]> git.zerfleddert.de Git - raggedstone/blob - ethernet/source/pci/pci_target32_interface.v
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[raggedstone] / ethernet / source / pci / pci_target32_interface.v
1 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 //// ////
3 //// File name: pci_target32_interface.v ////
4 //// ////
5 //// This file is part of the "PCI bridge" project ////
6 //// http://www.opencores.org/cores/pci/ ////
7 //// ////
8 //// Author(s): ////
9 //// - Tadej Markovic, tadej@opencores.org ////
10 //// ////
11 //// All additional information is avaliable in the README.txt ////
12 //// file. ////
13 //// ////
14 //// ////
15 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
16 //// ////
17 //// Copyright (C) 2000 Tadej Markovic, tadej@opencores.org ////
18 //// ////
19 //// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
20 //// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
21 //// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
22 //// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
23 //// ////
24 //// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
25 //// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
26 //// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
27 //// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
28 //// later version. ////
29 //// ////
30 //// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
31 //// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
33 //// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
34 //// details. ////
35 //// ////
36 //// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
37 //// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
38 //// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml ////
39 //// ////
40 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
41 //
42 // CVS Revision History
43 //
44 // $Log: pci_target32_interface.v,v $
45 // Revision 1.1 2007-03-20 17:50:56 sithglan
46 // add shit
47 //
48 // Revision 1.11 2004/08/19 15:27:34 mihad
49 // Changed minimum pci image size to 256 bytes because
50 // of some PC system problems with size of IO images.
51 //
52 // Revision 1.10 2003/12/19 11:11:30 mihad
53 // Compact PCI Hot Swap support added.
54 // New testcases added.
55 // Specification updated.
56 // Test application changed to support WB B3 cycles.
57 //
58 // Revision 1.9 2003/08/21 20:55:14 tadejm
59 // Corrected bug when writing to FIFO (now it is registered).
60 //
61 // Revision 1.8 2003/08/08 16:36:33 tadejm
62 // Added 'three_left_out' to pci_pciw_fifo signaling three locations before full. Added comparison between current registered cbe and next unregistered cbe to signal wb_master whether it is allowed to performe burst or not. Due to this, I needed 'three_left_out' so that writing to pci_pciw_fifo can be registered, otherwise timing problems would occure.
63 //
64 // Revision 1.7 2003/01/27 16:49:31 mihad
65 // Changed module and file names. Updated scripts accordingly. FIFO synchronizations changed.
66 //
67 // Revision 1.6 2003/01/21 16:06:56 mihad
68 // Bug fixes, testcases added.
69 //
70 // Revision 1.5 2002/08/22 13:28:04 mihad
71 // Updated for synthesis purposes. Gate level simulation was failing in some configurations
72 //
73 // Revision 1.4 2002/02/19 16:32:37 mihad
74 // Modified testbench and fixed some bugs
75 //
76 // Revision 1.3 2002/02/01 15:25:12 mihad
77 // Repaired a few bugs, updated specification, added test bench files and design document
78 //
79 // Revision 1.2 2001/10/05 08:14:30 mihad
80 // Updated all files with inclusion of timescale file for simulation purposes.
81 //
82 // Revision 2001/10/02 15:33:47 mihad
83 // New project directory structure
84 //
85 //
87 `include "bus_commands.v"
88 `include "pci_constants.v"
90 // synopsys translate_off
91 `include "timescale.v"
92 // synopsys translate_on
94 module pci_target32_interface
95 (
96 // system inputs
97 clk_in,
98 reset_in,
100 // PCI Target side of INTERFACE
101 address_in,
102 addr_claim_out,
103 bc_in,
104 bc0_in,
105 data_in,
106 data_out,
107 be_in,
108 next_be_in,
109 req_in,
110 rdy_in,
111 addr_phase_in,
112 bckp_devsel_in,
113 bckp_trdy_in,
114 bckp_stop_in,
115 last_reg_in,
116 frame_reg_in,
117 fetch_pcir_fifo_in,
118 load_medium_reg_in,
119 sel_fifo_mreg_in,
120 sel_conf_fifo_in,
121 load_to_pciw_fifo_in,
122 load_to_conf_in,
123 same_read_out,
125 norm_access_to_config_out,
126 read_completed_out,
127 read_processing_out,
128 target_abort_out,
129 disconect_wo_data_out,
130 disconect_w_data_out,
131 pciw_fifo_full_out,
132 pcir_fifo_data_err_out,
133 wbw_fifo_empty_out,
134 wbu_del_read_comp_pending_out,
136 // Delayed synchronizacion module signals
137 req_out,
138 done_out,
139 in_progress_out,
140 req_req_pending_in,
141 req_comp_pending_in,
142 addr_out,
143 be_out,
144 we_out,
145 bc_out,
146 burst_ok_out,
147 strd_addr_in,
148 strd_bc_in,
149 status_in,
150 comp_flush_in,
152 // FIFO signals
153 pcir_fifo_renable_out,
154 pcir_fifo_data_in,
155 pcir_fifo_be_in,
156 pcir_fifo_control_in,
157 pcir_fifo_flush_out,
158 pcir_fifo_almost_empty_in,
159 pcir_fifo_empty_in,
160 pciw_fifo_wenable_out,
161 pciw_fifo_addr_data_out,
162 pciw_fifo_cbe_out,
163 pciw_fifo_control_out,
