--- /dev/null
+# Travis-CI config
+# variable REPOSITORY_EP must be filled with repository name. as sample: "merlokk/proxmark3"
+language: c
+compiler: gcc
+# Test on Linux and MacOS
+ include:
+ - os: osx
+ osx_image: xcode7.3 # OS X 10.11
+ - os: osx
+ osx_image: xcode8.3 # OS X 10.12
+ - os: osx
+ osx_image: xcode9 # OS X 10.12
+ - os: osx
+ osx_image: xcode9.2 # OS X 10.12
+ - os: linux
+ dist: trusty
+ sudo: required
+## Install ARM toolchain on Linux.
+## add our homebrew tap for MacOS
+## Note: all dependencies on MacOS should be resolved by the brew install command
+ if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" ]]; then
+ sudo apt-get update -qq;
+ sudo apt-get install -y gcc-arm-none-eabi;
+ elif [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]]; then
+ brew update;
+ if [[ "$REPOSITORY_EP" == "" ]]; then
+ brew tap proxmark/proxmark3;
+ else
+ brew tap "$REPOSITORY_EP" --env=std;
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]]; then
+ brew info proxmark3;
+ brew install -v --HEAD proxmark3;
+ elif [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" ]]; then
+ make all;
+ fi
+## for the time being we are satisfied if it can be build and then successfully started
+ if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]]; then
+ proxmark3 /dev/notexists travis_test_commands.scr ;
+ elif [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" ]]; then
+ ./client/proxmark3 /dev/notexists travis_test_commands.scr ;
+ fi
--- /dev/null
+version: 3.0.1.{build}
+image: Visual Studio 2017
+clone_folder: C:\ProxSpace\pm3
+- ps: >-
+ $psversiontable
+ #Get-ChildItem Env:
+ $releasename=""
+ if ($env:appveyor_repo_tag -match "true"){
+ $releasename=$env:APPVEYOR_REPO_TAG_NAME + "/"
+ }
+ $releasename+=$env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_VERSION + " [" + $env:APPVEYOR_REPO_COMMIT_SHORT + "]"
+ Write-Host "repository: $env:appveyor_repo_name branch:$env:APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH release: $releasename" -ForegroundColor Yellow
+ Add-AppveyorMessage -Message "[$env:APPVEYOR_REPO_COMMIT_SHORT]$env:appveyor_repo_name($env:APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH)" -Category Information -Details "repository: $env:appveyor_repo_name branch: $env:APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH release: $releasename"
+ iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/appveyor/ci/master/scripts/enable-rdp.ps1'))
+- ps: >-
+ Write-Host "Removing ProxSpace..." -NoNewLine
+ cd \
+ Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -Path c:\ProxSpace\*
+ Write-Host "[ OK ]" -ForegroundColor Green
+ Write-Host "Git clone ProxSpace..." -NoNewLine
+ git clone -q https://github.com/Gator96100/ProxSpace c:\ProxSpace
+ Write-Host "[ OK ]" -ForegroundColor Green
+ Write-Host "Removing pm3 dir..." -NoNewLine
+ Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -Path c:\ProxSpace\pm3\*
+ Write-Host "[ OK ]" -ForegroundColor Green
+ Write-Host "Cloning repository <$env:appveyor_repo_name> to $env:appveyor_build_folder ..." -NoNewLine
+ if(-not $env:appveyor_pull_request_number) {
+ git clone -q --branch=$env:appveyor_repo_branch https://github.com/$env:appveyor_repo_name.git $env:appveyor_build_folder
+ cd $env:appveyor_build_folder
+ git checkout -qf $env:appveyor_repo_commit
+ } else {
+ git clone -q https://github.com/$env:appveyor_repo_name.git $env:appveyor_build_folder
+ cd $env:appveyor_build_folder
+ git fetch -q origin +refs/pull/$env:appveyor_pull_request_number/merge:
+ git checkout -qf FETCH_HEAD
+ }
+ Write-Host "[ OK ]" -ForegroundColor Green
+ Write-Host "Fill msys\etc\fstab file..." -NoNewLine
+ New-Item c:\ProxSpace\msys\etc\fstab -type file -force -value "#Win32_Path Mount_Point`nc:\ProxSpace\devkitARM /devkitARM`nc:\ProxSpace\Qt\5.6 /qt `nc:\ProxSpace\pm3 /pm3`n"
+ Write-Host "[ OK ]" -ForegroundColor Green
+- ps: >-
+ function Exec-External {
+ param(
+ [Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=1)][scriptblock] $command
+ )
+ & $command
+ if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
+ throw ("Command returned non-zero error-code ${LASTEXITCODE}: $command")
+ }
+ }
+- ps: >-
+ $env:Path = "C:\ProxSpace\msys\bin;$env:Path"
+ #make
+ bash -lc -i "pwd;make all"
+ #some checks
+ if(!(Test-Path C:\ProxSpace\pm3\client\proxmark3.exe)){
+ throw "Main file proxmark3.exe not exists."
