//test if auth OK
if (cardRr != prng_successor(nonce, 64)){
- if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= 3)
+ if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= 3) {
Dbprintf("AUTH FAILED for sector %d with key %c. [nr=%08x cardRr=%08x] [nt=%08x succ=%08x]"
, cardAUTHSC
, (cardAUTHKEY == 0) ? 'A' : 'B'
, cardRr
, nonce // nt
, prng_successor(nonce, 64)
+ }
// Shouldn't we respond anything here?
// Right now, we don't nack or anything, which causes the
// reader to do a WUPA after a while. /Martin
// load key into crypto
crypto1_create(pcs, emlGetKey(cardAUTHSC, cardAUTHKEY));
- if (!encrypted_data) {
+ if (!encrypted_data) {
// first authentication
// Update crypto state init (UID ^ NONCE)
crypto1_word(pcs, cuid ^ nonce, 0);
num_to_bytes(nonce, 4, rAUTH_AT);
- }
} else {
// nested authentication
ans = nonce ^ crypto1_word(pcs, cuid ^ nonce, 0);