164 pciw_fifo_three_left_in,
165 pciw_fifo_two_left_in,
166 pciw_fifo_almost_full_in,
167 pciw_fifo_full_in,
168 wbw_fifo_empty_in,
169 wbu_del_read_comp_pending_in,
171 // Configuration space signals
172 conf_addr_out,
173 conf_data_out,
174 conf_data_in,
175 conf_be_out,
176 conf_we_out,
177 conf_re_out,
178 mem_enable_in,
179 io_enable_in,
180 mem_io_addr_space0_in,
181 mem_io_addr_space1_in,
182 mem_io_addr_space2_in,
183 mem_io_addr_space3_in,
184 mem_io_addr_space4_in,
185 mem_io_addr_space5_in,
186 pre_fetch_en0_in,
187 pre_fetch_en1_in,
188 pre_fetch_en2_in,
189 pre_fetch_en3_in,
190 pre_fetch_en4_in,
191 pre_fetch_en5_in,
192 pci_base_addr0_in,
193 pci_base_addr1_in,
194 pci_base_addr2_in,
195 pci_base_addr3_in,
196 pci_base_addr4_in,
197 pci_base_addr5_in,
198 pci_addr_mask0_in,
199 pci_addr_mask1_in,
200 pci_addr_mask2_in,
201 pci_addr_mask3_in,
202 pci_addr_mask4_in,
203 pci_addr_mask5_in,
204 pci_tran_addr0_in,
205 pci_tran_addr1_in,
206 pci_tran_addr2_in,
207 pci_tran_addr3_in,
208 pci_tran_addr4_in,
209 pci_tran_addr5_in,
210 addr_tran_en0_in,
211 addr_tran_en1_in,
212 addr_tran_en2_in,
213 addr_tran_en3_in,
214 addr_tran_en4_in,
215 addr_tran_en5_in
216 ) ;
218 `ifdef HOST
219 `ifdef NO_CNF_IMAGE
220 parameter pci_ba0_width = `PCI_NUM_OF_DEC_ADDR_LINES ;
221 `else
222 parameter pci_ba0_width = 20 ;
223 `endif
224 `endif
226 `ifdef GUEST
227 parameter pci_ba0_width = 20 ;
228 `endif
230 parameter pci_ba1_5_width = `PCI_NUM_OF_DEC_ADDR_LINES ;
232 /*==================================================================================================================
233 System inputs.
234 ==================================================================================================================*/
235 // PCI side clock and reset
236 input clk_in,
237 reset_in ;
240 /*==================================================================================================================
241 Side of the PCI Target state machine
242 ==================================================================================================================*/
243 // Data, byte enables, bus commands and address ports
244 input [31:0] address_in ; // current request address input - registered
245 output addr_claim_out ; // current request address claim output
246 input [3:0] bc_in ; // current request bus command input - registered
247 input bc0_in ; // current cycle RW signal
248 output [31:0] data_out ; // for read operations - current dataphase data output
249 input [31:0] data_in ; // for write operations - current request data input - registered
250 input [3:0] be_in ; // current dataphase byte enable inputs - registered
251 input [3:0] next_be_in ; // next dataphase byte enable inputs - NOT registered
252 // Port connection control signals from PCI FSM
253 input req_in ; // Read is requested to WB master from PCI side
254 input rdy_in ; // DATA / ADDRESS selection from PCI side when read or write - registered
255 input addr_phase_in ; // Indicates address phase and also fast-back-to-back address phase - registered
256 input bckp_devsel_in ; // DEVSEL input (which is registered) equivalent
257 input bckp_trdy_in ; // TRDY input (which is registered) equivalent
258 input bckp_stop_in ; // STOP input (which is registered) equivalent
259 input last_reg_in ; // Indicates last data phase - registered
260 input frame_reg_in ; // FRAME input signal - registered
261 input fetch_pcir_fifo_in ;// Read enable for PCIR_FIFO when when read is finishen on WB side
262 input load_medium_reg_in ;// Load data from PCIR_FIFO to medium register (first data must be prepared on time)
263 input sel_fifo_mreg_in ; // Read data selection between PCIR_FIFO and medium register
264 input sel_conf_fifo_in ; // Read data selection between Configuration registers and "FIFO"
265 input load_to_pciw_fifo_in ;// Write enable to PCIW_FIFO
266 input load_to_conf_in ; // Write enable to Configuration space registers
269 /*==================================================================================================================
270 Status outputs to PCI side (FSM)
271 ==================================================================================================================*/
272 output same_read_out ; // Indicates the same read request (important when read is finished on WB side)
273 output norm_access_to_config_out ; // Indicates the access to Configuration space with MEMORY commands
274 output read_completed_out ; // Indicates that read request is completed on WB side
275 output read_processing_out ; // Indicates that read request is processing on WB side
276 output target_abort_out ; // Indicates target abort termination
277 output disconect_wo_data_out ; // Indicates disconnect without data termination
278 output disconect_w_data_out ; // Indicates disconnect with data termination
279 output pciw_fifo_full_out ; // Indicates that write PCIW_FIFO is full
280 output pcir_fifo_data_err_out ; // Indicates data error on current data read from PCIR_FIFO
281 output wbw_fifo_empty_out ; // Indicates that WB SLAVE has no data to be written to PCI bus
282 output wbu_del_read_comp_pending_out ; // Indicates that WB Unit has a delayed read poending!
