]> git.zerfleddert.de Git - raggedstone/blob - ethernet/source/pci/pci_parity_check.v
+= read registers from userland
[raggedstone] / ethernet / source / pci / pci_parity_check.v
1 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 //// ////
3 //// File name "pci_parity_check.v" ////
4 //// ////
5 //// This file is part of the "PCI bridge" project ////
6 //// http://www.opencores.org/cores/pci/ ////
7 //// ////
8 //// Author(s): ////
9 //// - Miha Dolenc (mihad@opencores.org) ////
10 //// ////
11 //// All additional information is avaliable in the README ////
12 //// file. ////
13 //// ////
14 //// ////
15 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
16 //// ////
17 //// Copyright (C) 2001 Miha Dolenc, mihad@opencores.org ////
18 //// ////
19 //// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
20 //// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
21 //// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
22 //// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
23 //// ////
24 //// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
25 //// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
26 //// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
27 //// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
28 //// later version. ////
29 //// ////
30 //// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
31 //// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
33 //// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
34 //// details. ////
35 //// ////
36 //// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
37 //// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
38 //// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml ////
39 //// ////
40 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
41 //
42 // CVS Revision History
43 //
44 // $Log: pci_parity_check.v,v $
45 // Revision 1.1 2007-03-20 17:50:56 sithglan
46 // add shit
47 //
48 // Revision 1.6 2003/02/13 18:26:33 mihad
49 // Cleaned up the code. No functional changes.
50 //
51 // Revision 1.5 2003/01/27 16:49:31 mihad
52 // Changed module and file names. Updated scripts accordingly. FIFO synchronizations changed.
53 //
54 // Revision 1.4 2002/08/13 11:03:53 mihad
55 // Added a few testcases. Repaired wrong reset value for PCI_AM5 register. Repaired Parity Error Detected bit setting. Changed PCI_AM0 to always enabled(regardles of PCI_AM0 define), if image 0 is used as configuration image
56 //
57 // Revision 1.3 2002/02/01 15:25:12 mihad
58 // Repaired a few bugs, updated specification, added test bench files and design document
59 //
60 // Revision 1.2 2001/10/05 08:14:30 mihad
61 // Updated all files with inclusion of timescale file for simulation purposes.
62 //
63 // Revision 2001/10/02 15:33:47 mihad
64 // New project directory structure
65 //
66 //
68 // synopsys translate_off
69 `include "timescale.v"
70 // synopsys translate_on
71 `include "pci_constants.v"
72 `include "bus_commands.v"
74 module pci_parity_check
75 (
76 reset_in,
77 clk_in,
78 pci_par_in,
79 pci_par_out,
80 pci_par_en_out,
81 pci_perr_in,
82 pci_perr_out,
83 pci_perr_out_in,
84 pci_perr_en_out,
85 pci_serr_en_in,
86 pci_serr_out,
87 pci_serr_out_in,
88 pci_serr_en_out,
89 pci_frame_reg_in,
90 pci_frame_en_in,
91 pci_irdy_en_in,
92 pci_irdy_reg_in,
93 pci_trdy_reg_in,
94 pci_trdy_en_in,
95 pci_par_en_in,
96 pci_ad_out_in,
97 pci_ad_reg_in,
98 pci_cbe_in_in,
99 pci_cbe_reg_in,
100 pci_cbe_out_in,
101 pci_cbe_en_in,
102 pci_ad_en_in,
103 par_err_response_in,
104 par_err_detect_out,
105 perr_mas_detect_out,
107 serr_enable_in,
108 sig_serr_out
110 );
112 // system inputs
113 input reset_in ;
114 input clk_in ;
116 // pci signals that are monitored or generated by parity error checker
117 input pci_par_in ; // pci PAR input
118 output pci_par_out ; // pci_PAR output
119 output pci_par_en_out ; // pci PAR enable output
120 input pci_perr_in ; // PERR# input
121 output pci_perr_out ; // PERR# output
122 output pci_perr_en_out ; // PERR# buffer enable output
123 input pci_serr_en_in ; // SERR enable input
124 output pci_serr_out ; // SERR# output
125 input pci_serr_out_in ; // SERR# output value input
126 input pci_perr_out_in ; // PERR# output value input
127 output pci_serr_en_out ; // SERR# buffer enable output
