source files also moved, so be sure to do a cvs update -dp _without_
modified files!
setmode -bscan
setcable -p auto
-assignFile -p 3 -file pci_7seg.bit
+assignFile -p 3 -file raggedstone.bit
program -p 3
TMP = tmp/
$(shell mkdir tmp)
-PROJECT := pci_7seg
+PROJECT := raggedstone
all: xst ngdbuild map par trace prom final
vhdl work "source/new_pciregs.vhd"
vhdl work "source/pcipargen.vhd"
vhdl work "source/new_pci32tlite.vhd"
-vhdl work "source/top_pci_7seg.vhd"
+vhdl work "source/top_raggedstone.vhd"
vhdl work "source/heartbeat.vhd"
set -xsthdpdir ./xst
--ifn pci_7seg.prj
+-ifn raggedstone.prj
-ifmt mixed
--ofn pci_7seg
+-ofn raggedstone
-ofmt NGC
-p xc3s1500-4-fg456
--top pci_7seg
+-top raggedstone
-opt_mode Speed
-opt_level 1
-iuc NO
--lso pci_7seg.lso
+-lso raggedstone.lso
-keep_hierarchy NO
-glob_opt AllClockNets
-rtlview Yes
--| ENTITY |\r
-entity pci_7seg is\r
+entity raggedstone is\r
port (\r
-- General \r
LED_ALIVE : out std_logic\r
-end pci_7seg;\r
+end raggedstone;\r
-architecture pci_7seg_arch of pci_7seg is\r
+architecture raggedstone_arch of raggedstone is\r
led_o => LED_ALIVE\r
-end pci_7seg_arch;\r
+end raggedstone_arch;\r