+void T55xxWrite_LLR (void)
+ TurnReadLFOn (Reference_llr);
+ FpgaWriteConfWord(FPGA_MAJOR_MODE_OFF);
+#define START_GAPlz 31*8
+#define WRITE_GAPlz 20*8
+#define WRITElz_0 18*8
+#define WRITElz_1 40*8
+#define READ_GAP 15*8
+void T55xxWriteBit_Leading0(int bit) {
+ if (!bit)
+ TurnReadLFOn(WRITElz_0);
+ else
+ TurnReadLFOn(WRITElz_1);
+ FpgaWriteConfWord(FPGA_MAJOR_MODE_OFF);
+ WaitUS(WRITE_GAPlz);
+// WaitUS(160);
+#define START_GAP1of4 31*8 // SPEC: 1*8 to 50*8 - typ 10*8 (or 15fc)
+#define WRITE_GAP1of4 20*8 // SPEC: 1*8 to 20*8 - typ 10*8 (or 10fc)
+// 00 = reference // 8 * 8 - - 68 * 8
+#define WRITE1of4_00 18*8 // SPEC: 8*8 to 68*8 - typ 24*8 (or 24fc)
+#define WRITE1of4_01 34*8 // SPEC: dref+9 - dref+16 - dref+24
+#define WRITE1of4_10 50*8 // SPEC: dref+25 - dref+32 - dref+40
+#define WRITE1of4_11 66*8 // SPEC: dref+41 - dref+48 - dref+56
+#define READ1of4_GAP 15*8
+void T55xxWriteBit_1of4(int bits) {
+ switch (bits)
+ {
+ case 0 : TurnReadLFOn(WRITE1of4_00); break;
+ case 1 : TurnReadLFOn(WRITE1of4_01); break;
+ case 2 : TurnReadLFOn(WRITE1of4_10); break;
+ case 3 : TurnReadLFOn(WRITE1of4_11); break;
+ default:
+ TurnReadLFOn(WRITE1of4_00);
+ }
+ FpgaWriteConfWord(FPGA_MAJOR_MODE_OFF);
+ WaitUS(WRITE_GAP1of4);
+// WaitUS(160);
+void T55xxWriteBlockExt_Leading0 (uint32_t Data, uint32_t Block, uint32_t Pwd, uint8_t arg) {
+ LED_A_ON();
+ bool PwdMode = arg & 0x1;
+ uint8_t Page = (arg & 0x2)>>1;
+ bool testMode = arg & 0x4;
+ uint32_t i = 0;
+ // Set up FPGA, 125kHz
+ LFSetupFPGAForADC(95, true);
+ StartTicks();
+ // make sure tag is fully powered up...
+ WaitMS(5);
+ // Trigger T55x7 in mode.
+ FpgaWriteConfWord(FPGA_MAJOR_MODE_OFF);
+ WaitUS(START_GAPlz);
+ /*
+ 0 : Leading Zero
+ 11 : Opcode
+ 00 : Fixed 00 if protected write (i.e. have password)
+ <32 bit Password>
+ 0 : Lock Bit
+ <32 bit data>
+ <3 bit addr>
+ Standard Write : 0 1p L <32 data bits> <3 bit addr>
+ 0 10 0 00000000000000000000000000000000 001
+ Protected Write: 0 1p 00 <32 pwd bits> L <32 data bits> <3 bit addr>
+ 0 10 00 00000000000000000000000000000000 0 00000000000000000000000000000000 001
+ Wake Up 0 10 00 <32 pwd bits>
+ Protected Read 0 1p 00 <32 pwd bits> 0 <3 bit addr>
+ Standard Read 0 1p 0 <3 bit addr>
+ Page 0/1 read 0 1p
+ Reset 0 00
+ */
+ T55xxWriteBit_Leading0 (0); //T55xxWriteBit(0);
+ if (testMode) Dbprintf("TestMODE");
+ // Std Opcode 10
+ T55xxWriteBit_Leading0 (testMode ? 0 : 1);
+ T55xxWriteBit_Leading0 (testMode ? 1 : Page); //Page 0
+ if (PwdMode) {
+ // Leading zero - insert two fixed 00 between opcode and password
+ T55xxWriteBit_Leading0 (0);
+ T55xxWriteBit_Leading0 (0);
+ // Send Pwd
+ for (i = 0x80000000; i != 0; i >>= 1)
+ T55xxWriteBit_Leading0 (Pwd & i);
+ }
+ // Send Lock bit
+ T55xxWriteBit_Leading0 (0);
+ // Send Data
+ for (i = 0x80000000; i != 0; i >>= 1)
+ T55xxWriteBit_Leading0(Data & i);
+ // Send Block number
+ for (i = 0x04; i != 0; i >>= 1)
+ T55xxWriteBit_Leading0 (Block & i);
+ // Perform write (nominal is 5.6 ms for T55x7 and 18ms for E5550,
+ // so wait a little more)
+ // "there is a clock delay before programming"
+ // - programming takes ~5.6ms for t5577 ~18ms for E5550 or t5567
+ // so we should wait 1 clock + 5.6ms then read response?
+ // but we need to know we are dealing with t5577 vs t5567 vs e5550 (or q5) marshmellow...
+ if (testMode) {
+ // <566us does nothing
+ // 566-568 switches between wiping to 0s and doing nothing
+ // 5184 wipes and allows 1 block to be programmed.