+ }
+ if(!(Test-Path C:\ProxSpace\pm3\armsrc\obj\fullimage.elf)){
+ throw "ARM file fullimage.elf not exists."
+ }
+ if(!(Test-Path C:\ProxSpace\pm3\client\hardnested\tables\*.bin.z)){
+ throw "Files in hardnested\tables not exists."
+ }
+ #copy
+ Write-Host "Copy release files..." -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor Yellow
+ New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path C:\ProxSpace\Release
+ Copy-Item C:\ProxSpace\pm3\client\*.exe C:\ProxSpace\Release
+ New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path C:\ProxSpace\Release\arm
+ Copy-Item C:\ProxSpace\pm3\armsrc\obj\*.elf C:\ProxSpace\Release\arm
+ Copy-Item C:\ProxSpace\pm3\bootrom\obj\*.elf C:\ProxSpace\Release\arm
+ New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path C:\ProxSpace\Release\scripts
+ Copy-Item C:\ProxSpace\pm3\client\scripts\*.lua C:\ProxSpace\Release\scripts
+ New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path C:\ProxSpace\Release\hardnested\tables
+ Copy-Item C:\ProxSpace\pm3\client\hardnested\*.bin C:\ProxSpace\Release\hardnested
+ Copy-Item C:\ProxSpace\pm3\client\hardnested\tables\*.bin.z C:\ProxSpace\Release\hardnested\tables
+ Write-Host "[ OK ]" -ForegroundColor Green
+ #archive and push
+ $releasename=""
+ if ($env:appveyor_repo_tag -match "true"){
+ $releasename=$env:APPVEYOR_REPO_TAG_NAME + "/"
+ }
+ $releasename+=$env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_VERSION + " [" + $env:APPVEYOR_REPO_COMMIT.Substring(0, 7) + "]"
+ Write-Host "Archive and publish release files ($releasename)..." -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor Yellow
+ cd C:\ProxSpace
+ 7z a release.zip C:\ProxSpace\Release
+ Push-AppveyorArtifact release.zip -DeploymentName "$releasename"
+ Write-Host "[ OK ]" -ForegroundColor Green
+ Write-Host "Builded..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
+- ps: >-
+ $env:Path = "C:\ProxSpace\msys\bin;$env:Path"
+ cd c:\ProxSpace\pm3
+ $global:TestsPassed=$true
+ Function ExecTest($Name, $File, $Cmd, $CheckResult) {
+ #--- begin Job
+ $Job = Start-Job -ScriptBlock {
+ [bool]$res=$false
+ $TestTime=[System.Environment]::TickCount
+ $env:Path = "C:\ProxSpace\msys\bin;$env:Path"
+ Set-Location $using:PWD
+ $sb=[scriptblock]::Create("$using:Cmd")
+ #execute scriptblock
+ Write-host "Test [$using:Name] job: $using:Cmd"
+ $Cond=&$sb
+ if ($Cond -eq $null){
+ } ElseIf($using:CheckResult -ne $null) {
+ [String]$searchstr=""
+ if ($Cond -is [Object]){
+ ForEach($line in $Cond){
+ Write-host $line -ForegroundColor Gray
+ $searchstr += $line
+ }
+ }else{
+ Write-host "$Cond" -ForegroundColor Gray
+ $searchstr = $Cond
+ }
+ If($searchstr -like "*$using:CheckResult*") {
+ $res=$true
+ }