128 input pci_frame_reg_in ; // frame from pci bus input
129 input pci_frame_en_in ; // frame enable driven by master state machine
130 input pci_irdy_en_in ; // irdy enable input from PCI master
131 input pci_irdy_reg_in ; // irdy from PCI bus
132 input pci_trdy_reg_in ; // target ready from PCI bus
133 input pci_trdy_en_in ; // target ready output enable
134 input pci_par_en_in ; // par enable input
135 input [31:0] pci_ad_out_in ; // data driven by bridge to PCI
136 input [31:0] pci_ad_reg_in ; // data driven by other agents on PCI
137 input [3:0] pci_cbe_in_in ; // cbe driven by outside agents
138 input [3:0] pci_cbe_reg_in ; // registered cbe driven by outside agents
139 input [3:0] pci_cbe_out_in ; // cbe driven by pci master state machine
140 input pci_ad_en_in ; // ad enable input
141 input par_err_response_in ; // parity error response bit from conf.space
142 output par_err_detect_out ; // parity error detected signal out
143 output perr_mas_detect_out ; // master asserted PERR or sampled PERR asserted
144 input serr_enable_in ; // system error enable bit from conf.space
145 output sig_serr_out ; // signalled system error output for configuration space
146 input pci_cbe_en_in ;
148 // FFs for frame input - used for determining whether PAR is sampled for address phase or for data phase
149 reg frame_dec2 ;
150 reg check_perr ;
152 /*=======================================================================================================================
153 CBE lines' parity is needed for overall parity calculation
154 =======================================================================================================================*/
155 wire par_cbe_out = pci_cbe_out_in[3] ^ pci_cbe_out_in[2] ^ pci_cbe_out_in[1] ^ pci_cbe_out_in[0] ;
156 wire par_cbe_in = pci_cbe_reg_in[3] ^ pci_cbe_reg_in[2] ^ pci_cbe_reg_in[1] ^ pci_cbe_reg_in[0] ;
158 /*=======================================================================================================================
159 Parity generator - parity is generated and assigned to output on every clock edge. PAR output enable is active
160 one clock cycle after data output enable. Depending on whether master is performing access or target is responding,
161 apropriate cbe data is included in parity generation. Non - registered CBE is used during reads through target SM
162 =======================================================================================================================*/
164 // generate appropriate par signal
165 wire data_par = (pci_ad_out_in[31] ^ pci_ad_out_in[30] ^ pci_ad_out_in[29] ^ pci_ad_out_in[28]) ^
166 (pci_ad_out_in[27] ^ pci_ad_out_in[26] ^ pci_ad_out_in[25] ^ pci_ad_out_in[24]) ^
167 (pci_ad_out_in[23] ^ pci_ad_out_in[22] ^ pci_ad_out_in[21] ^ pci_ad_out_in[20]) ^
168 (pci_ad_out_in[19] ^ pci_ad_out_in[18] ^ pci_ad_out_in[17] ^ pci_ad_out_in[16]) ^
169 (pci_ad_out_in[15] ^ pci_ad_out_in[14] ^ pci_ad_out_in[13] ^ pci_ad_out_in[12]) ^
170 (pci_ad_out_in[11] ^ pci_ad_out_in[10] ^ pci_ad_out_in[9] ^ pci_ad_out_in[8]) ^
171 (pci_ad_out_in[7] ^ pci_ad_out_in[6] ^ pci_ad_out_in[5] ^ pci_ad_out_in[4]) ^
172 (pci_ad_out_in[3] ^ pci_ad_out_in[2] ^ pci_ad_out_in[1] ^ pci_ad_out_in[0]) ;
174 wire par_out_only = data_par ^ par_cbe_out ;
176 pci_par_crit par_gen
177 (
178 .par_out (pci_par_out),
179 .par_out_in (par_out_only),
180 .pci_cbe_en_in (pci_cbe_en_in),
181 .data_par_in (data_par),
182 .pci_cbe_in (pci_cbe_in_in)
183 ) ;
185 // PAR enable = ad output enable delayed by one clock
186 assign pci_par_en_out = pci_ad_en_in ;
188 /*=======================================================================================================================
189 Parity checker - parity is checked on every clock cycle. When parity error is detected, appropriate action is taken
190 to signal address parity errors on SERR if enabled and data parity errors on PERR# if enabled. Logic also drives
191 outputs to configuration space to set appropriate status bits if parity error is detected. PAR signal is checked on
192 master read operations or writes through pci target. Master read is performed when master drives irdy output and
193 doesn't drive ad lines. Writes through target are performed when target is driving trdy and doesn't drive ad lines.
