1 fnordlicht original hardware
2 ===========================================================================
6 clock-source external xtal: CHKSEL = 0
11 high fuse byte (with bootloader, leave at 0xd9 for use without bootloader):
12 512 words bootloader size: BOOTSZ0 = 1
15 reset vector, jump to bootloader on reset: BOOTRST = 0
17 -> default: 0b11011001 = 0xd9
18 new: 0b11011010 = 0xda
22 SPM is not allowed to write to the Boot Loader section BLB12 = 1
30 clock-source external xtal: CHKSEL = 0
32 disable system clock divide by 8: CKDIV8 = 1
34 -> default: 0b01100010 = 0x62
35 new: 0b11100000 = 0xe0
39 no eeprom erase on chip erase: EESAVE = 0
41 -> default: 0b11011111 = 0xdf
42 new: 0b11010111 = 0xd7
46 1024 words bootloader size: BOOTSZ0 = 0
49 reset vector, jump to bootloader on reset: BOOTRST = 0
55 SPM is not allowed to write to the Boot Loader section BLB12 = 1
58 -> default: 0b111111 = 0x3f
62 fnordlichtmini hardware
63 ===========================================================================
67 clock-source external xtal: CHKSEL[1..3] = 111
68 slowly rising power, 65ms startup timeout: CHKSEL[0] = 1, SUT[0..1] = 11
69 enable brown-out detector: BODEN = 0
70 require ~4v for safe operation: BODLEVEL = 0
73 new: 0b00111111 = 0x3f
75 high fuse byte (with bootloader, leave at 0xd9 for use without bootloader):
76 512 words bootloader size: BOOTSZ0 = 1
79 reset vector, jump to bootloader on reset: BOOTRST = 0
81 -> default: 0b11011001 = 0xd9
82 new: 0b11011010 = 0xda
86 SPM is not allowed to write to the Boot Loader section BLB12 = 1
93 ==========================================================================
97 clock-source external xtal: CHKSEL = 0111
99 disable system clock divide by 8: CKDIV8 = 1
101 -> default: 0b01100010 = 0x62
102 new: 0b11100111 = 0xe7
107 -> default: 0b11011111 = 0xdf
111 1024 words bootloader size: BOOTSZ0 = 0
114 reset vector, jump to bootloader on reset: BOOTRST = 0
116 -> default: 0b001 = 0x01
121 SPM is not allowed to write to the Boot Loader section BLB12 = 1
124 -> default: 0b111111 = 0x3f