+ $Cond="*$using:CheckResult*"
+ } Else {
+ If (!($Cond -is [bool] -or $Cond -is [byte] -or $Cond -is [int16] -or $Cond -is [int32] -or $Cond -is [int64] -or $Cond -is [float])){
+ if ($Cond -is "String" -and $Cond -like "*passed*"){
+ $res= $true
+ }
+ if ($Cond -is "String" -and $Cond -like "*true*"){
+ $res= $true
+ }
+ } Else {
+ $res=$Cond
+ }
+ }
+ If ($res) {
+ Write-host "Result[$using:Name]: $Cond" -ForegroundColor Green
+ Add-AppveyorTest -Name "$using:Name" -Framework NUnit -Filename "$using:File" -Outcome Passed -Duration "$([System.Environment]::TickCount-$TestTime)"
+ }Else {
+ Write-host "Result[$using:Name]: $Cond" -ForegroundColor Red
+ Add-AppveyorTest -Name "$using:Name" -Framework NUnit -Filename "$using:File" -Outcome Failed -Duration "$([System.Environment]::TickCount-$TestTime)" -ErrorMessage "command:$using:Cmd`nresult:$Cond"
+ }
+ return $res
+ }
+ #--- end Job
+ [bool]$res=$false
+ # Wait 120 sec timeout for Job
+ if(Wait-Job $Job -Timeout 120){
+ $Results = $Job | Receive-Job
+ if($Results -like "true"){
+ $res=$true
+ }
+ } else {
+ Write-host "Test [$Name] timeout" -ForegroundColor Red
+ Add-AppveyorTest -Name "$Name" -Framework NUnit -Filename "$File" -Outcome Failed -Duration 40000 -ErrorMessage "timeout"
+ }
+ Remove-Job -Force $Job
+ if(!$res){
+ $global:TestsPassed=$false
+ }
+ }
+ Write-Host "Running tests..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
+ #file test
+ ExecTest "proxmark3 exists" "proxmark3.exe" {Test-Path C:\ProxSpace\Release\proxmark3.exe}
+ ExecTest "arm image exists" "\arm\fullimage1.elf" {Test-Path C:\ProxSpace\Release\arm\fullimage.elf}
+ ExecTest "bootrom exists" "bootrom.elf" {Test-Path C:\ProxSpace\Release\arm\bootrom.elf}
+ ExecTest "hardnested tables exists" "hardnested" {Test-Path C:\ProxSpace\Release\hardnested\tables\*.z}
+ ExecTest "release exists" "release.zip" {Test-Path C:\ProxSpace\release.zip}
+ #proxmark logic tests
+ ExecTest "proxmark help" "proxmark3 -h" {bash -lc 'cd ~/client;proxmark3 -h | grep -q Execute && echo Passed || echo Failed'}
+ ExecTest "proxmark help hardnested" "proxmark3 -h" {bash -lc 'cd ~/client;proxmark3 -h | grep -q hardnested && echo Passed || echo Failed'}
+ ExecTest "hf mf offline text" "hf mf" {bash -lc "cd ~/client;proxmark3 comx -c 'hf mf'"} "at_enc"
+ ExecTest "hf mf hardnested" "hf mf hardnested" {bash -lc "cd ~/client;proxmark3 comx -c 'hf mf hardnested t 1 000000000000'"} "found:"
+ #proxmark crypto tests
+ ExecTest "hf emv test" "hf emv test" {bash -lc "cd ~/client;proxmark3 comx -c 'hf emv test'"} "Tests ?OK"
+ if ($global:TestsPassed) {
+ Write-Host "Tests [ OK ]" -ForegroundColor Green
+ } else {
+ Write-Host "Tests [ ERROR ]" -ForegroundColor Red
+ throw "Tests error."
