--- /dev/null
+Sprite_tms hack to communicate with a Rigol DS1000-series scope using Linux.
+This code is licensed under the GPL V3.
+Warning: This code can in theory fubar the communications with the scope to a
+point where the Linux USB-stack seems to get confused. Do a
+rmmod uhci_hcd; modprobe uhci_hcd
+(or alternately: use ohci_hcd) if that happens and you should be fine.
+#include <usb.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <readline/readline.h>
+#include <readline/history.h>
+unsigned char seq=0;
+//This routine locates a scope by VID/PID and returns an opened handle to it.
+usb_dev_handle *find_scope() {
+ struct usb_bus *bus;
+ struct usb_device *dev=NULL;
+ usb_find_busses();
+ usb_find_devices();
+ for (bus=usb_busses; bus; bus=bus->next) {
+ for (dev=bus->devices; dev; dev=dev->next) {
+// fprintf(stderr,"Prod/dev: %04X:%04X\n",dev->descriptor.idVendor,dev->descriptor.idProduct);
+ if (dev->descriptor.idVendor==0x400 && dev->descriptor.idProduct==0x5dc) {
+ return usb_open(dev);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+//Helper-routine: Convert a little-endian 4-byte word to an int
+void int2chars(unsigned char *buff,unsigned int a) {
+ buff[3]=(a>>24)&0xff;
+ buff[2]=(a>>16)&0xff;
+ buff[1]=(a>>8)&0xff;
+ buff[0]=(a)&0xff;
+//Helper-routine: Convert an int to little-endian 4-byte word
+unsigned int chars2int(unsigned char *buff) {
+ unsigned int a;
+ a=buff[3]<<24;
+ a+=buff[2]<<16;
+ a+=buff[1]<<8;
+ a+=buff[0];
+ return a;
+#define MIN(a,b) (((a)<(b))?(a):(b))
+inline char printable (char ch)
+ if (ch < ' ') return '.';
+ if (ch > '~') return '.';
+ return ch;
+//Debugging: Print a buffers contents in hex
+void printb (unsigned char *pkt, int len)
+ int i, j;
+ for (i=0;i<len;i+= 16) {
+ printf ("%04x: ", i);
+ for (j=0;j < MIN(len-i, 16);j++) {
+ printf (" %02x", pkt[i+j]);
+ if (j == 7) printf (" ");
+ }
+ if (j < 7) printf (" ");
+ for (;j<17;j++)
+ printf (" ");
+ for (j=0;j < MIN(len-i, 16);j++) {
+ printf ("%c", printable (pkt[i+j]));
+ }
+ printf ("\n");
+ }
+//Send a scpi-command to the scope. The response goes into the buffer
+//called resp, with a size of resplen. If resp==NULL, no response
+//is requested.
+int sendscpi(usb_dev_handle *dev, unsigned char* cmd,
+ unsigned char *resp, int resplen) {
+ char *buff;
+ int len,r,i;
+ buff=malloc(0x40);
+ seq++;
+ buff[0]=1; //func
+ buff[1]=seq; buff[2]=~seq; //nseq
+ buff[3]=0;
+ int2chars(buff+4,strlen(cmd));
+ buff[8]=1;
+ buff[9]=0x37;
+ buff[10]=0x39;
+ buff[11]=0x39;
+ // fprintf(stderr,"Writing header len=%d\n", strlen (cmd));
+// printb(buff,12);
+ r=usb_bulk_write(dev,1,buff,12,1000);
+// fprintf(stderr,"%i bytes written. Writing cmd\n",r);
+// printb(cmd,strlen(cmd));
+ r=usb_bulk_write(dev,1,cmd,strlen(cmd),1000);
+// fprintf(stderr,"%i bytes written.\n",r);
+ if (resp != NULL && resplen != 0) {
+ //send read command
+ buff[0]=2; //func
+ seq++;
+ buff[1]=seq; buff[2]=~seq; //nseq
+ int2chars(buff+4,0x40);
+ buff[8]=1;
+ buff[9]=0xA;
+ buff[10]=0;
+ buff[11]=0;
+// fprintf(stderr,"Writing resp req header\n");
+// printb(buff,12);
+ r=usb_bulk_write(dev,1,buff,12,1000);
+// fprintf(stderr,"%i bytes written. Reading response hdr\n",r);
+ r=usb_bulk_read(dev,2,buff,0x40,1000);
+// printb(buff,r);
+ len=chars2int(buff+4);
+ // fprintf(stderr,"%i bytes read. Resplen=%i\n",r,len);
+ for (i=0; i<(r-12); i++) {
+ if (i<resplen) resp[i] = buff[i+12];
+ }
+// printb(resp,r-12);
+ if (len > 0x40-12) {
+// fprintf(stderr," Reading response:\n");
+ if (resplen<len) len=resplen;
+ r=usb_bulk_read(dev,2,resp+(0x40-12),len-(0x40-12),1000);
+ // fprintf(stderr,"%i bytes read, wanted %i.\n", r, len-(0x40-12));
+ return r+(0x40-12);
+ }
+ return len;
+ }
+ return 0;
+//Initialize the scope.
+void initscope(usb_dev_handle *dev) {
+ int r;
+ char buff[10];
+ usb_claim_interface(dev,0);
+ //The following code isn't really necessary, the program works
+ //OK without it too.