194 =======================================================================================================================*/
196 // equation indicating whether to check and generate or not PERR# signal on next cycle
197 wire perr_generate = ~pci_par_en_in && ~pci_ad_en_in // par was not generated on this cycle, so it should be checked
198 && ((pci_irdy_en_in && ~pci_trdy_reg_in) || // and master is driving irdy and target is signaling ready
199 (pci_trdy_en_in && ~pci_irdy_reg_in)) ; // or target is driving trdy and master is signaling ready
201 wire data_in_par = (pci_ad_reg_in[31] ^ pci_ad_reg_in[30] ^ pci_ad_reg_in[29] ^ pci_ad_reg_in[28]) ^
202 (pci_ad_reg_in[27] ^ pci_ad_reg_in[26] ^ pci_ad_reg_in[25] ^ pci_ad_reg_in[24]) ^
203 (pci_ad_reg_in[23] ^ pci_ad_reg_in[22] ^ pci_ad_reg_in[21] ^ pci_ad_reg_in[20]) ^
204 (pci_ad_reg_in[19] ^ pci_ad_reg_in[18] ^ pci_ad_reg_in[17] ^ pci_ad_reg_in[16]) ^
205 (pci_ad_reg_in[15] ^ pci_ad_reg_in[14] ^ pci_ad_reg_in[13] ^ pci_ad_reg_in[12]) ^
206 (pci_ad_reg_in[11] ^ pci_ad_reg_in[10] ^ pci_ad_reg_in[9] ^ pci_ad_reg_in[8]) ^
207 (pci_ad_reg_in[7] ^ pci_ad_reg_in[6] ^ pci_ad_reg_in[5] ^ pci_ad_reg_in[4]) ^
208 (pci_ad_reg_in[3] ^ pci_ad_reg_in[2] ^ pci_ad_reg_in[1] ^ pci_ad_reg_in[0]) ;
210 //wire perr = (cbe_par_reg ^ pci_par_in ^ data_in_par) ;
211 wire perr ;
212 wire perr_n ;
213 wire perr_en ;
215 assign pci_perr_out = perr_n ;
217 // parity error output assignment
218 //assign pci_perr_out = ~(perr && perr_generate) ;
220 wire non_critical_par = par_cbe_in ^ data_in_par ;
222 pci_perr_crit perr_crit_gen
223 (
224 .perr_out (perr),
225 .perr_n_out (perr_n),
226 .non_critical_par_in(non_critical_par),
227 .pci_par_in (pci_par_in),
228 .perr_generate_in (perr_generate)
229 ) ;
231 // PERR# enable
232 wire pci_perr_en_reg ;
233 pci_perr_en_crit perr_en_crit_gen
234 (
235 .reset_in (reset_in),
236 .clk_in (clk_in),
237 .perr_en_out (pci_perr_en_out),
238 .perr_en_reg_out (pci_perr_en_reg),
239 .non_critical_par_in (non_critical_par),
240 .pci_par_in (pci_par_in),
241 .perr_generate_in (perr_generate),
242 .par_err_response_in (par_err_response_in)
243 ) ;
245 // address phase decoding
246 always@(posedge reset_in or posedge clk_in)
247 begin
248 if (reset_in)
249 frame_dec2 <= #`FF_DELAY 1'b0 ;
250 else
251 frame_dec2 <= #`FF_DELAY pci_frame_reg_in ;
252 end
254 // address phase parity error checking - done after address phase is detected - which is - when bridge's master is not driving frame,
255 // frame was asserted on previous cycle and was not asserted two cycles before.