+ }
+- ps: Write-Host "Build success..." -ForegroundColor Green
+- ps: Write-Host "Build error." -ForegroundColor Red
+- ps: $blockRdp = $false; iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/appveyor/ci/master/scripts/enable-rdp.ps1'))
--- /dev/null
+# How to configure continuous integration
+Here 2 CI configuration files:
+1. for [travis](travis-ci.org)
+2. for [appveyor](appveyor.com)
+It needs to put files from this directory to repository root and then configure CI from appropriate WEB portal.
+## travis
+- Copy .travis.yml and travis_test_commands.scr files to repository root
+- Configure CI from http://travis-ci.org
+- It needs to fork https://github.com/Proxmark/homebrew-proxmark3 from your proxmark repository home
+- Put to file `proxmark3.rb` in line `head "https://github.com/proxmark/proxmark3.git"` your repository link. As sample: `head "https://github.com/merlokk/proxmark3.git"`
+## appveyor
+- Just copy appveyor.yml file to root and configure it from http://appveyor.com
--- /dev/null
+hf mf hardnested t 1 000000000000
+hf emv test
+++ /dev/null
-version: 3.0.1.{build}
-image: Visual Studio 2017
-clone_folder: C:\ProxSpace\pm3
-- ps: >-
- $psversiontable
- #Get-ChildItem Env:
- $releasename=""
- if ($env:appveyor_repo_tag -match "true"){
- $releasename=$env:APPVEYOR_REPO_TAG_NAME + "/"
- }
- $releasename+=$env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_VERSION + " [" + $env:APPVEYOR_REPO_COMMIT_SHORT + "]"
- Write-Host "repository: $env:appveyor_repo_name branch:$env:APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH release: $releasename" -ForegroundColor Yellow
- Add-AppveyorMessage -Message "[$env:APPVEYOR_REPO_COMMIT_SHORT]$env:appveyor_repo_name($env:APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH)" -Category Information -Details "repository: $env:appveyor_repo_name branch: $env:APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH release: $releasename"
- iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/appveyor/ci/master/scripts/enable-rdp.ps1'))
-- ps: >-
- Write-Host "Removing ProxSpace..." -NoNewLine
- cd \
- Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -Path c:\ProxSpace\*
- Write-Host "[ OK ]" -ForegroundColor Green
- Write-Host "Git clone ProxSpace..." -NoNewLine
- git clone -q https://github.com/Gator96100/ProxSpace c:\ProxSpace
- Write-Host "[ OK ]" -ForegroundColor Green
- Write-Host "Removing pm3 dir..." -NoNewLine
- Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -Path c:\ProxSpace\pm3\*
- Write-Host "[ OK ]" -ForegroundColor Green
- Write-Host "Cloning repository <$env:appveyor_repo_name> to $env:appveyor_build_folder ..." -NoNewLine
- if(-not $env:appveyor_pull_request_number) {
- git clone -q --branch=$env:appveyor_repo_branch https://github.com/$env:appveyor_repo_name.git $env:appveyor_build_folder
- cd $env:appveyor_build_folder
- git checkout -qf $env:appveyor_repo_commit
- } else {
- git clone -q https://github.com/$env:appveyor_repo_name.git $env:appveyor_build_folder
- cd $env:appveyor_build_folder
- git fetch -q origin +refs/pull/$env:appveyor_pull_request_number/merge:
- git checkout -qf FETCH_HEAD
- }
- Write-Host "[ OK ]" -ForegroundColor Green
- Write-Host "Fill msys\etc\fstab file..." -NoNewLine
- New-Item c:\ProxSpace\msys\etc\fstab -type file -force -value "#Win32_Path Mount_Point`nc:\ProxSpace\devkitARM /devkitARM`nc:\ProxSpace\Qt\5.6 /qt `nc:\ProxSpace\pm3 /pm3`n"
- Write-Host "[ OK ]" -ForegroundColor Green
-- ps: >-
- function Exec-External {
- param(
- [Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=1)][scriptblock] $command
- )
- & $command
- if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
- throw ("Command returned non-zero error-code ${LASTEXITCODE}: $command")
- }
- }
-- ps: >-
- $env:Path = "C:\ProxSpace\msys\bin;$env:Path"
- #make
- bash -lc -i "pwd;make all"
- #some checks
- if(!(Test-Path C:\ProxSpace\pm3\client\proxmark3.exe)){
- throw "Main file proxmark3.exe not exists."
