HomeMatic windows configuration software, also supporting devices using
AES-signing like [KeyMatic][].
-[HM-CFG-USB(2)]: http://www.eq-3.de/produkte/homematic/zentralen-und-gateways/homematic-funk-konfigurationsadapter-usb.html
+[HM-CFG-USB(2)]: http://www.eq-3.de/Downloads/eq3/downloads_produktkatalog/homematic/bda/HM-CFG-USB-2_-UM-eQ-3-150129-web.pdf
[ELV]: http://www.elv.de/
[libusb 1.0]: http://www.libusb.org/
[BidCoS-Packets]: http://homegear.eu/index.php/BidCoS%C2%AE_Packets
[hmusbif.03c7.enc]: https://git.zerfleddert.de/hmcfgusb/firmware/hmusbif.03c7.enc
[Firmware update tool]: http://www.eq-3.de/Downloads/Software/Firmware%20Update%20Tool/HM-CFG-USB-2_FW-UpdateTool-Usersoftware_V1_1_eQ-3_140619.zip
-### Updating HomemMatic devices over the air (OTA) (also for CUL devices): ###
+### Updating HomemMatic devices over the air (OTA) (also for CUL- and HM-MOD-UART-devices): ###
1. Compile the hmcfgusb utilities like in the hmland HowTo above
(steps 1 to 5) and stay in the directory
* When using the **[HM-CFG-USB(2)][]**, flash the new firmware to the device
with serial *KEQ0123456*:
`./flash-ota -f hm_cc_rt_dn_update_V1_4_001_141020.eq3 -s KEQ0123456`
-* When using a **[culfw][]**-based device (**[CUL][]/[COC][]/...**), flash
- the new firmware to the device with serial *KEQ0123456*:
+* When using a **[culfw][]**-, **[a-culfw][]**- or **[tsculfw][]**-based
+ device (**[CUL][]/[COC][]/...**), flash the new firmware to the device
+ with serial *KEQ0123456*:
`./flash-ota -f hm_cc_rt_dn_update_V1_4_001_141020.eq3 -s KEQ0123456 -c /dev/ttyACM0`
+* When using the **[HM-MOD-UART][]**, flash the new firmware to the device
+ with serial *KEQ0123456*:
+ `./flash-ota -f hm_cc_rt_dn_update_V1_4_001_141020.eq3 -s KEQ0123456 -U /dev/ttyAMA0`
**Automatic firmware-updates:**
The options `-C` (HMID of central), `-D` (HMID of device) and `-K` (AES key w/
[eQ-3]: http://www.eq-3.de/downloads.html
[culfw]: http://culfw.de/culfw.html
+[a-culfw]: https://forum.fhem.de/index.php?topic=35064.0
+[tsculfw]: https://forum.fhem.de/index.php?topic=24436.0
[CUL]: http://busware.de/tiki-index.php?page=CUL
[COC]: http://busware.de/tiki-index.php?page=COC
+[HM-MOD-UART]: https://www.elv.de/homematic-funkmodul-fuer-raspberry-pi-bausatz.html
[AES implementation by Brad Conte]: https://github.com/B-Con/crypto-algorithms
+hmcfgusb (0.103-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * flash-ota: add support for HM-HMOD-UART and TSCUL
+ * hmsniff: add support for HM-MOD-UART
+ * flash-hmmoduart: firmware updating on HM-MOD-UART
+ * flash-ota: various bug-fixes
+ -- Michael Gernoth <michael@gernoth.net> Mon, 23 Jan 2016 10:19:08 +0200
hmcfgusb (0.102-1) unstable; urgency=low
* hmland: decrease poll-timeout to 250ms to improve performance