284 /*==================================================================================================================
285 Read request interface through Delayed sinchronization module to WB Master
286 ==================================================================================================================*/
287 // request, completion, done and progress indicator outputs for delayed_sync module where they are synchronized
288 output req_out, // request qualifier - when 1 it indicates that valid data is provided on outputs
289 done_out, // done output - when 1 indicates that PCI Target has completed a cycle on its bus
290 in_progress_out ; // out progress indicator - indicates that current completion is in progress on
291 // PCI Target side
292 // pending indication inputs - PCI Target side must know about requests and completions
293 input req_req_pending_in ; // request pending input for PCI Target side
294 input req_comp_pending_in ; // completion pending input for PCI Target side - it indicates when completion
295 // is ready for completing on PCI Target bus
296 // various data outputs - PCI Target sets address, bus command, byte enables, write enable and burst
297 output [31:0] addr_out ; // address bus output
298 output [3:0] be_out ; // byte enable output
299 output we_out ; // write enable output - read/write request indication 1 = write request / 0 = read request
300 output [3:0] bc_out ; // bus command output
301 output burst_ok_out ; // pre-fetch enable & burst read - qualifies pre-fetch for access to current image space
303 // completion side signals encoded termination status - 0 = normal completion / 1 = error terminated completion
304 input [31:0] strd_addr_in ; // Stored requested read access address
305 input [3:0] strd_bc_in ; // Stored requested read access bus command
306 input status_in ; // Error status reported - NOT USED because FIFO control bits determin data error status
307 input comp_flush_in ; // If completition counter (2^16 clk periods) has expired, PCIR_FIFO must flush data
310 /*==================================================================================================================
311 PCIR_PCIW_FIFO signals from pci side
312 ==================================================================================================================*/
313 // PCIR_FIFO control signals used for fetching data from PCIR_FIFO
314 output pcir_fifo_renable_out ; // read enable output to PCIR_FIFO
315 input [31:0] pcir_fifo_data_in ; // data input from PCIR_FIFO
316 input [3:0] pcir_fifo_be_in ; // byte enable input from PCIR_FIFO
317 input [3:0] pcir_fifo_control_in ; // control signals input from PCIR_FIFO
318 output pcir_fifo_flush_out ; // flush PCIR_FIFO
319 input pcir_fifo_almost_empty_in ; // almost empty indicator from PCIR_FIFO
320 input pcir_fifo_empty_in ; // empty indicator
322 // PCIW_FIFO control signals used for sinking data into PCIW_FIFO and status monitoring
323 output pciw_fifo_wenable_out ; // write enable output to PCIW_FIFO
324 wire pciw_fifo_wenable ; // not registered we
325 output [31:0] pciw_fifo_addr_data_out ; // address / data output signals to PCIW_FIFO
326 output [3:0] pciw_fifo_cbe_out ; // command / byte enable signals to PCIW_FIFO
327 output [3:0] pciw_fifo_control_out ; // control signals to PCIW_FIFO
328 input pciw_fifo_three_left_in ; // three data spaces left in PCIW_FIFO
329 input pciw_fifo_two_left_in ; // two data spaces left in PCIW_FIFO
330 input pciw_fifo_almost_full_in ; // almost full indicator from PCIW_FIFO
331 input pciw_fifo_full_in ; // full indicator from PCIW_FIFO
333 // WBW_FIFO empy control signal used when delayed read is complete in PCIR_FIFO
334 input wbw_fifo_empty_in ; // empty indicator from WBW_FIFO
335 input wbu_del_read_comp_pending_in ; // delayed read pending indicator from WB Unit
338 /*==================================================================================================================
339 Configuration space signals - from and to registers
340 ==================================================================================================================*/
341 // BUS for reading and writing to configuration space registers
342 output [11:0] conf_addr_out ; // address to configuration space when there is access to it
343 output [31:0] conf_data_out ; // data to configuration space - for writing to registers
344 input [31:0] conf_data_in ; // data from configuration space - for reading from registers
345 output [3:0] conf_be_out ; // byte enables used for correct writing to configuration space
346 output conf_we_out ; // write enable control signal - 1 for writing / 0 for nothing