256 wire check_for_serr_on_first = ~pci_frame_reg_in && frame_dec2 && ~pci_frame_en_in ;
258 reg check_for_serr_on_second ;
259 always@(posedge reset_in or posedge clk_in)
260 begin
261 if ( reset_in )
262 check_for_serr_on_second <= #`FF_DELAY 1'b0 ;
263 else
264 check_for_serr_on_second <= #`FF_DELAY check_for_serr_on_first && ( pci_cbe_reg_in == `BC_DUAL_ADDR_CYC ) ;
265 end
267 wire check_for_serr = check_for_serr_on_first || check_for_serr_on_second ;
269 wire serr_generate = check_for_serr && serr_enable_in && par_err_response_in ;
271 pci_serr_en_crit serr_en_crit_gen
272 (
273 .serr_en_out (pci_serr_en_out),
274 .pci_par_in (pci_par_in),
275 .non_critical_par_in(non_critical_par),
276 .serr_generate_in (serr_generate)
277 );
280 // serr is enabled only for reporting errors - route this signal to configuration space
281 assign sig_serr_out = pci_serr_en_in ;
283 // SERR# output is always 0, just enable is driven apropriately
284 pci_serr_crit serr_crit_gen
285 (
286 .serr_out (pci_serr_out),
287 .non_critical_par_in (non_critical_par),
288 .pci_par_in (pci_par_in),
289 .serr_check_in (check_for_serr)
290 );
292 /*=======================================================================================================================================
293 Synchronizing mechanism detecting what is supposed to be done - PERR# generation or PERR# checking
294 =======================================================================================================================================*/
295 // perr should be checked one clock after PAR is generated
296 always@(posedge reset_in or posedge clk_in)
297 begin
298 if ( reset_in )
299 check_perr <= #`FF_DELAY 1'b0 ;
300 else
301 check_perr <= #`FF_DELAY pci_par_en_in ;
302 end
304 wire perr_sampled_in = ~pci_perr_in && check_perr ;
305 reg perr_sampled ;
306 always@(posedge reset_in or posedge clk_in)
307 begin
308 if (reset_in)
309 perr_sampled <= #`FF_DELAY 1'b0 ;
310 else
311 perr_sampled <= #`FF_DELAY perr_sampled_in ;
312 end
314 // assign output for parity error detected bit
315 assign par_err_detect_out = ~pci_serr_out_in || ~pci_perr_out_in ;//|| perr_sampled ; MihaD - removed - detected parity error is set only during Master Reads or Target Writes
317 // FF indicating that that last operation was done as bus master
318 reg frame_and_irdy_en_prev ;
319 reg frame_and_irdy_en_prev_prev ;
320 reg master_perr_report ;
321 always@(posedge reset_in or posedge clk_in)
322 begin
323 if ( reset_in )
324 begin
325 master_perr_report <= #`FF_DELAY 1'b0 ;
326 frame_and_irdy_en_prev <= #`FF_DELAY 1'b0 ;
327 frame_and_irdy_en_prev_prev <= #`FF_DELAY 1'b0 ;
328 end
329 else
330 begin
331 master_perr_report <= #`FF_DELAY frame_and_irdy_en_prev_prev ;
332 frame_and_irdy_en_prev <= #`FF_DELAY pci_irdy_en_in && pci_frame_en_in ;
333 frame_and_irdy_en_prev_prev <= #`FF_DELAY frame_and_irdy_en_prev ;
334 end
335 end
337 assign perr_mas_detect_out = master_perr_report && ( (par_err_response_in && perr_sampled) || pci_perr_en_reg ) ;
339 endmodule
Impressum, Datenschutz