#include "nonce2key/nonce2key.h"
#include "../common/iso15693tools.h"
#include "../common/crc16.h"
+#include "../common/crc64.h"
#include "aes.h"
* The following params expected:
static int l_SendCommand(lua_State *L){
- /*
- *
- The SendCommand (native) expects the following structure:
- typedef struct {
- uint64_t cmd; //8 bytes
- uint64_t arg[3]; // 8*3 bytes = 24 bytes
- union {
- uint8_t asBytes[USB_CMD_DATA_SIZE]; // 1 byte * 512 = 512 bytes (OR)
- uint32_t asDwords[USB_CMD_DATA_SIZE/4]; // 4 byte * 128 = 512 bytes
- } d;
- } PACKED UsbCommand;
- ==> A 544 byte buffer will do.
- **/
- //Pop cmd
- size_t size;
- const char *data = luaL_checklstring(L, 1, &size);
- if(size != sizeof(UsbCommand))
- {
- printf("Got data size %d, expected %d" , (int) size,(int) sizeof(UsbCommand));
- lua_pushstring(L,"Wrong data size");
- return 1;
- }
+ /*
+ *
+ The SendCommand (native) expects the following structure:
+ typedef struct {
+ uint64_t cmd; //8 bytes
+ uint64_t arg[3]; // 8*3 bytes = 24 bytes
+ union {
+ uint8_t asBytes[USB_CMD_DATA_SIZE]; // 1 byte * 512 = 512 bytes (OR)
+ uint32_t asDwords[USB_CMD_DATA_SIZE/4]; // 4 byte * 128 = 512 bytes
+ } d;
+ } PACKED UsbCommand;
+ ==> A 544 byte buffer will do.
+ **/
+ //Pop cmd
+ size_t size;
+ const char *data = luaL_checklstring(L, 1, &size);
+ if(size != sizeof(UsbCommand))
+ {
+ printf("Got data size %d, expected %d" , (int) size,(int) sizeof(UsbCommand));
+ lua_pushstring(L,"Wrong data size");
+ return 1;
+ }
// UsbCommand c = (*data);
- SendCommand((UsbCommand* )data);
- return 0; // no return values
+ SendCommand((UsbCommand* )data);
+ return 0; // no return values
* @brief The following params expected:
static int l_WaitForResponseTimeout(lua_State *L){
- uint32_t cmd = 0;
- size_t ms_timeout = -1;
- //Check number of arguments
- int n = lua_gettop(L);
- if(n == 0)
- {
- //signal error by returning Nil, errorstring
- lua_pushnil(L);
- lua_pushstring(L,"You need to supply at least command to wait for");
- return 2; // two return values
- }
- if(n >= 1)
- {
- //pop cmd
- cmd = luaL_checkunsigned(L,1);
- }
- if(n >= 2)
- {
- //Did the user send a timeout ?
- //Check if the current top of stack is an integer
- ms_timeout = luaL_checkunsigned(L,2);
- //printf("Timeout set to %dms\n" , (int) ms_timeout);
- }
- UsbCommand response;
- if(WaitForResponseTimeout(cmd, &response, ms_timeout))
- {
- //Push it as a string
- lua_pushlstring(L,(const char *)&response,sizeof(UsbCommand));
- return 1;// return 1 to signal one return value
- }else{
- //Push a Nil instead
- lua_pushnil(L);
- return 1;// one return value
- }
+ uint32_t cmd = 0;
+ size_t ms_timeout = -1;
+ //Check number of arguments
+ int n = lua_gettop(L);
+ if(n == 0)
+ {
+ //signal error by returning Nil, errorstring
+ lua_pushnil(L);
+ lua_pushstring(L,"You need to supply at least command to wait for");
+ return 2; // two return values
+ }
+ if(n >= 1)
+ {
+ //pop cmd
+ cmd = luaL_checkunsigned(L,1);
+ }
+ if(n >= 2)
+ {
+ //Did the user send a timeout ?