347 output conf_re_out ; // read enable control signal - 1 for reading / 0 for nothing
349 // Inputs for image control registers
350 input mem_enable_in ; // allowed access to memory mapped image
351 input io_enable_in ; // allowed access to io mapped image
353 // Inputs needed for determining if image is assigned to memory or io space with pre-fetch and address translation
354 input mem_io_addr_space0_in ; // bit-0 in pci_base_addr0 register
355 input mem_io_addr_space1_in ; // bit-0 in pci_base_addr1 register
356 input mem_io_addr_space2_in ; // bit-0 in pci_base_addr2 register
357 input mem_io_addr_space3_in ; // bit-0 in pci_base_addr3 register
358 input mem_io_addr_space4_in ; // bit-0 in pci_base_addr4 register
359 input mem_io_addr_space5_in ; // bit-0 in pci_base_addr5 register
360 input pre_fetch_en0_in ; // bit-1 in pci_image_ctr0 register
361 input pre_fetch_en1_in ; // bit-1 in pci_image_ctr1 register
362 input pre_fetch_en2_in ; // bit-1 in pci_image_ctr2 register
363 input pre_fetch_en3_in ; // bit-1 in pci_image_ctr3 register
364 input pre_fetch_en4_in ; // bit-1 in pci_image_ctr4 register
365 input pre_fetch_en5_in ; // bit-1 in pci_image_ctr5 register
367 // Input from image registers - register values needed for decoder to work properly
368 input [pci_ba0_width - 1:0] pci_base_addr0_in ; // base address from base address register
369 input [pci_ba1_5_width - 1:0] pci_base_addr1_in ; // base address from base address register
370 input [pci_ba1_5_width - 1:0] pci_base_addr2_in ; // base address from base address register
371 input [pci_ba1_5_width - 1:0] pci_base_addr3_in ; // base address from base address register
372 input [pci_ba1_5_width - 1:0] pci_base_addr4_in ; // base address from base address register
373 input [pci_ba1_5_width - 1:0] pci_base_addr5_in ; // base address from base address register
374 input [pci_ba1_5_width - 1:0] pci_addr_mask0_in ; // masking of base address from address mask register
375 input [pci_ba1_5_width - 1:0] pci_addr_mask1_in ; // masking of base address from address mask register
376 input [pci_ba1_5_width - 1:0] pci_addr_mask2_in ; // masking of base address from address mask register
377 input [pci_ba1_5_width - 1:0] pci_addr_mask3_in ; // masking of base address from address mask register
378 input [pci_ba1_5_width - 1:0] pci_addr_mask4_in ; // masking of base address from address mask register
379 input [pci_ba1_5_width - 1:0] pci_addr_mask5_in ; // masking of base address from address mask register
380 input [pci_ba1_5_width - 1:0] pci_tran_addr0_in ; // translation address from address translation register
381 input [pci_ba1_5_width - 1:0] pci_tran_addr1_in ; // translation address from address translation register
382 input [pci_ba1_5_width - 1:0] pci_tran_addr2_in ; // translation address from address translation register
383 input [pci_ba1_5_width - 1:0] pci_tran_addr3_in ; // translation address from address translation register
384 input [pci_ba1_5_width - 1:0] pci_tran_addr4_in ; // translation address from address translation register
385 input [pci_ba1_5_width - 1:0] pci_tran_addr5_in ; // translation address from address translation register
387 input addr_tran_en0_in ; // address translation enable bit
388 input addr_tran_en1_in ; // address translation enable bit
389 input addr_tran_en2_in ; // address translation enable bit
390 input addr_tran_en3_in ; // address translation enable bit
391 input addr_tran_en4_in ; // address translation enable bit
392 input addr_tran_en5_in ; // address translation enable bit
394 /*==================================================================================================================
395 END of input / output PORT DEFINITONS !!!
396 ==================================================================================================================*/
398 // address output from address multiplexer
399 reg [31:0] address ;
400 // prefetch enable for access to selected image space
401 reg pre_fetch_en ;
403 // Input addresses and image hits from address decoders - addresses are multiplexed to address
404 `ifdef HOST
405 `ifdef NO_CNF_IMAGE
406 `ifdef PCI_IMAGE0 // if PCI bridge is HOST and IMAGE0 is assigned as general image space
407 wire hit0_in ;
408 wire [31:0] address0_in ;
409 wire pre_fetch_en0 = pre_fetch_en0_in ;
410 `else
411 wire hit0_in = 1'b0 ;
412 wire [31:0] address0_in = 32'h0 ;
413 wire pre_fetch_en0 = 1'b0 ;
414 `endif
415 `else
416 wire hit0_in ;
417 wire [31:0] address0_in ;
418 wire pre_fetch_en0 = pre_fetch_en0_in ;
419 `endif
420 `else // GUEST
421 wire hit0_in ;
422 wire [31:0] address0_in ;
423 wire pre_fetch_en0 = pre_fetch_en0_in ;
424 `endif
426 wire hit1_in ;
427 wire [31:0] address1_in ;
