+15:49 < j`ey> https://github.com/AsahiLinux/asahi-installer/blob/main/src/osinstall.py#L141
+15:49 < j`ey> cat m1n1.bin <(echo 'chainload=$ESP_UUID;$BOOT_OBJ_PATH') > blah.bin
+16:43 < povik> marcan: two fixes on top of 'asahi' that should make it into the release: https://github.com/povik/linux/commits/asahi-fixes
+# boot into 1tr
+diskutil list
+diskutil info <identifier of esp>
+curl -sLo tg.st/u/m1n1-rust.bin
+cat m1n1-rust.bin <(echo 'chainload=<ESP Partition UUID>;m1n1/boot.bin') <(echo 'chosen.asahi,efi-system-partition=<ESP Parition UUID>') > object.bin
+kmutil configure-boot -c object.bin --raw --entry-point 2048 --lowest-virtual-address 0 -v /Volumes/Linux
+20:29 < Glanzmann> One question though what is difference between chosen.asahi,efi-system-partition=EFI-PARTITION-PARTUUID and chainload=EFI-PARTITION-PARTUUID;m1n1/boot.bin?
+20:30 < jannau> chainload tell's the 1st stage m1n1 from where to load the second stage
+20:31 < jannau> chosen.asahi,efi-system-partition is added to the dt mostly to allow u-boot to boot from the correct ESP
+20:32 < Glanzmann> I see. Thank you for the elaboration.
+20:32 < jannau> chosen.asahi,efi-system-partition is passed from the 1st stage forward to the second stage
+20:33 < Glanzmann> I see, so the first stage informs the second stage about the uuid of the esp partition which is than passed using dt to u-boot which can than select the right esp to select the efi binary.