+ //Check if the current top of stack is an integer
+ ms_timeout = luaL_checkunsigned(L,2);
+ //printf("Timeout set to %dms\n" , (int) ms_timeout);
+ }
+ UsbCommand response;
+ if(WaitForResponseTimeout(cmd, &response, ms_timeout))
+ {
+ //Push it as a string
+ lua_pushlstring(L,(const char *)&response,sizeof(UsbCommand));
+ return 1;// return 1 to signal one return value
+ }else{
+ //Push a Nil instead
+ lua_pushnil(L);
+ return 1;// one return value
+ }
static int returnToLuaWithError(lua_State *L, const char* fmt, ...)
- char buffer[200];
- va_list args;
- va_start(args,fmt);
- vsnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fmt,args);
- va_end(args);
- lua_pushnil(L);
- lua_pushstring(L,buffer);
- return 2;
+ char buffer[200];
+ va_list args;
+ va_start(args,fmt);
+ vsnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fmt,args);
+ va_end(args);
+ lua_pushnil(L);
+ lua_pushstring(L,buffer);
+ return 2;
static int l_nonce2key(lua_State *L){
- size_t size;
- const char *p_uid = luaL_checklstring(L, 1, &size);
- if(size != 4) return returnToLuaWithError(L,"Wrong size of uid, got %d bytes, expected 4", (int) size);
+ size_t size;
+ const char *p_uid = luaL_checklstring(L, 1, &size);
+ if(size != 4) return returnToLuaWithError(L,"Wrong size of uid, got %d bytes, expected 4", (int) size);
+ const char *p_nt = luaL_checklstring(L, 2, &size);
+ if(size != 4) return returnToLuaWithError(L,"Wrong size of nt, got %d bytes, expected 4", (int) size);
- const char *p_nt = luaL_checklstring(L, 2, &size);
- if(size != 4) return returnToLuaWithError(L,"Wrong size of nt, got %d bytes, expected 4", (int) size);
+ const char *p_nr = luaL_checklstring(L, 3, &size);
+ if(size != 4) return returnToLuaWithError(L,"Wrong size of nr, got %d bytes, expected 4", (int) size);
- const char *p_nr = luaL_checklstring(L, 3, &size);
- if(size != 4) return returnToLuaWithError(L,"Wrong size of nr, got %d bytes, expected 4", (int) size);
+ const char *p_par_info = luaL_checklstring(L, 4, &size);
+ if(size != 8) return returnToLuaWithError(L,"Wrong size of par_info, got %d bytes, expected 8", (int) size);
- const char *p_par_info = luaL_checklstring(L, 4, &size);
- if(size != 8) return returnToLuaWithError(L,"Wrong size of par_info, got %d bytes, expected 8", (int) size);
+ const char *p_pks_info = luaL_checklstring(L, 5, &size);
+ if(size != 8) return returnToLuaWithError(L,"Wrong size of ks_info, got %d bytes, expected 8", (int) size);
- const char *p_pks_info = luaL_checklstring(L, 5, &size);
- if(size != 8) return returnToLuaWithError(L,"Wrong size of ks_info, got %d bytes, expected 8", (int) size);
+ uint32_t uid = bytes_to_num(( uint8_t *)p_uid,4);
+ uint32_t nt = bytes_to_num(( uint8_t *)p_nt,4);
- uint32_t uid = bytes_to_num(( uint8_t *)p_uid,4);
- uint32_t nt = bytes_to_num(( uint8_t *)p_nt,4);
+ uint32_t nr = bytes_to_num(( uint8_t*)p_nr,4);
+ uint64_t par_info = bytes_to_num(( uint8_t *)p_par_info,8);
+ uint64_t ks_info = bytes_to_num(( uint8_t *)p_pks_info,8);
- uint32_t nr = bytes_to_num(( uint8_t*)p_nr,4);
- uint64_t par_info = bytes_to_num(( uint8_t *)p_par_info,8);
- uint64_t ks_info = bytes_to_num(( uint8_t *)p_pks_info,8);
+ uint64_t key = 0;