428 wire pre_fetch_en1 = pre_fetch_en1_in ;
430 `ifdef PCI_IMAGE2
431 wire hit2_in ;
432 wire [31:0] address2_in ;
433 wire pre_fetch_en2 = pre_fetch_en2_in ;
434 `else
435 wire hit2_in = 1'b0 ;
436 wire [31:0] address2_in = 32'h0 ;
437 wire pre_fetch_en2 = 1'b0 ;
438 `endif
440 `ifdef PCI_IMAGE3
441 wire hit3_in ;
442 wire [31:0] address3_in ;
443 wire pre_fetch_en3 = pre_fetch_en3_in ;
444 `else
445 wire hit3_in = 1'b0 ;
446 wire [31:0] address3_in = 32'h0 ;
447 wire pre_fetch_en3 = 1'b0 ;
448 `endif
450 `ifdef PCI_IMAGE4
451 wire hit4_in ;
452 wire [31:0] address4_in ;
453 wire pre_fetch_en4 = pre_fetch_en4_in ;
454 `else
455 wire hit4_in = 1'b0 ;
456 wire [31:0] address4_in = 32'h0 ;
457 wire pre_fetch_en4 = 1'b0 ;
458 `endif
460 `ifdef PCI_IMAGE5
461 wire hit5_in ;
462 wire [31:0] address5_in ;
463 wire pre_fetch_en5 = pre_fetch_en5_in ;
464 `else
465 wire hit5_in = 1'b0 ;
466 wire [31:0] address5_in = 32'h0 ;
467 wire pre_fetch_en5 = 1'b0 ;
468 `endif
470 // Include address decoders
471 `ifdef HOST
472 `ifdef NO_CNF_IMAGE
473 `ifdef PCI_IMAGE0 // if PCI bridge is HOST and IMAGE0 is assigned as general image space
474 pci_pci_decoder #(pci_ba0_width) decoder0
475 (.hit (hit0_in),
476 .addr_out (address0_in),
477 .addr_in (address_in),
478 .bc_in (bc_in),
479 .base_addr (pci_base_addr0_in),
480 .mask_addr (pci_addr_mask0_in),
481 .tran_addr (pci_tran_addr0_in),
482 .at_en (addr_tran_en0_in),
483 .mem_io_space (mem_io_addr_space0_in),
484 .mem_en (mem_enable_in),
485 .io_en (io_enable_in)
486 ) ;
487 `endif
488 `else
489 pci_pci_decoder #(pci_ba0_width) decoder0
490 (.hit (hit0_in),
491 .addr_out (address0_in),
492 .addr_in (address_in),
493 .bc_in (bc_in),
494 .base_addr (pci_base_addr0_in),
495 .mask_addr ({pci_ba0_width{1'b1}}),
496 .tran_addr ({pci_ba0_width{1'b0}}),
497 .at_en (1'b0),
498 .mem_io_space (1'b0),
499 .mem_en (mem_enable_in),
500 .io_en (1'b0)
501 ) ;
502 `endif
503 `else // GUEST
504 pci_pci_decoder #(pci_ba0_width) decoder0
505 (.hit (hit0_in),
506 .addr_out (address0_in),
507 .addr_in (address_in),
508 .bc_in (bc_in),
509 .base_addr (pci_base_addr0_in),
510 .mask_addr ({pci_ba0_width{1'b1}}),
511 .tran_addr ({pci_ba0_width{1'b0}}),
512 .at_en (1'b0),
513 .mem_io_space (1'b0),
514 .mem_en (mem_enable_in),
515 .io_en (1'b0)
516 ) ;
517 `endif
518 pci_pci_decoder #(`PCI_NUM_OF_DEC_ADDR_LINES) decoder1
519 (.hit (hit1_in),
520 .addr_out (address1_in),
521 .addr_in (address_in),
522 .bc_in (bc_in),
523 .base_addr (pci_base_addr1_in),
524 .mask_addr (pci_addr_mask1_in),
525 .tran_addr (pci_tran_addr1_in),
526 .at_en (addr_tran_en1_in),
527 .mem_io_space (mem_io_addr_space1_in),
528 .mem_en (mem_enable_in),
529 .io_en (io_enable_in)
530 ) ;
531 `ifdef PCI_IMAGE2
532 pci_pci_decoder #(`PCI_NUM_OF_DEC_ADDR_LINES) decoder2
533 (.hit (hit2_in),
534 .addr_out (address2_in),
535 .addr_in (address_in),
536 .bc_in (bc_in),
537 .base_addr (pci_base_addr2_in),
538 .mask_addr (pci_addr_mask2_in),
539 .tran_addr (pci_tran_addr2_in),
540 .at_en (addr_tran_en2_in),
541 .mem_io_space (mem_io_addr_space2_in),
542 .mem_en (mem_enable_in),
543 .io_en (io_enable_in)
544 ) ;
545 `endif
546 `ifdef PCI_IMAGE3
547 pci_pci_decoder #(`PCI_NUM_OF_DEC_ADDR_LINES) decoder3
548 (.hit (hit3_in),
549 .addr_out (address3_in),
550 .addr_in (address_in),
551 .bc_in (bc_in),
552 .base_addr (pci_base_addr3_in),
553 .mask_addr (pci_addr_mask3_in),
554 .tran_addr (pci_tran_addr3_in),
555 .at_en (addr_tran_en3_in),
556 .mem_io_space (mem_io_addr_space3_in),
557 .mem_en (mem_enable_in),
558 .io_en (io_enable_in)
559 ) ;
560 `endif
561 `ifdef PCI_IMAGE4
562 pci_pci_decoder #(`PCI_NUM_OF_DEC_ADDR_LINES) decoder4
563 (.hit (hit4_in),
564 .addr_out (address4_in),
565 .addr_in (address_in),
566 .bc_in (bc_in),
567 .base_addr (pci_base_addr4_in),
568 .mask_addr (pci_addr_mask4_in),
569 .tran_addr (pci_tran_addr4_in),
570 .at_en (addr_tran_en4_in),
571 .mem_io_space (mem_io_addr_space4_in),
572 .mem_en (mem_enable_in),
573 .io_en (io_enable_in)
574 ) ;
575 `endif
576 `ifdef PCI_IMAGE5
577 pci_pci_decoder #(`PCI_NUM_OF_DEC_ADDR_LINES) decoder5
578 (.hit (hit5_in),
579 .addr_out (address5_in),
580 .addr_in (address_in),
581 .bc_in (bc_in),
582 .base_addr (pci_base_addr5_in),
583 .mask_addr (pci_addr_mask5_in),
584 .tran_addr (pci_tran_addr5_in),
585 .at_en (addr_tran_en5_in),
586 .mem_io_space (mem_io_addr_space5_in),
587 .mem_en (mem_enable_in),
588 .io_en (io_enable_in)
589 ) ;
590 `endif
592 // Internal signals for image hit determination
593 reg addr_claim ;// address claim signal is asinchronous set for addr_claim_out signal to PCI Target SM
595 // Determining if image 0 is assigned to configuration space or as normal pci to wb access!