- }
- if(!(Test-Path C:\ProxSpace\pm3\armsrc\obj\fullimage.elf)){
- throw "ARM file fullimage.elf not exists."
- }
- if(!(Test-Path C:\ProxSpace\pm3\client\hardnested\tables\*.bin.z)){
- throw "Files in hardnested\tables not exists."
- }
- #copy
- Write-Host "Copy release files..." -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor Yellow
- New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path C:\ProxSpace\Release
- Copy-Item C:\ProxSpace\pm3\client\*.exe C:\ProxSpace\Release
- New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path C:\ProxSpace\Release\arm
- Copy-Item C:\ProxSpace\pm3\armsrc\obj\*.elf C:\ProxSpace\Release\arm
- Copy-Item C:\ProxSpace\pm3\bootrom\obj\*.elf C:\ProxSpace\Release\arm
- New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path C:\ProxSpace\Release\scripts
- Copy-Item C:\ProxSpace\pm3\client\scripts\*.lua C:\ProxSpace\Release\scripts
- New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path C:\ProxSpace\Release\hardnested\tables
- Copy-Item C:\ProxSpace\pm3\client\hardnested\*.bin C:\ProxSpace\Release\hardnested
- Copy-Item C:\ProxSpace\pm3\client\hardnested\tables\*.bin.z C:\ProxSpace\Release\hardnested\tables
- Write-Host "[ OK ]" -ForegroundColor Green
- #archive and push
- $releasename=""
- if ($env:appveyor_repo_tag -match "true"){
- $releasename=$env:APPVEYOR_REPO_TAG_NAME + "/"
- }
- $releasename+=$env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_VERSION + " [" + $env:APPVEYOR_REPO_COMMIT.Substring(0, 7) + "]"
- Write-Host "Archive and publish release files ($releasename)..." -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor Yellow
- cd C:\ProxSpace
- 7z a release.zip C:\ProxSpace\Release
- Push-AppveyorArtifact release.zip -DeploymentName "$releasename"
- Write-Host "[ OK ]" -ForegroundColor Green
- Write-Host "Builded..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
-- ps: >-
- $env:Path = "C:\ProxSpace\msys\bin;$env:Path"
- cd c:\ProxSpace\pm3
- $global:TestsPassed=$true
- Function ExecTest($Name, $File, $Cmd, $CheckResult) {
- #--- begin Job
- $Job = Start-Job -ScriptBlock {
- [bool]$res=$false
- $TestTime=[System.Environment]::TickCount
- $env:Path = "C:\ProxSpace\msys\bin;$env:Path"
- Set-Location $using:PWD
- $sb=[scriptblock]::Create("$using:Cmd")
- #execute scriptblock
- Write-host "Test [$using:Name] job: $using:Cmd"
- $Cond=&$sb
- if ($Cond -eq $null){
- } ElseIf($using:CheckResult -ne $null) {
- [String]$searchstr=""
- if ($Cond -is [Object]){
- ForEach($line in $Cond){
- Write-host $line -ForegroundColor Gray
- $searchstr += $line
- }
- }else{
- Write-host "$Cond" -ForegroundColor Gray
- $searchstr = $Cond
- }
- If($searchstr -like "*$using:CheckResult*") {
- $res=$true
- }