- uint64_t key = 0;
+ int retval = nonce2key(uid,nt, nr, par_info,ks_info, &key);
- int retval = nonce2key(uid,nt, nr, par_info,ks_info, &key);
+ //Push the retval on the stack
+ lua_pushinteger(L,retval);
- //Push the retval on the stack
- lua_pushinteger(L,retval);
- //Push the key onto the stack
- uint8_t dest_key[8];
- num_to_bytes(key,sizeof(dest_key),dest_key);
+ //Push the key onto the stack
+ uint8_t dest_key[8];
+ num_to_bytes(key,sizeof(dest_key),dest_key);
- //printf("Pushing to lua stack: %012"llx"\n",key);
- lua_pushlstring(L,(const char *) dest_key,sizeof(dest_key));
+ //printf("Pushing to lua stack: %012"llx"\n",key);
+ lua_pushlstring(L,(const char *) dest_key,sizeof(dest_key));
- return 2; //Two return values
+ return 2; //Two return values
//static int l_PrintAndLog(lua_State *L){ return CmdHF14AMfDump(luaL_checkstring(L, 1));}
static int l_clearCommandBuffer(lua_State *L){
- clearCommandBuffer();
- return 0;
+ clearCommandBuffer();
+ return 0;
* @brief l_foobar is a dummy function to test lua-integration with
static int l_foobar(lua_State *L)
- //Check number of arguments
- int n = lua_gettop(L);
- printf("foobar called with %d arguments" , n);
- lua_settop(L, 0);
- printf("Arguments discarded, stack now contains %d elements", lua_gettop(L));
- // todo: this is not used, where was it intended for?
- // UsbCommand response = {CMD_MIFARE_READBL, {1337, 1338, 1339}};
- printf("Now returning a uint64_t as a string");
- uint64_t x = 0xDEADBEEF;
- uint8_t destination[8];
- num_to_bytes(x,sizeof(x),destination);
- lua_pushlstring(L,(const char *)&x,sizeof(x));
- lua_pushlstring(L,(const char *)destination,sizeof(destination));
- return 2;
+ //Check number of arguments
+ int n = lua_gettop(L);
+ printf("foobar called with %d arguments" , n);
+ lua_settop(L, 0);
+ printf("Arguments discarded, stack now contains %d elements", lua_gettop(L));
+ // todo: this is not used, where was it intended for?
+ // UsbCommand response = {CMD_MIFARE_READBL, {1337, 1338, 1339}};
+ printf("Now returning a uint64_t as a string");
+ uint64_t x = 0xDEADBEEF;
+ uint8_t destination[8];
+ num_to_bytes(x,sizeof(x),destination);
+ lua_pushlstring(L,(const char *)&x,sizeof(x));
+ lua_pushlstring(L,(const char *)destination,sizeof(destination));
+ return 2;
static int l_ukbhit(lua_State *L)
- lua_pushboolean(L,ukbhit() ? true : false);
- return 1;
+ lua_pushboolean(L,ukbhit() ? true : false);
+ return 1;
* @brief Calls the command line parser to deal with the command. This enables
static int l_CmdConsole(lua_State *L)
- CommandReceived((char *)luaL_checkstring(L, 1));
- return 0;
+ CommandReceived((char *)luaL_checkstring(L, 1));
+ return 0;
static int l_iso15693_crc(lua_State *L)
- // uint16_t Iso15693Crc(uint8_t *v, int n);
- size_t size;
- const char *v = luaL_checklstring(L, 1, &size);
- uint16_t retval = Iso15693Crc((uint8_t *) v, size);
- lua_pushinteger(L, (int) retval);
- return 1;
+ // uint16_t Iso15693Crc(uint8_t *v, int n);
+ size_t size;
+ const char *v = luaL_checklstring(L, 1, &size);
+ uint16_t retval = Iso15693Crc((uint8_t *) v, size);
+ lua_pushinteger(L, (int) retval);
+ return 1;
Simple AES 128 cbc hook up to OpenSSL.