596 // if normal access is allowed to configuration space, then hit0 is hit0_conf
597 `ifdef HOST
598 `ifdef NO_CNF_IMAGE
599 parameter hit0_conf = 1'b0 ;
600 `else
601 parameter hit0_conf = 1'b1 ; // if normal access is allowed to configuration space, then hit0 is hit0_conf
602 `endif
603 `else // GUEST
604 parameter hit0_conf = 1'b1 ; // if normal access is allowed to configuration space, then hit0 is hit0_conf
605 `endif
607 // Logic with address mux, determining if address is still in the same image space and if it is prefetced or not
608 always@(hit5_in or hit4_in or hit3_in or hit2_in or hit1_in or hit0_in or
609 address5_in or address4_in or address3_in or address2_in or address1_in or address0_in or
610 pre_fetch_en5 or
611 pre_fetch_en4 or
612 pre_fetch_en3 or
613 pre_fetch_en2 or
614 pre_fetch_en1 or
615 pre_fetch_en0
616 )
617 begin
618 addr_claim <= (hit5_in || hit4_in) || (hit3_in || hit2_in || hit1_in || hit0_in) ;
619 case ({hit5_in, hit4_in, hit3_in, hit2_in, hit0_in})
620 5'b10000 :
621 begin
622 address <= address5_in ;
623 pre_fetch_en <= pre_fetch_en5 ;
624 end
625 5'b01000 :
626 begin
627 address <= address4_in ;
628 pre_fetch_en <= pre_fetch_en4 ;
629 end
630 5'b00100 :
631 begin
632 address <= address3_in ;
633 pre_fetch_en <= pre_fetch_en3 ;
634 end
635 5'b00010 :
636 begin
637 address <= address2_in ;
638 pre_fetch_en <= pre_fetch_en2 ;
639 end
640 5'b00001 :
641 begin
642 address <= address0_in ;
643 pre_fetch_en <= pre_fetch_en0 ;
644 end
645 default : // IMAGE 1 is always included into PCI bridge
646 begin
647 address <= address1_in ;
648 pre_fetch_en <= pre_fetch_en1 ;
649 end
650 endcase
651 end
653 // Address claim output to PCI Target SM
654 assign addr_claim_out = addr_claim ;
656 reg [31:0] norm_address ; // stored normal address (decoded and translated) for access to WB
657 reg norm_prf_en ; // stored pre-fetch enable
658 reg [3:0] norm_bc ; // stored bus-command
659 reg same_read_reg ; // stored SAME_READ information
660 reg target_rd ; // delayed registered TRDY output equivalent signal
662 always@(posedge clk_in or posedge reset_in)
663 begin
664 if (reset_in)
665 begin
666 norm_address <= #`FF_DELAY 32'h0000_0000 ;
667 norm_prf_en <= #`FF_DELAY 1'b0 ;
668 norm_bc <= #`FF_DELAY 4'h0 ;
669 same_read_reg <= #`FF_DELAY 1'b0 ;
670 end
671 else
672 begin
673 if (addr_phase_in)
674 begin
675 norm_address <= #`FF_DELAY address ;
676 norm_prf_en <= #`FF_DELAY pre_fetch_en ;
677 norm_bc <= #`FF_DELAY bc_in ;
678 same_read_reg <= #`FF_DELAY same_read_out ;
679 end
680 end
681 end
683 `ifdef HOST
684 `ifdef NO_CNF_IMAGE
685 reg [1:0] strd_address ; // stored INPUT address for accessing Configuration space registers
686 `else
687 reg [11:0] strd_address ; // stored INPUT address for accessing Configuration space registers
688 `endif
689 `else
690 reg [11:0] strd_address ; // stored INPUT address for accessing Configuration space registers
691 `endif
692 always@(posedge clk_in or posedge reset_in)
693 begin
694 if (reset_in)
695 begin
696 strd_address <= #`FF_DELAY 0 ;
697 end
698 else
699 begin
700 if (addr_phase_in)
701 begin
702 `ifdef HOST
703 `ifdef NO_CNF_IMAGE
704 strd_address <= #`FF_DELAY address_in[1:0] ;
705 `else
706 strd_address <= #`FF_DELAY address_in[11:0] ;
707 `endif
708 `else
709 strd_address <= #`FF_DELAY address_in[11:0] ;
710 `endif
711 end
712 end
713 end
715 always@(posedge clk_in or posedge reset_in)
716 begin
717 if (reset_in)
718 begin
719 target_rd <= #`FF_DELAY 1'b0 ;
720 end
721 else
722 begin
723 if (same_read_reg && !bckp_trdy_in)
724 target_rd <= #`FF_DELAY 1'b1 ;// Signal indicates when target ready is deaserted on PCI bus
725 else if (same_read_reg && bckp_devsel_in && !bckp_stop_in)
726 target_rd <= #`FF_DELAY 1'b1 ;// Signal indicates when target ready is deaserted on PCI bus
727 else if ((!same_read_reg) || (last_reg_in && target_rd))
728 target_rd <= #`FF_DELAY 1'b0 ;// Signal indicates when target ready is deaserted on PCI bus
729 end
730 end
731 // '1' indicates asserted TRDY signal when same read operation is performed
732 wire target_rd_completed = target_rd ;
734 reg same_read_request ;
736 // When delayed read is completed on WB, addres and bc must be compered, if there is the same read request
737 always@(address or strd_addr_in or bc_in or strd_bc_in)
738 begin
739 if ((address == strd_addr_in) & (bc_in == strd_bc_in))
740 same_read_request <= 1'b1 ;
741 else
742 same_read_request <= 1'b0 ;
743 end
745 assign same_read_out = (same_read_request) ; // && ~pcir_fifo_empty_in) ;
747 // Signals for byte enable checking
748 reg addr_burst_ok ;
749 reg io_be_ok ;
751 // Byte enable checking for IO, MEMORY and CONFIGURATION spaces - be_in is active low!
