])
+ print('UID | '..uid)
+ print(string.format('PWD | %02X%02X%02X%02X', pwd0, pwd1, pwd2, pwd3))
\ No newline at end of file