params: key, input
-static int l_aes(lua_State *L)
+static int l_aes128decrypt(lua_State *L)
//Check number of arguments
int i;
- size_t size;
- const char *p_key = luaL_checklstring(L, 1, &size);
- if(size != 32) return returnToLuaWithError(L,"Wrong size of key, got %d bytes, expected 32", (int) size);
+ size_t size;
+ const char *p_key = luaL_checklstring(L, 1, &size);
+ if(size != 32) return returnToLuaWithError(L,"Wrong size of key, got %d bytes, expected 32", (int) size);
+ const char *p_encTxt = luaL_checklstring(L, 2, &size);
- const char *p_encTxt = luaL_checklstring(L, 2, &size);
unsigned char indata[16] = {0x00};
unsigned char outdata[16] = {0x00};
- unsigned char aes_key[16] = {0x00};
+ unsigned char aes_key[16] = {0x00};
unsigned char iv[16] = {0x00};
- // convert key to bytearray
+ // convert key to bytearray and convert input to bytearray
for (i = 0; i < 32; i += 2) {
sscanf(&p_encTxt[i], "%02x", (unsigned int *)&indata[i / 2]);
+ sscanf(&p_key[i], "%02x", (unsigned int *)&aes_key[i / 2]);
+ aes_context ctx;
+ aes_init(&ctx);
+ aes_setkey_dec(&ctx, aes_key, 128);
+ aes_crypt_cbc(&ctx,AES_DECRYPT,sizeof(indata), iv, indata,outdata );
+ //Push decrypted array as a string
+ lua_pushlstring(L,(const char *)&outdata, sizeof(outdata));
+ return 1;// return 1 to signal one return value
+static int l_aes128encrypt(lua_State *L)
+ //Check number of arguments
+ int i;
+ size_t size;
+ const char *p_key = luaL_checklstring(L, 1, &size);
+ if(size != 32) return returnToLuaWithError(L,"Wrong size of key, got %d bytes, expected 32", (int) size);
+ const char *p_txt = luaL_checklstring(L, 2, &size);
+ unsigned char indata[16] = {0x00};
+ unsigned char outdata[16] = {0x00};
+ unsigned char aes_key[16] = {0x00};
+ unsigned char iv[16] = {0x00};
- // convert input to bytearray
for (i = 0; i < 32; i += 2) {
+ sscanf(&p_txt[i], "%02x", (unsigned int *)&indata[i / 2]);
sscanf(&p_key[i], "%02x", (unsigned int *)&aes_key[i / 2]);
- //AES_KEY key;
- //AES_set_decrypt_key(aes_key, 128, &key);
- //AES_cbc_encrypt(indata, outdata, sizeof(indata), &key, iv, AES_DECRYPT);
- aes_context ctx;
- aes_init(&ctx);
- aes_setkey_dec(&ctx, aes_key, 128);
- aes_crypt_cbc(&ctx,AES_DECRYPT,sizeof(indata), iv, indata,outdata );
- //Push decrypted array as a string
+ aes_context ctx;
+ aes_init(&ctx);
+ aes_setkey_enc(&ctx, aes_key, 128);
+ aes_crypt_cbc(&ctx, AES_ENCRYPT, sizeof(indata), iv, indata, outdata );
+ //Push encrypted array as a string
lua_pushlstring(L,(const char *)&outdata, sizeof(outdata));
return 1;// return 1 to signal one return value
size_t size;
const char *p_str = luaL_checklstring(L, 1, &size);
uint16_t retval = crc16_ccitt( (uint8_t*) p_str, size);
- lua_pushinteger(L, (int) retval);
- return 1;
+ lua_pushinteger(L, (int) retval);
+ return 1;
+static int l_crc64(lua_State *L)
+ size_t size;
+ uint64_t crc = 0;
+ unsigned char outdata[8] = {0x00};
+ const char *p_str = luaL_checklstring(L, 1, &size);
+ crc64( (uint8_t*) p_str, size, &crc);