752 always@(strd_address or be_in)
753 begin
754 case (strd_address[1:0])
755 2'b11 :
756 begin
757 addr_burst_ok <= 1'b0 ;
758 io_be_ok <= (be_in[2] && be_in[1] && be_in[0]) ; // only be3 can be active
759 end
760 2'b10 :
761 begin
762 addr_burst_ok <= 1'b0 ;
763 io_be_ok <= (~be_in[2] && be_in[1] && be_in[0]) || (be_in[3] && be_in[2] && be_in[1] && be_in[0]) ;
764 end
765 2'b01 :
766 begin
767 addr_burst_ok <= 1'b0 ;
768 io_be_ok <= (~be_in[1] && be_in[0]) || (be_in[3] && be_in[2] && be_in[1] && be_in[0]) ;
769 end
770 default : // 2'b00
771 begin
772 addr_burst_ok <= 1'b1 ;
773 io_be_ok <= (~be_in[0]) || (be_in[3] && be_in[2] && be_in[1] && be_in[0]) ;
774 end
775 endcase
776 end
778 wire calc_target_abort = (norm_bc[3:1] == `BC_IO_RW) ? !io_be_ok : 1'b0 ;
780 wire [3:0] pcir_fifo_control_input = pcir_fifo_empty_in ? 4'h0 : pcir_fifo_control_in ;
782 // Medium registers for data and control busses from PCIR_FIFO
783 reg [31:0] pcir_fifo_data_reg ;
784 reg [3:0] pcir_fifo_ctrl_reg ;
786 always@(posedge clk_in or posedge reset_in)
787 begin
788 if (reset_in)
789 begin
790 pcir_fifo_data_reg <= #`FF_DELAY 32'h0000_0000 ;
791 pcir_fifo_ctrl_reg <= #`FF_DELAY 4'h0 ;
792 end
793 else
794 begin
795 if (load_medium_reg_in)
796 begin
797 pcir_fifo_data_reg <= #`FF_DELAY pcir_fifo_data_in ;
798 pcir_fifo_ctrl_reg <= #`FF_DELAY pcir_fifo_control_input ;
799 end
800 end
801 end
803 // when disconnect is signalled, the next data written to fifo will be the last
804 // also when this happens, disconnect must stay asserted until last data is written to the fifo
805 reg keep_desconnect_wo_data_set ;
807 // selecting "fifo data" from medium registers or from PCIR_FIFO
808 wire [31:0] pcir_fifo_data = (sel_fifo_mreg_in && !pcir_fifo_empty_in) ? pcir_fifo_data_in : pcir_fifo_data_reg ;
809 wire [3:0] pcir_fifo_ctrl = (sel_fifo_mreg_in && !pcir_fifo_empty_in) ? pcir_fifo_control_input : pcir_fifo_ctrl_reg ;
811 // signal assignments to PCI Target FSM
812 assign read_completed_out = req_comp_pending_in ; // completion pending input for requesting side of the bridge
813 assign read_processing_out = req_req_pending_in ; // request pending input for requesting side
814 // when '1', the bus command is IO command - not supported commands are checked in pci_decoder modules
815 wire io_memory_bus_command = !norm_bc[3] && !norm_bc[2] ;
816 assign disconect_wo_data_out = (
817 ((/*pcir_fifo_ctrl[`LAST_CTRL_BIT] ||*/ pcir_fifo_empty_in || ~burst_ok_out/*addr_burst_ok*/ || io_memory_bus_command) &&
818 ~bc0_in && ~frame_reg_in) ||
819 ((pciw_fifo_full_in || pciw_fifo_almost_full_in || keep_desconnect_wo_data_set || pciw_fifo_two_left_in ||
820 (pciw_fifo_three_left_in && pciw_fifo_wenable) || ~addr_burst_ok || io_memory_bus_command) &&
821 bc0_in && ~frame_reg_in)
822 ) ;
823 assign disconect_w_data_out = (
824 ( burst_ok_out && !io_memory_bus_command && ~bc0_in ) ||
825 ( addr_burst_ok && !io_memory_bus_command && bc0_in )
826 ) ;
827 assign target_abort_out = ( ~addr_phase_in && calc_target_abort ) ;
829 `ifdef HOST
830 `ifdef NO_CNF_IMAGE
831 // signal assignments to PCI Target FSM
832 assign norm_access_to_config_out = 1'b0 ;
833 // control signal assignments to read request sinchronization module
834 assign done_out = (target_rd_completed && last_reg_in) ;
835 assign in_progress_out = (same_read_reg && ~bckp_trdy_in) ;
836 // signal used for PCIR_FIFO flush (with comp_flush_in signal)
837 wire pcir_fifo_flush = (target_rd_completed && last_reg_in && ~pcir_fifo_empty_in) ;
838 `else
839 // signal assignments to PCI Target FSM
840 assign norm_access_to_config_out = (hit0_in && hit0_conf) ;
841 // control signal assignments to read request sinchronization module
842 assign done_out = (~sel_conf_fifo_in && target_rd_completed && last_reg_in) ;
843 assign in_progress_out = (~sel_conf_fifo_in && same_read_reg && ~bckp_trdy_in) ;
844 // signal used for PCIR_FIFO flush (with comp_flush_in signal)
845 wire pcir_fifo_flush = (~sel_conf_fifo_in && target_rd_completed && last_reg_in && ~pcir_fifo_empty_in) ;
846 `endif
847 `else
848 // signal assignments to PCI Target FSM
849 assign norm_access_to_config_out = (hit0_in && hit0_conf) ;
850 // control signal assignments to read request sinchronization module
851 assign done_out = (~sel_conf_fifo_in && target_rd_completed && last_reg_in) ;
852 assign in_progress_out = (~sel_conf_fifo_in && same_read_reg && ~bckp_trdy_in) ;
853 // signal used for PCIR_FIFO flush (with comp_flush_in signal)
854 wire pcir_fifo_flush = (~sel_conf_fifo_in && target_rd_completed && last_reg_in && ~pcir_fifo_empty_in) ;
