Implemented new FPGA mode for iclass tag simulation. Reduces arm-side size of transfer/memory by a factor of 8. Makes for easier arm-side encoding of messages, for when we start needing to do that on the fly instead of using precalculated messages
marshmellow42 [Fri, 9 Jan 2015 21:46:17 +0000 (16:46 -0500)]
lf search use new psk, small demod adjustments
adjust thresholds for ask, fsk, io, psk based on more sample testing
adjust indala decode to set clock to 32 if no input (autodetect not
always correct)
iceman1001 [Wed, 7 Jan 2015 21:00:29 +0000 (22:00 +0100)]
FIX: a solution for the issue "hf mf esave - always saves 4K"
FIX: a solution for the issue "hf eload, esave, cload, save - filepath variable too short"
CHG: minor code clean up.
ADD: AES / CRC16 for lua. (and tnp3xx scripts.)
ADD: tnp3dump.lua script to dump tnp3xx tags.
ADD: tnp3sim.lua script to let PM3 imitate an tnp3xx tag. Needs to be tested live
iceman1001 [Wed, 7 Jan 2015 20:06:15 +0000 (21:06 +0100)]
ADD: added a lot of ic ids to cmdhf15.c Thanks to Asper for the list.
ADD: added a manufacturer list in "hf 14a reader", only viable when UID is double or triple size. Thanks to Asper for the list.
ADD: detect chinese magic backdoor commands in "hf 14a reader"
CHG: minor code clean up.
iceman1001 [Mon, 5 Jan 2015 14:51:27 +0000 (15:51 +0100)]
CHG: generic code clean up. Removal of commented code.
CHG: USB_CMD_DATA_SIZE is now used as maxsize for transfer of data between client and pm3device
CHG: suggested a fix for the underscore problem in ioclass\fileutils.c
ADD: tnp3xx support
ADD: nxp tag idents.
ADD: identifiction of chinese backdoor commands to hf 14a reader.
Added loclass-functionality into the pm3,the functionality provided by loclass can now be invoked directly from the pm3. Also fixed some issues with how prnlog called PrintAndLog, and added some testdata for the loclass self-tests
Reworked how 'hf 14a list' and 'hf iclass list' works, to use the same method. Now. use 'hf list 14a' and 'hf list iclass' instead. Plus, the output is now annotated (although the annotation-engine could use a bit more love from someone more familiar with the available commands
Some work on iclass dump and iclass list, now the dumping is a lot more stable. I think the comms should be measured and tuned a bit more, right now it kind of works thanks to retry-functionality, but the retries are probably not needed if we are a bit more careful about timing, so we don't send commands too fast for the tag to handle
Some work on iclass, started on some better support in 'hf iclass list' and also fixes to 'hf iclass reader' so it exits better when the button is pressed
marshmellow42 [Tue, 30 Dec 2014 21:08:33 +0000 (16:08 -0500)]
LF demod/cmd code cleanup + new lf search
cleaned up and error proof code. plus added new command lf search
when online it will lf read - data samples 20000 - and test for EM410x,
HID, IO Prox, and indala cards. when offline it will test current
marshmellow42 [Mon, 29 Dec 2014 20:32:53 +0000 (15:32 -0500)]
LF Demod bug fixes and add lf em em410xdemod
fixed a few bugs in lf demod that the streamlining added. added new lf
em em410xdemod command that loops until button pressed. (similar to lf
hid fskdemod
marshmellow42 [Wed, 24 Dec 2014 16:48:41 +0000 (11:48 -0500)]
Created new detectclock function + EM decode addons
new detectclock is somewhat more reliable for ASK modulated tags. added
this detect to askrawdemod if no clock in passed as an argument. also
added more EM ID formats to output
marshmellow42 [Tue, 23 Dec 2014 17:00:13 +0000 (12:00 -0500)]
Add auto check for EM410x format to askrawdemod cmd
added EM410x format check and print to the data askrawdemod command. if
it finds valid em410x format & parities it will print the EM ID and
Unique ID and a few others.
pwpiwi [Tue, 23 Dec 2014 10:11:52 +0000 (11:11 +0100)]
bugfixes in iso14443a.c and hf 14a reader
- introduced with the big frame and parity support (commit 6a1f2d82): tag responses with len%8 == 0 were dropped - thanks iceman for testing and finding
- after unsuccessful hf 14a reader the field stayed on. Thanks to iceman for proposing the fix.
pwpiwi [Sat, 20 Dec 2014 20:56:12 +0000 (21:56 +0100)]
Merge pull request #33 from pwpiwi/master
Support for bigger iso14443 frames (including parity calculation)
unify hw tune and data tune
fix hf epa cnonces
adapt hf iclass list to new trace format
pwpiwi [Wed, 17 Dec 2014 16:38:13 +0000 (17:38 +0100)]
unify/refactor hw tune and data tune
- unified hw tune and Enio's great data tune
- don't use BigBuf (and hardcoded Offset)
- removed special handling of CMD_MEASURED_ANTENNA_TUNING
in UsbCommandReceived()
pwpiwi [Tue, 16 Dec 2014 06:41:07 +0000 (07:41 +0100)]
bugfixes iso14443a (hf 14a commands)
- buffers were too small to handle 256 byte frames
- parity bits were only handled for up to 32 byte frames
- trace format was inefficient
- removed parity calculation from decoders in iclass.c (parity not used on air anyway)