+ outdata[0] = (uint8_t)(crc >> 56) & 0xff;
+ outdata[1] = (uint8_t)(crc >> 48) & 0xff;
+ outdata[2] = (uint8_t)(crc >> 40) & 0xff;
+ outdata[3] = (uint8_t)(crc >> 32) & 0xff;
+ outdata[4] = (uint8_t)(crc >> 24) & 0xff;
+ outdata[5] = (uint8_t)(crc >> 16) & 0xff;
+ outdata[6] = (uint8_t)(crc >> 8) & 0xff;
+ outdata[7] = crc & 0xff;
+ lua_pushlstring(L,(const char *)&outdata, sizeof(outdata));
+ return 1;
int setLuaPath( lua_State* L, const char* path )
- lua_getglobal( L, "package" );
- lua_getfield( L, -1, "path" ); // get field "path" from table at top of stack (-1)
- const char* cur_path = lua_tostring( L, -1 ); // grab path string from top of stack
- int requiredLength = strlen(cur_path)+ strlen(path)+10; //A few bytes too many, whatever we can afford it
- char * buf = malloc(requiredLength);
- snprintf(buf, requiredLength, "%s;%s", cur_path, path);
- lua_pop( L, 1 ); // get rid of the string on the stack we just pushed on line 5
- lua_pushstring( L, buf ); // push the new one
- lua_setfield( L, -2, "path" ); // set the field "path" in table at -2 with value at top of stack
- lua_pop( L, 1 ); // get rid of package table from top of stack
- free(buf);
- return 0; // all done!
+ lua_getglobal( L, "package" );
+ lua_getfield( L, -1, "path" ); // get field "path" from table at top of stack (-1)
+ const char* cur_path = lua_tostring( L, -1 ); // grab path string from top of stack
+ int requiredLength = strlen(cur_path)+ strlen(path)+10; //A few bytes too many, whatever we can afford it
+ char * buf = malloc(requiredLength);
+ snprintf(buf, requiredLength, "%s;%s", cur_path, path);
+ lua_pop( L, 1 ); // get rid of the string on the stack we just pushed on line 5
+ lua_pushstring( L, buf ); // push the new one
+ lua_setfield( L, -2, "path" ); // set the field "path" in table at -2 with value at top of stack
+ lua_pop( L, 1 ); // get rid of package table from top of stack
+ free(buf);
+ return 0; // all done!
int set_pm3_libraries(lua_State *L)
- static const luaL_Reg libs[] = {
- {"SendCommand", l_SendCommand},
- {"WaitForResponseTimeout", l_WaitForResponseTimeout},
- {"nonce2key", l_nonce2key},
- //{"PrintAndLog", l_PrintAndLog},
- {"foobar", l_foobar},
- {"ukbhit", l_ukbhit},
- {"clearCommandBuffer", l_clearCommandBuffer},
- {"console", l_CmdConsole},
- {"iso15693_crc", l_iso15693_crc},
- {"aes", l_aes},
+ static const luaL_Reg libs[] = {
+ {"SendCommand", l_SendCommand},
+ {"WaitForResponseTimeout", l_WaitForResponseTimeout},
+ {"nonce2key", l_nonce2key},
+ //{"PrintAndLog", l_PrintAndLog},
+ {"foobar", l_foobar},
+ {"ukbhit", l_ukbhit},
+ {"clearCommandBuffer", l_clearCommandBuffer},
+ {"console", l_CmdConsole},
+ {"iso15693_crc", l_iso15693_crc},
+ {"aes128_decrypt", l_aes128decrypt},
+ {"aes128_encrypt", l_aes128encrypt},
{"crc16", l_crc16},
- };
- lua_pushglobaltable(L);
- // Core library is in this table. Contains '
- //this is 'pm3' table
- lua_newtable(L);
- //Put the function into the hash table.
