--- /dev/null
+## 2016-01-16, Iceman
+## build script for Coverity Scan of the proxmark3 source code
+## clean up pre-compiled objects.
+make clean
+## coverity build
+cov-build --dir cov-int make all UBUNTU_1404_QT4=1
+## create tarball
+tar cfz proxmark3.all.`date --date now +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`.tgz cov-int
+echo "Coverity build file is ready"
+## clean up build folders
+rm -rf cov-int
+echo "Coverity build cleaned"
+## upload tarball to Coverity.com
+## not using it.
+# curl --form project=proxmark-iceman-fork --form token=PUT_YOUR_API_TOKEN_HERE --form email=PUT_YOU_EMAIL@HERE --form file=@proxmark3.tgz --form version=0.4.0 --form description=Description http://scan5.coverity.com/cgi-bin/upload.py
--- /dev/null
+## 20160116, iceman
+## Configure ARM , make sure you have the arm gcc in your $PATH variable.
+cov-configure -co arm-none-eabi-gcc