- $Cond="*$using:CheckResult*"
- } Else {
- If (!($Cond -is [bool] -or $Cond -is [byte] -or $Cond -is [int16] -or $Cond -is [int32] -or $Cond -is [int64] -or $Cond -is [float])){
- if ($Cond -is "String" -and $Cond -like "*passed*"){
- $res= $true
- }
- if ($Cond -is "String" -and $Cond -like "*true*"){
- $res= $true
- }
- } Else {
- $res=$Cond
- }
- }
- If ($res) {
- Write-host "Result[$using:Name]: $Cond" -ForegroundColor Green
- Add-AppveyorTest -Name "$using:Name" -Framework NUnit -Filename "$using:File" -Outcome Passed -Duration "$([System.Environment]::TickCount-$TestTime)"
- }Else {
- Write-host "Result[$using:Name]: $Cond" -ForegroundColor Red
- Add-AppveyorTest -Name "$using:Name" -Framework NUnit -Filename "$using:File" -Outcome Failed -Duration "$([System.Environment]::TickCount-$TestTime)" -ErrorMessage "command:$using:Cmd`nresult:$Cond"
- }
- return $res
- }
- #--- end Job
- [bool]$res=$false
- # Wait 120 sec timeout for Job
- if(Wait-Job $Job -Timeout 120){
- $Results = $Job | Receive-Job
- if($Results -like "true"){
- $res=$true
- }
- } else {
- Write-host "Test [$Name] timeout" -ForegroundColor Red
- Add-AppveyorTest -Name "$Name" -Framework NUnit -Filename "$File" -Outcome Failed -Duration 40000 -ErrorMessage "timeout"
- }
- Remove-Job -Force $Job
- if(!$res){
- $global:TestsPassed=$false
- }
- }
- Write-Host "Running tests..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
- #file test
- ExecTest "proxmark3 exists" "proxmark3.exe" {Test-Path C:\ProxSpace\Release\proxmark3.exe}
- ExecTest "arm image exists" "\arm\fullimage1.elf" {Test-Path C:\ProxSpace\Release\arm\fullimage.elf}
- ExecTest "bootrom exists" "bootrom.elf" {Test-Path C:\ProxSpace\Release\arm\bootrom.elf}
- ExecTest "hardnested tables exists" "hardnested" {Test-Path C:\ProxSpace\Release\hardnested\tables\*.z}
- ExecTest "release exists" "release.zip" {Test-Path C:\ProxSpace\release.zip}
- #proxmark logic tests
- ExecTest "proxmark help" "proxmark3 -h" {bash -lc 'cd ~/client;proxmark3 -h | grep -q Execute && echo Passed || echo Failed'}
- ExecTest "proxmark help hardnested" "proxmark3 -h" {bash -lc 'cd ~/client;proxmark3 -h | grep -q hardnested && echo Passed || echo Failed'}
- ExecTest "hf mf offline text" "hf mf" {bash -lc "cd ~/client;proxmark3 comx -c 'hf mf'"} "at_enc"
- ExecTest "hf mf hardnested" "hf mf hardnested" {bash -lc "cd ~/client;proxmark3 comx -c 'hf mf hardnested t 1 000000000000'"} "found:"
- #proxmark crypto tests
- ExecTest "hf emv test" "hf emv test" {bash -lc "cd ~/client;proxmark3 comx -c 'hf emv test'"} "Tests ?OK"
- if ($global:TestsPassed) {
- Write-Host "Tests [ OK ]" -ForegroundColor Green
- } else {
- Write-Host "Tests [ ERROR ]" -ForegroundColor Red
- throw "Tests error."