- for (int i = 0; libs[i].name; i++) {
- lua_pushcfunction(L, libs[i].func);
- lua_setfield(L, -2, libs[i].name);//set the name, pop stack
- }
- //Name of 'core'
- lua_setfield(L, -2, "core");
- //-- remove the global environment table from the stack
- lua_pop(L, 1);
- //-- Last but not least, add to the LUA_PATH (package.path in lua)
- // so we can load libraries from the ./lualib/ - directory
- setLuaPath(L,"./lualibs/?.lua");
- return 1;
+ {"crc64", l_crc64},
+ };
+ lua_pushglobaltable(L);
+ // Core library is in this table. Contains '
+ //this is 'pm3' table
+ lua_newtable(L);
+ //Put the function into the hash table.
+ for (int i = 0; libs[i].name; i++) {
+ lua_pushcfunction(L, libs[i].func);
+ lua_setfield(L, -2, libs[i].name);//set the name, pop stack
+ }
+ //Name of 'core'
+ lua_setfield(L, -2, "core");
+ //-- remove the global environment table from the stack
+ lua_pop(L, 1);
+ //-- Last but not least, add to the LUA_PATH (package.path in lua)
+ // so we can load libraries from the ./lualib/ - directory
+ setLuaPath(L,"./lualibs/?.lua");
+ return 1;
--- /dev/null
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include "crc64.h"
+#define CRC64_ECMA_PRESET 0x0000000000000000
+const uint64_t crc64_table[] = {
+ 0x0000000000000000, 0x42F0E1EBA9EA3693, 0x85E1C3D753D46D26, 0xC711223CFA3E5BB5,
+ 0x493366450E42ECDF, 0x0BC387AEA7A8DA4C, 0xCCD2A5925D9681F9, 0x8E224479F47CB76A,
+ 0x9266CC8A1C85D9BE, 0xD0962D61B56FEF2D, 0x17870F5D4F51B498, 0x5577EEB6E6BB820B,
+ 0xDB55AACF12C73561, 0x99A54B24BB2D03F2, 0x5EB4691841135847, 0x1C4488F3E8F96ED4,
+ 0x663D78FF90E185EF, 0x24CD9914390BB37C, 0xE3DCBB28C335E8C9, 0xA12C5AC36ADFDE5A,
+ 0x2F0E1EBA9EA36930, 0x6DFEFF5137495FA3, 0xAAEFDD6DCD770416, 0xE81F3C86649D3285,
+ 0xF45BB4758C645C51, 0xB6AB559E258E6AC2, 0x71BA77A2DFB03177, 0x334A9649765A07E4,
+ 0xBD68D2308226B08E, 0xFF9833DB2BCC861D, 0x388911E7D1F2DDA8, 0x7A79F00C7818EB3B,
+ 0xCC7AF1FF21C30BDE, 0x8E8A101488293D4D, 0x499B3228721766F8, 0x0B6BD3C3DBFD506B,
+ 0x854997BA2F81E701, 0xC7B97651866BD192, 0x00A8546D7C558A27, 0x4258B586D5BFBCB4,
+ 0x5E1C3D753D46D260, 0x1CECDC9E94ACE4F3, 0xDBFDFEA26E92BF46, 0x990D1F49C77889D5,
+ 0x172F5B3033043EBF, 0x55DFBADB9AEE082C, 0x92CE98E760D05399, 0xD03E790CC93A650A,
+ 0xAA478900B1228E31, 0xE8B768EB18C8B8A2, 0x2FA64AD7E2F6E317, 0x6D56AB3C4B1CD584,