855 `endif
857 // flush signal for PCIR_FIFO must be registered, since it asinchronously resets some status registers
858 wire pcir_fifo_flush_reg ;
859 pci_async_reset_flop async_reset_as_pcir_flush
860 (
861 .data_in (comp_flush_in || pcir_fifo_flush),
862 .clk_in (clk_in),
863 .async_reset_data_out (pcir_fifo_flush_reg),
864 .reset_in (reset_in)
865 ) ;
867 always@(posedge clk_in or posedge reset_in)
868 begin
869 if (reset_in)
870 keep_desconnect_wo_data_set <= #1 1'b0 ;
871 else if (keep_desconnect_wo_data_set && pciw_fifo_wenable)
872 keep_desconnect_wo_data_set <= #1 1'b0 ;
873 else if (pciw_fifo_wenable && disconect_wo_data_out)
874 keep_desconnect_wo_data_set <= #1 1'b1 ;
875 end
878 // signal assignments from fifo to PCI Target FSM
879 assign wbw_fifo_empty_out = wbw_fifo_empty_in ;
880 assign wbu_del_read_comp_pending_out = wbu_del_read_comp_pending_in ;
881 assign pciw_fifo_full_out = (pciw_fifo_full_in || pciw_fifo_almost_full_in || pciw_fifo_two_left_in || pciw_fifo_three_left_in) ;
882 assign pcir_fifo_data_err_out = pcir_fifo_ctrl[`DATA_ERROR_CTRL_BIT] && !sel_conf_fifo_in ;
883 // signal assignments to PCIR FIFO fifo
884 assign pcir_fifo_flush_out = pcir_fifo_flush_reg ;
885 assign pcir_fifo_renable_out = fetch_pcir_fifo_in && !pcir_fifo_empty_in ;
887 // signal assignments to PCIW FIFO
888 reg pciw_fifo_wenable_out;
889 assign pciw_fifo_wenable = load_to_pciw_fifo_in ;
890 reg [3:0] pciw_fifo_control_out;
891 reg [31:0] pciw_fifo_addr_data_out;
892 reg [3:0] pciw_fifo_cbe_out;
893 always@(posedge clk_in or posedge reset_in)
894 begin
895 if (reset_in)
896 begin
897 pciw_fifo_wenable_out <= #1 1'b0;
898 pciw_fifo_control_out <= #1 4'h0;
899 // data and address outputs assignments to PCIW_FIFO - correction of 2 LSBits
900 pciw_fifo_addr_data_out <= #1 32'h0;
901 pciw_fifo_cbe_out <= #1 4'h0;
902 end
903 else
904 begin
905 pciw_fifo_wenable_out <= #1 load_to_pciw_fifo_in ;
906 pciw_fifo_control_out[`ADDR_CTRL_BIT] <= #1 ~rdy_in ;
907 pciw_fifo_control_out[`BURST_BIT] <= #1 rdy_in ? ~frame_reg_in : 1'b0 ;
908 // if '1' then next burst BE is not equat to current one => burst will be chopped into single transfers
909 pciw_fifo_control_out[`DATA_ERROR_CTRL_BIT] <= #1 rdy_in && (next_be_in != be_in) && ~bckp_trdy_in; // valid comp.
910 pciw_fifo_control_out[`LAST_CTRL_BIT] <= #1 rdy_in && (frame_reg_in || (bckp_trdy_in && ~bckp_stop_in));
911 // data and address outputs assignments to PCIW_FIFO - correction of 2 LSBits
912 pciw_fifo_addr_data_out <= #1 rdy_in ? data_in : {norm_address[31:2],
913 norm_address[1] && io_memory_bus_command,
914 norm_address[0] && io_memory_bus_command} ;
915 pciw_fifo_cbe_out <= #1 rdy_in ? be_in : norm_bc ;
916 end
917 end
919 `ifdef HOST
920 `ifdef NO_CNF_IMAGE
921 // data and address outputs assignments to PCI Target FSM
922 assign data_out = pcir_fifo_data ;
923 `else
924 // data and address outputs assignments to PCI Target FSM
925 assign data_out = sel_conf_fifo_in ? conf_data_in : pcir_fifo_data ;
926 `endif
927 `else
928 // data and address outputs assignments to PCI Target FSM
929 assign data_out = sel_conf_fifo_in ? conf_data_in : pcir_fifo_data ;
930 `endif
932 // data and address outputs assignments to read request sinchronization module
933 assign req_out = req_in ;
934 // this address is stored in delayed_sync module and is connected back as strd_addr_in
935 assign addr_out = norm_address[31:0] ; // correction of 2 LSBits is done in wb_master module, original address must be saved
936 assign be_out = be_in ;
937 assign we_out = 1'b0 ;
938 assign bc_out = norm_bc ;
939 // burst is OK for reads when there is ((MEM_READ_LN or MEM_READ_MUL) and AD[1:0]==2'b00) OR
940 // (MEM_READ and Prefetchable_IMAGE and AD[1:0]==2'b00)
941 assign burst_ok_out = (norm_bc[3] && addr_burst_ok) || (norm_bc[2] && norm_prf_en && addr_burst_ok) ;
942 // data and address outputs assignments to Configuration space
943 `ifdef HOST
944 `ifdef NO_CNF_IMAGE
945 assign conf_data_out = 32'h0 ;
946 assign conf_addr_out = 12'h0 ;
947 assign conf_be_out = 4'b0 ;
948 assign conf_we_out = 1'h0 ;
949 `else
950 assign conf_data_out = data_in ;
951 assign conf_addr_out = strd_address[11:0] ;
952 assign conf_be_out = be_in ;
953 assign conf_we_out = load_to_conf_in ;
954 `endif
955 `else
956 assign conf_data_out = data_in ;
957 assign conf_addr_out = strd_address[11:0] ;
958 assign conf_be_out = be_in ;
959 assign conf_we_out = load_to_conf_in ;
960 `endif
962 //assign conf_re_out = fetch_conf_in ;
963 assign conf_re_out = 1'b0 ;
965 endmodule
Impressum, Datenschutz