+ r=usb_control_msg(dev, 0xC8, 9, 0, 0, buff, 4, 1000);
+ if (r < 0) {
+ fprintf (stderr, "Error %d sending init message: %s\n",
+ r, strerror (-r));
+ fprintf (stderr, "Do you have permission on the USB device?\n");
+ exit (1);
+ }
+ if (chars2int(buff)!=0x40004dc) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Init: buff[%i]=%x\n",r,chars2int(buff));
+ }
+ return;
+char *readline (prompt)
+ char *buf;
+ printf (prompt);
+ fflush (stdout);
+ buf = malloc (1024);
+ if (fgets (buf, 1023, stdin) == NULL) {
+ free (buf);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ l = strlen (buf);
+ if (buf[l-1] == '\n') {
+ buf[l] = 0;
+ }
+ return buf;
+void add_history (char *buf)
+void do_plot (struct usb_dev_handle *sc)
+ unsigned char ch1[1024], ch2[1024];
+ int i, l;
+ static FILE *gnuplot=NULL;
+ FILE *fp;
+ l = sendscpi(sc, ":WAV:DATA? CHANEL1", ch1, 1024);
+ if (l != 1024) {
+ printf ("hmm. didnt' get 1024 bytes. \n");
+ }
+ l = sendscpi(sc, ":WAV:DATA? CHANNEL2", ch2, 1024);
+ if (l != 1024) {
+ printf ("hmm. didnt' get 1024 bytes. \n");
+ }
+ if (!gnuplot) {
+ gnuplot = popen ("gnuplot", "w");
+ }
+ fp = fopen ("temp.dat", "w");
+ for (i=0xd4;i<0x32c;i++)
+ // for (i=0;i<0x400;i++)
+ fprintf (fp, "%d %d\n", 255 - ch1[i], 255 - ch2[i]);
+ fclose (fp);
+ fprintf (gnuplot, "plot 'temp.dat' using 1 with lines, 'temp.dat' using 2 with lines\n");
+ fflush (gnuplot);
+#define ERROR -1e100
+double get_float_from_scope (struct usb_dev_handle *sc, char *var)
+ unsigned char buf[1024];
+ double temp;
+ int l;
+ l = sendscpi(sc, var, buf, 1024);
+ if (l > 0) {
+ sscanf (buf, "%lf", &temp);
+ return temp;
+ }
+ return ERROR;
+void do_get_buf (struct usb_dev_handle *sc)
+ FILE *fp;
+ int i, j, l, bp;
+ unsigned char buf[1024], ch1[1024];
+ unsigned char data[512*1024];
+ double sampfreq;
+ sendscpi (sc, ":STOP", NULL, 0);
+ sampfreq = get_float_from_scope (sc, ":ACQ:SAMP?");
+ printf ("Got sampling freq: %g\n", sampfreq);
+ sprintf (buf, ":TIM:SCAL %.15f", 50 / sampfreq);
+ printf ("sending scale cmd: %s\n", buf);
+ sendscpi (sc, buf, NULL, 0);
+ sleep (1);
+ bp=0;
+ for (i=-254*1024;i< 254*1024;i += 600) {
+ sprintf (buf, ":TIM:OFFSET %.15f", i / sampfreq);
+ printf ("Sending offset cmd: %s\n", buf);
+ sendscpi (sc, buf, NULL, 0);
+ l = sendscpi(sc, ":WAV:DATA? CHANEL1", ch1, 1024);
+ if (l != 1024) {
+ printf ("hmm. didnt' get 1024 bytes. \n");
+ }
+ for (j=0;j<600;j++)
+ data[bp++] = ch1[j+0xd4];
+ }
+ printf ("Got %d bytes of data. \n", bp);
+ fp = fopen ("ch1.dump", "w");
+ fwrite (data, bp, 1, fp);
+ fclose (fp);
+ sendscpi (sc, ":TIM:OFFSET 0", NULL, 0);
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+ struct usb_dev_handle *sc;
+ char *scpi, *buff;
+ int l;
+ //Init libusb
+ usb_init();
+ //Locate and open the scope
+ sc=find_scope();
+ if (!sc) {
+ printf("No scope found.\n");
+ exit(1);
+ } else {
+ printf("Scope found.\n");
+ }
+ //Initialize scope
+ initscope(sc);
+ buff = malloc (1024*1024);
+ while (1) {
+ scpi = readline ("> ");
+ if (!scpi) break;
+ if (strlen (scpi) == 0) {
+ free (scpi);
+ continue;
+ }
+ add_history (scpi);
+ if (strncmp (scpi, "quit", 4) == 0) break;
+ if (strncmp (scpi, "plot", 4) == 0) {
+ do_plot (sc);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (strncmp (scpi, "databuf", 4) == 0) {
+ do_get_buf (sc);
+ continue;
+ }
+ l = strlen (scpi);
+ // printf ("got buf(%d): ", l);
+ // printb (scpi, l+2);
+ if (strchr (scpi, '?')) {
+ // printf ("Expecting reply\n");
+ l = sendscpi(sc, scpi, buff, 1024*1024);
+ // printf ("Got replylen = %d.\n", l);
+ buff[l] = 0; //zero-terminate
+ printb (buff, l);
+ } else {
+ // printf ("No reply expected\n");
+ l=sendscpi(sc,scpi,NULL,0);
+ }
+ free (scpi);
+ }
+ //Disable keylock, so the user doesn't have to press the 'force'-button
+ l=sendscpi(sc, ":KEY:LOCK DISABLE",NULL,0);
+ //Free up and exit
+ usb_release_interface(sc,0);
+ usb_close(sc);
+ return 0;