+ 0xE374EF45BF6062EE, 0xA1840EAE168A547D, 0x66952C92ECB40FC8, 0x2465CD79455E395B,
+ 0x3821458AADA7578F, 0x7AD1A461044D611C, 0xBDC0865DFE733AA9, 0xFF3067B657990C3A,
+ 0x711223CFA3E5BB50, 0x33E2C2240A0F8DC3, 0xF4F3E018F031D676, 0xB60301F359DBE0E5,
+ 0xDA050215EA6C212F, 0x98F5E3FE438617BC, 0x5FE4C1C2B9B84C09, 0x1D14202910527A9A,
+ 0x93366450E42ECDF0, 0xD1C685BB4DC4FB63, 0x16D7A787B7FAA0D6, 0x5427466C1E109645,
+ 0x4863CE9FF6E9F891, 0x0A932F745F03CE02, 0xCD820D48A53D95B7, 0x8F72ECA30CD7A324,
+ 0x0150A8DAF8AB144E, 0x43A04931514122DD, 0x84B16B0DAB7F7968, 0xC6418AE602954FFB,
+ 0xBC387AEA7A8DA4C0, 0xFEC89B01D3679253, 0x39D9B93D2959C9E6, 0x7B2958D680B3FF75,
+ 0xF50B1CAF74CF481F, 0xB7FBFD44DD257E8C, 0x70EADF78271B2539, 0x321A3E938EF113AA,
+ 0x2E5EB66066087D7E, 0x6CAE578BCFE24BED, 0xABBF75B735DC1058, 0xE94F945C9C3626CB,
+ 0x676DD025684A91A1, 0x259D31CEC1A0A732, 0xE28C13F23B9EFC87, 0xA07CF2199274CA14,
+ 0x167FF3EACBAF2AF1, 0x548F120162451C62, 0x939E303D987B47D7, 0xD16ED1D631917144,
+ 0x5F4C95AFC5EDC62E, 0x1DBC74446C07F0BD, 0xDAAD56789639AB08, 0x985DB7933FD39D9B,
+ 0x84193F60D72AF34F, 0xC6E9DE8B7EC0C5DC, 0x01F8FCB784FE9E69, 0x43081D5C2D14A8FA,
+ 0xCD2A5925D9681F90, 0x8FDAB8CE70822903, 0x48CB9AF28ABC72B6, 0x0A3B7B1923564425,
+ 0x70428B155B4EAF1E, 0x32B26AFEF2A4998D, 0xF5A348C2089AC238, 0xB753A929A170F4AB,
+ 0x3971ED50550C43C1, 0x7B810CBBFCE67552, 0xBC902E8706D82EE7, 0xFE60CF6CAF321874,
+ 0xE224479F47CB76A0, 0xA0D4A674EE214033, 0x67C58448141F1B86, 0x253565A3BDF52D15,
+ 0xAB1721DA49899A7F, 0xE9E7C031E063ACEC, 0x2EF6E20D1A5DF759, 0x6C0603E6B3B7C1CA,
+ 0xF6FAE5C07D3274CD, 0xB40A042BD4D8425E, 0x731B26172EE619EB, 0x31EBC7FC870C2F78,
+ 0xBFC9838573709812, 0xFD39626EDA9AAE81, 0x3A28405220A4F534, 0x78D8A1B9894EC3A7,
+ 0x649C294A61B7AD73, 0x266CC8A1C85D9BE0, 0xE17DEA9D3263C055, 0xA38D0B769B89F6C6,
+ 0x2DAF4F0F6FF541AC, 0x6F5FAEE4C61F773F, 0xA84E8CD83C212C8A, 0xEABE6D3395CB1A19,
+ 0x90C79D3FEDD3F122, 0xD2377CD44439C7B1, 0x15265EE8BE079C04, 0x57D6BF0317EDAA97,
+ 0xD9F4FB7AE3911DFD, 0x9B041A914A7B2B6E, 0x5C1538ADB04570DB, 0x1EE5D94619AF4648,
+ 0x02A151B5F156289C, 0x4051B05E58BC1E0F, 0x87409262A28245BA, 0xC5B073890B687329,
+ 0x4B9237F0FF14C443, 0x0962D61B56FEF2D0, 0xCE73F427ACC0A965, 0x8C8315CC052A9FF6,
+ 0x3A80143F5CF17F13, 0x7870F5D4F51B4980, 0xBF61D7E80F251235, 0xFD913603A6CF24A6,