+ // indefinite power on wipes and then programs all blocks with bitshifted data sent.
+ TurnReadLFOn(5184);
+ } else {
+ TurnReadLFOn(20 * 1000);
+ //could attempt to do a read to confirm write took
+ // as the tag should repeat back the new block
+ // until it is reset, but to confirm it we would
+ // need to know the current block 0 config mode for
+ // modulation clock an other details to demod the response...
+ // response should be (for t55x7) a 0 bit then (ST if on)
+ // block data written in on repeat until reset.
+ //DoPartialAcquisition(20, true, 12000);
+ }
+ // turn field off
+ FpgaWriteConfWord(FPGA_MAJOR_MODE_OFF);
+ LED_A_OFF();
+void T55xxWriteBlockExt_1of4 (uint32_t Data, uint32_t Block, uint32_t Pwd, uint8_t arg) {
+ LED_A_ON();
+ bool PwdMode = arg & 0x1;
+ uint8_t Page = (arg & 0x2)>>1;
+ bool testMode = arg & 0x4;
+ int bitpos;
+ uint8_t bits;
+ // Set up FPGA, 125kHz
+ LFSetupFPGAForADC(95, true);
+ StartTicks();
+ // make sure tag is fully powered up...
+ WaitMS(5);
+ // Trigger T55x7 in mode.
+ FpgaWriteConfWord(FPGA_MAJOR_MODE_OFF);
+ WaitUS(START_GAP1of4);
+ /*
+ 00 : 1 if 4
+ 11 : Opcode
+ 00 : Fixed 00 if protected write (i.e. have password)
+ <32 bit Password>
+ 0 : Lock Bit
+ <32 bit data>
+ <3 bit addr>
+ Standard Write : 00 1p L <32 data bits> <3 bit addr>
+ 00 10 0 00000000000000000000000000000000 001
+ Protected Write: 00 1p 00 <32 pwd bits> L <32 data bits> <3 bit addr>
+ 00 10 00 00000000000000000000000000000000 0 00000000000000000000000000000000 001
+ Wake Up 00 10 00 <32 pwd bits>
+ Protected Read 00 1p 00 <32 pwd bits> 0 <3 bit addr>
+ Standard Read 00 1p 0 <3 bit addr>
+ Page 0/1 read 00 1p
+ Reset 00 00
+ */
+ T55xxWriteBit_1of4 (0); //Send Reference 00
+ if (testMode) Dbprintf("TestMODE");
+ // Std Opcode 10
+ if (testMode) bits = 0; else bits = 2; // 0x or 1x
+ if (testMode) bits |= 1; else bits += (Page); // x0 or x1
+ T55xxWriteBit_1of4 (bits);
+ if (PwdMode) {
+ // 1 of 4 00 - insert two fixed 00 between opcode and password
+ T55xxWriteBit_1of4 (0); // 00
+ // Send Pwd
+ for (bitpos = 31; bitpos >= 1; bitpos -= 2) { // 2 bits at a time
+ bits = (((Pwd >> bitpos) & 1) << 1) + ((Pwd >> (bitpos-1)) & 1);
+ T55xxWriteBit_1of4 (bits);
+ }
+ }
+ // Send Lock bit
+ bits = 0; // Add lock bit (Not Set) to the next 2 bits
+ // Send Data - offset by 1 bit due to lock bit
+ // 2 bits at a time - Initilised with lock bit above
+ for (bitpos = 31; bitpos >= 1; bitpos -= 2) {
+ bits |= ((Data >> bitpos) & 1); // Add Low bit
+ T55xxWriteBit_1of4 (bits);
+ bits = ((Data >> (bitpos-1)) & 1) << 1; // Set next high bit
+ }
+ // Send Block number
+ bits |= ((Block >> 2) & 1);
+ T55xxWriteBit_1of4 (bits);
+ bits = (Block & 3);// 1) & 2) + (Block & 1);
+ T55xxWriteBit_1of4 (bits);
+ // Perform write (nominal is 5.6 ms for T55x7 and 18ms for E5550,
+ // so wait a little more)
+ // "there is a clock delay before programming"
+ // - programming takes ~5.6ms for t5577 ~18ms for E5550 or t5567
+ // so we should wait 1 clock + 5.6ms then read response?
+ // but we need to know we are dealing with t5577 vs t5567 vs e5550 (or q5) marshmellow...
+ if (testMode) {
+ // <566us does nothing
+ // 566-568 switches between wiping to 0s and doing nothing
+ // 5184 wipes and allows 1 block to be programmed.
+ // indefinite power on wipes and then programs all blocks with bitshifted data sent.
+ TurnReadLFOn(5184);
+ } else {
+ TurnReadLFOn(20 * 1000);
+ //could attempt to do a read to confirm write took
+ // as the tag should repeat back the new block
+ // until it is reset, but to confirm it we would
+ // need to know the current block 0 config mode for
+ // modulation clock an other details to demod the response...
+ // response should be (for t55x7) a 0 bit then (ST if on)
+ // block data written in on repeat until reset.
+ //DoPartialAcquisition(20, true, 12000);
+ }
+ // turn field off
+ FpgaWriteConfWord(FPGA_MAJOR_MODE_OFF);
+ LED_A_OFF();