- }
-- ps: Write-Host "Build success..." -ForegroundColor Green
-- ps: Write-Host "Build error." -ForegroundColor Red
-- ps: $blockRdp = $false; iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/appveyor/ci/master/scripts/enable-rdp.ps1'))
for(uint32_t sniffCounter = 0; true; ) {
- DbpString("cancelled by button");
+ DbpString("Canceled by button.");
} // main cycle
#include "parity.h"\r
#include "crc.h"\r
+#define HARDNESTED_AUTHENTICATION_TIMEOUT 848 // card times out 1ms after wrong authentication (according to NXP documentation)\r
+#define HARDNESTED_PRE_AUTHENTICATION_LEADTIME 400 // some (non standard) cards need a pause after select before they are ready for first authentication \r
// the block number for the ISO14443-4 PCB\r
static uint8_t pcb_blocknum = 0;\r
// Deselect card by sending a s-block. the crc is precalced for speed\r
if (slow) {\r
- timeout = GetCountSspClk() + PRE_AUTHENTICATION_LEADTIME;\r
while(GetCountSspClk() < timeout);\r
- // send a dummy response in order to trigger the cards authentication failure timeout\r
- uint8_t dummy_answer[8] = {0};\r
- ReaderTransmit(dummy_answer, 8, NULL);\r
+ // send an incomplete dummy response in order to trigger the card's authentication failure timeout\r
+ uint8_t dummy_answer[1] = {0};\r
+ ReaderTransmit(dummy_answer, 1, NULL);\r
+ \r
if (num_nonces % 2) {\r
memcpy(buf+i, receivedAnswer, 4);\r
i += 9;\r
+ // wait for the card to become ready again\r
+ while(GetCountSspClk() < timeout);\r
#define CRYPT_REQUEST 2\r
#define AUTH_FIRST 0 \r
#define AUTH_NESTED 2\r
-#define AUTHENTICATION_TIMEOUT 848 // card times out 1ms after wrong authentication (according to NXP documentation)\r
-#define PRE_AUTHENTICATION_LEADTIME 400 // some (non standard) cards need a pause after select before they are ready for first authentication\r
// mifare 4bit card answers\r
#define CARD_ACK 0x0A // 1010 - ACK\r
UsbCommand resp;\r
- if (WaitForResponseTimeout(CMD_ACK,&resp,2000)) {\r
+ if (WaitForResponseTimeoutW(CMD_ACK, &resp, 2000, false)) {\r
res = resp.arg[0] & 0xff;\r
uint16_t traceLen = resp.arg[1];\r
len = resp.arg[2];\r
if (res == 0) { // we are done\r
- free(buf);\r
- return 0;\r
+ break;\r
if (res == 1) { // there is (more) data to be transferred\r
} // while (true)\r
+ \r
+ msleep(300); // wait for exiting arm side.\r
+ PrintAndLog("Done.");\r
return 0;\r
// determine the available instruction set at runtime and call the correct function
const uint64_t crack_states_bitsliced_dispatch(uint32_t cuid, uint8_t *best_first_bytes, statelist_t *p, uint32_t *keys_found, uint64_t *num_keys_tested, uint32_t nonces_to_bruteforce, uint8_t *bf_test_nonce_2nd_byte, noncelist_t *nonces) {
switch(GetSIMDInstrAuto()) {
+#if defined (__i386__) || defined (__x86_64__)
+#if !defined(__APPLE__) || (defined(__APPLE__) && (__clang_major__ > 8 || __clang_major__ == 8 && __clang_minor__ >= 1))
+#if (__GNUC__ >= 5) && (__GNUC__ > 5 || __GNUC_MINOR__ > 2)
case SIMD_AVX512:
crack_states_bitsliced_function_p = &crack_states_bitsliced_AVX512;
case SIMD_AVX2:
crack_states_bitsliced_function_p = &crack_states_bitsliced_AVX2;
case SIMD_MMX:
crack_states_bitsliced_function_p = &crack_states_bitsliced_MMX;
crack_states_bitsliced_function_p = &crack_states_bitsliced_NOSIMD;
void bitslice_test_nonces_dispatch(uint32_t nonces_to_bruteforce, uint32_t *bf_test_nonce, uint8_t *bf_test_nonce_par) {
switch(GetSIMDInstrAuto()) {
+#if defined (__i386__) || defined (__x86_64__)
+#if !defined(__APPLE__) || (defined(__APPLE__) && (__clang_major__ > 8 || __clang_major__ == 8 && __clang_minor__ >= 1))
+#if (__GNUC__ >= 5) && (__GNUC__ > 5 || __GNUC_MINOR__ > 2)
case SIMD_AVX512:
bitslice_test_nonces_function_p = &bitslice_test_nonces_AVX512;
case SIMD_AVX2:
bitslice_test_nonces_function_p = &bitslice_test_nonces_AVX2;
case SIMD_MMX:
bitslice_test_nonces_function_p = &bitslice_test_nonces_MMX;
bitslice_test_nonces_function_p = &bitslice_test_nonces_NOSIMD;