+ 0x73B3727A52B393CC, 0x31439391FB59A55F, 0xF652B1AD0167FEEA, 0xB4A25046A88DC879,
+ 0xA8E6D8B54074A6AD, 0xEA16395EE99E903E, 0x2D071B6213A0CB8B, 0x6FF7FA89BA4AFD18,
+ 0xE1D5BEF04E364A72, 0xA3255F1BE7DC7CE1, 0x64347D271DE22754, 0x26C49CCCB40811C7,
+ 0x5CBD6CC0CC10FAFC, 0x1E4D8D2B65FACC6F, 0xD95CAF179FC497DA, 0x9BAC4EFC362EA149,
+ 0x158E0A85C2521623, 0x577EEB6E6BB820B0, 0x906FC95291867B05, 0xD29F28B9386C4D96,
+ 0xCEDBA04AD0952342, 0x8C2B41A1797F15D1, 0x4B3A639D83414E64, 0x09CA82762AAB78F7,
+ 0x87E8C60FDED7CF9D, 0xC51827E4773DF90E, 0x020905D88D03A2BB, 0x40F9E43324E99428,
+ 0x2CFFE7D5975E55E2, 0x6E0F063E3EB46371, 0xA91E2402C48A38C4, 0xEBEEC5E96D600E57,
+ 0x65CC8190991CB93D, 0x273C607B30F68FAE, 0xE02D4247CAC8D41B, 0xA2DDA3AC6322E288,
+ 0xBE992B5F8BDB8C5C, 0xFC69CAB42231BACF, 0x3B78E888D80FE17A, 0x7988096371E5D7E9,
+ 0xF7AA4D1A85996083, 0xB55AACF12C735610, 0x724B8ECDD64D0DA5, 0x30BB6F267FA73B36,
+ 0x4AC29F2A07BFD00D, 0x08327EC1AE55E69E, 0xCF235CFD546BBD2B, 0x8DD3BD16FD818BB8,
+ 0x03F1F96F09FD3CD2, 0x41011884A0170A41, 0x86103AB85A2951F4, 0xC4E0DB53F3C36767,
+ 0xD8A453A01B3A09B3, 0x9A54B24BB2D03F20, 0x5D45907748EE6495, 0x1FB5719CE1045206,
+ 0x919735E51578E56C, 0xD367D40EBC92D3FF, 0x1476F63246AC884A, 0x568617D9EF46BED9,
+ 0xE085162AB69D5E3C, 0xA275F7C11F7768AF, 0x6564D5FDE549331A, 0x279434164CA30589,
+ 0xA9B6706FB8DFB2E3, 0xEB46918411358470, 0x2C57B3B8EB0BDFC5, 0x6EA7525342E1E956,
+ 0x72E3DAA0AA188782, 0x30133B4B03F2B111, 0xF7021977F9CCEAA4, 0xB5F2F89C5026DC37,
+ 0x3BD0BCE5A45A6B5D, 0x79205D0E0DB05DCE, 0xBE317F32F78E067B, 0xFCC19ED95E6430E8,
+ 0x86B86ED5267CDBD3, 0xC4488F3E8F96ED40, 0x0359AD0275A8B6F5, 0x41A94CE9DC428066,
+ 0xCF8B0890283E370C, 0x8D7BE97B81D4019F, 0x4A6ACB477BEA5A2A, 0x089A2AACD2006CB9,
+ 0x14DEA25F3AF9026D, 0x562E43B4931334FE, 0x913F6188692D6F4B, 0xD3CF8063C0C759D8,
+ 0x5DEDC41A34BBEEB2, 0x1F1D25F19D51D821, 0xD80C07CD676F8394, 0x9AFCE626CE85B507
+void crc64 (const uint8_t *data, const size_t len, uint64_t *crc) {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++)
+ {
+ //uint8_t tableIndex = (((uint8_t)(*crc >> 56)) ^ data[i]) & 0xff;
+ uint8_t tableIndex = (((uint8_t)(*crc >> 56)) ^ data[i]) & 0xff;
+ *crc = crc64_table[tableIndex] ^ (*crc << 8);
+ }
+//suint8_t x = (c & 0xFF00000000000000 ) >> 56;
\ No newline at end of file